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“Okay,” I shrugged. “So are we going now?”

“Sure, my eager beaver.” He laughed and pulled me toward him before kissing me hard. I melted into his chest, and his hands rested lightly on my ass before slowly pulling the back of my dress up. His fingers caressed my ass and he gasped as he realized I had no panties on. “You are a naughty girl.”

“I wanted to be accommodating.” I grinned and pressed myself into his erection as he growled against my ear.

“I’m going to blindfold you, Katie,” He whispered in my ear. “And I’m going to put earmuffs on your ears. I don’t want you to see or hear anything. I want every part of your body to be focused on me as you take me.”

“As I take you?”

“Remember my lap dance fantasy?” he whispered as his fingers teased me. “I want you to pretend you’re a stripper and f**k me.”

“How can I do that with a blindfold and earmuffs?” I shook my head.

“You’ll find a way.” He grinned at me. “When we get to the location, I’ll kiss you to let you know you can start.”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “This sounds awkward.”

“Do it for me, Katie.” He kissed me again. “I want to own your body tonight. Please me and I will please you.”

“Fine.” I grinned up at him. “But tomorrow morning, we need to talk. A serious talk. Do you hear me?”

“Fine.” He kissed my lips one more time. “Tomorrow we shall talk.”

He pulled away from me, took a blindfold out of his pocket, and placed it over my eyes. I was enveloped in darkness and suddenly felt very nervous. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn’t know what to expect. He then placed a pair of earmuffs over my ears and all sound was gone as well. I held on to his arm as he escorted me out of the door and into the elevator. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves as we got into the back of a car. Brandon stroked my leg as we drove and I leaned into him. I had no idea where we were going, but I was starting to get excited.

About twenty minutes later, Brandon escorted me out of the back of the car and we walked for about five minutes before he took me into a building. I wasn’t even sure where we were and if he was opening any doors or what since we stopped every few seconds for him to do something. Then he picked me up and carried me, and before I knew it, I was being placed on a lush velvet couch. The material was soft underneath me and I wondered if we were in his apartment. I so wanted to pull off the blindfold and the earmuffs, but I knew he would be upset, and part of me enjoyed the thrill of it all. I felt Brandon slide down next to me and his thigh felt warm against mine. I waited in sweet anticipation for him to kiss me, and when it came, I climbed eagerly into his lap.

I straddled him and grinned against his mouth as I felt his erection pressing into me. He kissed me hard and his tongue danced along with the beat of my h*ps as I gyrated on him. His hands pushed my ass against him harder and I groaned as he broke the kiss and sucked on my neck. I continued moving back and forth on him like I was some sort of dirty stripper and I moaned against his hair as his fingers slipped between my legs. His head then moved farther down my neck until his teeth were pulling the top of my dress to the side. Then I felt his lips on my nipple and I ran my hands to his hair and pulled.

I continued gyrating on him for about a minute before reaching down to let his c**k out. It felt hard and long, and I sat up a little bit before sliding down on him and taking him inside of me. His fingers gripped my waist and moved me up and down on him. I cried out as I bounced on top of him and rubbed my br**sts in his face. I could feel that he was about to orgasm at the same time I was, and I squeezed his shoulders as he bit down on my nipple. I moved faster and faster and screamed as I cl**axed on top of him. I could feel his body shuddering as he came in me and ripped the blindfold off of my face.

My eyes couldn’t even focus as my orgasm was so intense, but I soon realized that I was staring into the street. I looked around and realized that not only was I not in Brandon’s apartment, I was in a store somewhere, on a couch in the corner of the room. I looked around the dark room and discovered I was in a bar. I could see a couple of people across the way looking at us, and I froze on top of him. Brandon looked down at me with dark eyes and kissed me again as he slipped the earmuffs off. I was about to ask him where we were when I heard a voice behind me.

