Page 19 of Falling for Trouble

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The world closed in on him until he had tunnel vision. Why was he surprised? She was a beautiful girl, and any guy who didn’t realize that and want to jump at the opportunity was a fucking moron. Any man would be damn lucky to have her, and he just might have blown his chance to be that man.

“A date? Like with a guy?” She didn’t respond right away, and he looked down at the screen to make sure she was still there. “Kid?” Obviously, he said something wrong.

“Why did you say that?” She was quiet, but he also heard how pissed she was.

Fuck. This was so not the way this day was supposed to go. “Say what?” Of course he knew what she was referring to, because after he said it, he knew he fucked up. Still, he played dumb. Maybe she would take pity on him and give him a break for putting his foot in his mouth.

“Do you think that I can’t get someone to take me on a date, Abe?”

He ran his hand through his hair and breathed out. “Calm down, Sophia. I’m not saying anything like that. I’m just asking.” Because I’m a jealous asshole who doesn’t deserve you but still wants a chance.

“Yes, I have a date with an actual guy, believe it or not.”

“Where is all this hostility coming from?”

There was rustling in the background, and then she said, “Listen, it really isn’t a big deal, and I’m sorry for being short with you. I just wanted to let you know I won’t be there, but I’ll try to free up some time so we can get together later, okay?”

He wanted to press her, wanted to beg her like some sappy fool to ditch whoever the hell she was going on a date with and spend that time with him, but of course he kept his mouth shut. He sucked up his pride and muttered, “Okay, Kid. I’ll talk to you later.”

They disconnected, and he sat there staring at his reflection. The jealousy he felt consumed him, but it was completely misplaced. Because of all the shit he had done in his life, he had no right. He hung his head and breathed out. After cleaning up, he headed back into his room and got dressed. He thought about letting her live her life, just staying the hell out of it, but then he shoved those fucking thoughts in the furthest recess of his mind.

What the hell, dude? How many times have you fucked a girl, knowing Kid was going to stop by in the morning? She may not want you like you want her, but if you really look back on all the fucked-up shit you did, you would see what a prick you’ve been.

Damn. He couldn’t be upset with her. Did he actually expect her to never have a guy? He hadn’t confessed how he felt. An image of long, smooth legs spread in front of him flashed through his mind and he closed his eyes. For the past couple of weeks he had been having these odd images of a mystery girl. How sad was it that he started fantasizing that the woman in his mind was actually Sophia giving herself to him?

It was getting to the point that when he closed his eyes, she was all he saw. He imagined the pussy that flashed in his mind and the scent of sweetened fruit that filled his senses was actually Sophia. Yeah, he was a dirty bastard for thinking such things about her.

He adjusted his dick, because picturing Kid that way got him hard as steel. Once outside, he headed to his bike. Red’s was his destination, and although the shop wasn’t open for business yet, he knew Seth would be there working on a bike or car.

Red was always there. He still needed to talk to Kid, but obviously that would have to wait. He didn’t want her mad at him, and right now she was.

Sophia needed a little space, and he’d give it to her, because he needed Sophia more than he needed to breathe.13Sophia pushed the door open to the small café where she was supposed to meet Hunter. He wanted to pick her up, all gentlemanly, but she declined.

When she called Abe this morning, she lied slightly. She did have a date, but she could have easily gone to his house and made him breakfast. She was glad she decided against going over there though. A little time apart would clear her head.

Her love for Abe was strong, but she needed to sever these feelings if she had any hope of moving on with her life. They were dangerous and would only lead to heartache. He might have changed for the better, but how long would that last? Her heart couldn’t handle going to his house and seeing the naked females, smelling the sex in the room.

Tags: Jenika Snow Erotic