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“Sounds like I should take her to a nice restaurant, huh?”

I shrug both shoulders. “If that’s what you want to do, I think it’s a good idea.”

He nods before looking out the window, pondering something. I don’t dare ask what. When he finally looks back at me, I close the folder and take out my notepad to jot down whatever he comes up with. “Which restaurant do you have in mind?”

“What’s that new place downtown?”

My eyebrows draw together as I try to figure out which one he means.

“The one that’s supposed to have the best dessert.”

Ah, now he’s speaking my language.

“MoMo Milan,” I say happily, and he grins.

“That’s the one.”

From what I’ve heard, they have a homemade donut and ice cream that’s absolutely to die for. The only problem is that they have a reservation list a mile out. I could probably pull some weight if I mentioned the paper, but then we’d be risking a leak from someone…

“I…uh…think it’s pretty hard to get into.”

He waves a hand between us. “I’ll take care of it. I know a guy who has connections at restaurants all over. Built a house for him a couple years ago. We’re still in touch, and he’s always telling me to let him know wherever I want to go.”

“Wow. Well, that’s handy.”

He winks. “I’m a handy kind of guy.”

“I really think you need to introduce me to all the people you’re building houses for from now on.”

“I’ll take that under advisement,” he says with a little smirk, just as my phone vibrates on the table. I’m almost afraid to look at it at this point, but I do.Gloria: Where’s your copy, Holley? This thing goes to print in three hours!Shit. For as much as I didn’t want another awkward message from my dad, getting that message from my editor—when I know well and good I’m not done writing my article—might be worse.

I start furiously putting away all my shit. Time to pack it up and get back to the grind.

“You’re leaving?” Jake asks, and it almost sounds like he’s disappointed. When I look up at him, though, he’s smiling. I shake off my misgiven feelings.

“Yeah. I have to have my article turned in in less than three hours. I’m right down to the wire.”

“But I thought you were working on that last night?”

“I was. But it’s not completely done yet. And, what, are you the deadline police?” I glare at him, and his grin turns sly.

“So, what’s it say about me so far?” He waggles his brows. “Let me guess, that I’m charming, handsome, intelligent, and the greatest man you’ve ever met?”

“Greatest man I’ve ever met?” I repeat with a roll of my eyes. “A little full of ourselves, aren’t we?”

The handsome bastard just grins back at me.

My phone buzzes on the table again, and I pick it up to look at the screen. Unfortunately, it’s another message from my father, and it’s the one that breaks the camel’s back.Dad: You know what looks really funny mating? Turtles. Went in a gas station bathroom one time, and they had a picture on the wall of a couple of turtles going at it. Funny-lookin’.Without hesitation, I turn off my phone and slam it into my bag, standing from my chair and pushing it in under the table. Jake picks up his coffee and takes a drink, his mesmerizing eyes staring at me over the rim of the cup the whole time.

“So, I guess I’ll see you Tuesday,” I say. “You’ll let me know what time you make the reservation for?”


“And, you’ll, um, need to get there a little early…and so will I. Just so we can make sure we’re all set before your date arrives.”

“Will do.” His smile is warm. “I’ll see you Tuesday, Holley from the Tribune.”

Suddenly, Tuesday seems really far away…

Something in my chest burns, but I ignore it. Surely, it’s indigestion from knowing I’m this tight on my deadline.

“See you then, Jake from the Ocean.”JakeUnwelcome nerves churn in my gut as I step up to the bar and order a beer. I’d like to order something stronger, but I also don’t want to come off as even remotely tipsy on my first official date as Bachelor Anonymous.

Christ. This is nuts. How I ever let Chloe get me into this mess defies logic.

And there’s no denying that diving back into this—dating instead of fucking—feels like a colossal change.

I glance back to the table by the bathrooms where I know Holley sits, waiting to take notes on my awkward first-time interaction with a woman I know nothing about.

I’m still looking that direction when a small hand wraps around my bicep and gets my attention.

“Excuse me,” she says. “Are you Jake?”

“I am.” I swallow past the discomfort lodged in my throat. “Bianca?”

Her mouth morphs into a megawatt smile. “That’s me.”

Tags: Max Monroe Romance