“I’m going to have to ask you both to leave this instant,” a familiar male voice spoke up and I froze. Brandon’s hands were still on my waist, holding me down on him, and I was unable to get off of his lap.

“We’ll be gone in a moment.” Brandon’s voice was terse. “I’m sure you understand that it will be better if I finish in her rather than on the couch.”

“Dude, if you don’t want me to call the cops, you better get out of here.” The man’s voice was shocked. “You and your girl need to leave my bar now.”

And then it hit me. I knew where I was. I twisted my head and saw the Getting Lucky sign on the door. My heart froze as I turned to look at the man who was speaking. It was the bartender from the other night. My face turned red as he stared at me, and his eyes widened in shock.

“Katie.” He took a step back and looked at me with a disappointed face.

“I, uh…” I stammered, not knowing what to say.

“We need to go, Katie.” Brandon’s voice was pleased as his hands released their grip on my waist. He made a show of pulling the back of my dress down and letting his fingers hover on my pu**y for a few seconds as he rubbed it gently. His hands then went to the front of my dress and pinched my ni**les before adjusting the top. He then slid me off of him and jumped up, pulling me up with him. “This is for your inconvenience.” He dropped some bills on the table and nodded at the bartender. “Let’s go.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him out of the bar. I looked at the ground in shame as we exited quickly. My blood was boiling and I didn’t know what to do.

“You’re mine, Katie,” he whispered in my ear as we left the bar. “I don’t expect you to ever come back to this bar.” His eyes glittered as he stared at me. “You better not lie to me and see that man ever again.”

Chapter 4


Katie’s eyes were wide with shock and anger, and I knew that I had pushed her too far. I was scared inside, and I knew my jealousy had allowed me to cross a line I shouldn’t have.

“How dare you!” She yanked her hand away from me. “Why did you do this?”

“I wanted to show the bartender that he could never have you.” The words sounded weak coming from my mouth. I knew that I sounded like some sort of caveman. But I didn’t know how to explain to her how much she meant to me and how badly I had hurt the night before when Matt had called me. I’d gone down to the bar after I’d gotten off of the phone with Matt with intentions of letting the bartender know that he needed to back off. But then I’d thought, What if he takes that as a reason to really start pursuing her? What if I saw them kissing or doing something even worse? I would have gone crazy. I’d pictured the blood in my mind and had texted and called Katie all night. But she hadn’t answered the phone or texted me back. She had all but confirmed my fears, and all I could think of was her with another man, letting him touch her and kiss her. It had driven me crazy. And in my mind, there was only one way for me to make sure that she never hooked up with him. He had to know and she had to know that she was mine.

“Why?” She shook her head and her eyes were devoid of light. “I barely even know him.”

“You kissed him!” I almost shouted, feeling angry again as I thought about her lips on his.

“How do you know that?” She paused and her eyes widened. “Are you having me followed?”

“No.” I shook my head quickly.

“Then how did you know I knew him?”

“You told me you kissed him. You told me!” I shouted and tried to grab her hands.

“I didn’t tell you where I was.” She pulled away from me. “Are you some freaking stalker, Brandon? Really, you’re a creeper and a stalker.”

“I know you came here last night as well.” I couldn’t stop myself. “You told me you were staying in, but you came here to see him again.”

“What?” Her mouth dropped open in shock. “How do you know I came here?”

“So you don’t deny it?” My heart broke as I realized that Matt hadn’t been lying. “You did come here to see him last night.”

“I came back last night because I forgot to pay the last time I was here.” She looked at me angrily. “‘The last time I was here, I ordered a bunch of drinks and ran out because when he kissed me, all I could think about was you. I remembered that I hadn’t paid, so I came back yesterday to pay what I owed.”

“You didn’t come back because you wanted him?” My heart beat faster and I grinned at her, happy.

“No, you f**king asshole.” Her eyes glittered at me. “You just humiliated me for nothing.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

“Oh shut up!” she screamed. “I’m done, you hear? I’m done. I can’t take this anymore, Brandon. You use me and treat me like some sort of two-dollar whore. I’m not going to let you do this to me anymore. I don’t want to see you ever again. You’re a f**king stalker. How dare you have me followed!”

“I didn’t have you followed.” I grabbed ahold of her. “I swear it. Matt was in here last night and he saw you, and we put two and two together.”

“How would he know to put anything together? Why would he even call you and tell you that? Do you know how crazy that sounds, Brandon? My ex-boyfriend called my other ex-boyfriend to tell him that I’m at a bar.”

“He said you were flirting.”

“So what? I can flirt with anyone I like.”

“You kissed him as well.” I knew the words sounded childish coming out of my mouth.

“I can kiss him if I want to, Brandon, you don’t own me. We’re not even together.”

“I haven’t been with anyone since you, Katie, and I know you haven’t either.”

“What?” She froze and she stared at me before hitting me in the chest. “How do you know who I have and haven’t been with? How long have you been spying on me? Oh my God, Brandon. Are you f**king crazy?”

“Wait.” My heart froze at her words. “It’s not like that, Katie. I love you.”

“No, you don’t.” She shook her head. “I don’t even know if you ever did. You know I never stopped loving you, Brandon. I’ve been thinking about the man you were when we met and I‘ve dreamed of the day that I would get to see you again. I hoped that we’d be able to move on from what happened seven years ago. I thought that if I saw you again, and you saw me, we would have another connection. And yeah,” she laughed hysterically, “I looked you up and tried to see what you were up to and who you dated. And yeah, I bumped into Matt on purpose because I wanted to know more about you. I wanted to be around you again and see if we had a shot at another chance. What I did was wrong. I snooped and I did things I’m ashamed of. But I did it because I thought I loved you. I did it because I thought that maybe we still had a shot.”

“We do! We—” I started, but she cut me off.

“But you’re not the man I thought you were, Brandon. I thought you were strong and kind and compassionate. I thought you were loving and protective. But you’re not. You’re just a f**king asshole, like every other man who’s on a power trip. Well, you know what? You can f**k off. I’m done. You can’t tell me who I can and can’t fuck. If I want to go back into the bar and f**k the bartender now, I will. And you can’t stop me. Do you hear me? I’m not your possession. You do not own me. You cannot humiliate me and tell me you think it’s okay because you were jealous. That’s not how life goes, Brandon. At least not for me.” She stared at me for a moment, and I watched as tears fell down her face. It reminded me of the day we had broken up when she was at Columbia University. I stood still as she stared at me waiting for me to speak, but I didn’t know what to say.

She turned around and walked away, and I watched her hobbling. I felt sick to my stomach at what I’d done and at her words. She didn’t love me anymore. I’d pushed her too far. It was over. A part of me was resigned to watching her leave. This was my life and my destiny. I was meant to be alone.

As I watched her walk away, I thought back to that day seven years ago. The day that created a cut in my heart so deep that I was sure it would never be repaired. I remembered standing in the front of the class, waiting for her to look up and see me. I’d seen her right away—I had some sort of Katie sensor that knew where she was immediately whenever she was near me. Her eyes had widened in shock and fear as she glanced at me.

I was surprised that I had been able to keep it together as I gave my speech. I knew as I spoke to the group of eager freshmen that it was over. I’d given her so many chances, but she’d proven to me that she wasn’t ready. My heart had broken when she’d thought we still had a chance, when she’d thought I’d forgiven her for her duplicity.

I hadn’t wanted to hurt her or to break her. I just wanted her to feel the pain I had felt. I’d given her so many chances, and she had never come through. When I f**ked her over the dumpster, I’d felt like a sick fuck. A perverted wannabe. I wanted her to scream and to shout at me then. I wanted her to realize why I’d had to do what I had been doing. She was too young. She didn’t know the world and she didn't know her own mind.

Tags: J.S. Cooper The Ex Games Erotic