Page 40 of Kingdom Come

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My beauty lay there, eyes closed in the bliss I felt. I took my time unstrapping her, not wanting to disturb her moment of contentment or rather subspace. When I was done and she hadn’t opened her eyes, I picked her up, grabbed her dress, and covered her as best I could as I cradled her in my arms.

No one was in the halls, so I brought her to my office and laid her on my sofa. As she rested peacefully, I pulled on a shirt and grabbed my keys. I wouldn’t leave her alone to wake up wondering where she was. Instead, after getting her in her dress—with some help from her—I got her to drink some juice. I held her for a while and talked to her to make sure she was in the right head space before I drove her home. Aftercare was really important, and I asked her a few questions to check her well-being before tucking her in bed. I wasn’t surprised she slept most of the way there and slipped back into dreamland once I’d covered her. Orgasm released a cocktail of hormones—when they wear off could lead you to feel relaxed and sleepy.

Unfortunately, that phenomenon didn’t work on me. Sleep was something I found hard on any occasion.

It was hard to leave her, but I had to get back to the club. It was one of the busiest nights of the year. When I arrived, Eliza found me before I could walk the floor.

“You know who that is, right?” she asked.

“No,” I said, dismissing her. I wasn’t up to petty jealousy, which I hadn’t ever witnessed from her.

She blocked my path. “She’s dating that supermodel Hans.”

That stopped me. I didn’t know who this Hans was, other than guessing he was the guy who had called her the other night, but I said, “They aren’t together,” as though it didn’t bother me thinking I could be wrong about that.

She laughed as if I was stupid for believing that. “I’m pretty sure they’re engaged.”

“It’s really none of your business,” I said, though my mind replayed everything Lizzy had said. I believed her.

“She’s not even your type,” she said.

I faced her then and squarely met her gaze. “My type hasn’t worked out for me, has it?”

I hadn’t set out to hurt Eliza, but I turned and walked away. She was becoming a problem. Her jealousy was disappointing. Training her replacement would have to become a priority. I had a feeling that our business relationship would change significantly soon.

The night ran better than I hoped, only a few problems resulting in us removing certain individuals not following the rules. We also had an increase in applications for membership. If I was all about the money, I could let in more. For me, the quality of our membership mattered more than the quantity.

After a couple of hours of sleep, I went to the hospital to see Dad. He’d requested my presence, so dutifully, I arrived on time.

“My boy,” Dad said jovially as I walked into his hospital room. “I’m ready to get out of here.”

“I bet you are. What do the doctors say?”

He waved me off. “They don’t know what they’re talking about.”

I nodded because there was no use arguing with him over that point. He knew as well as I did it was bluster on his part.

“Give me an update,” he demanded.

He wanted to know what was going on in his company. He had his phone, and I was sure his admin was giving him hourly play by plays. Still, I gave him a rundown of the meetings I’d had since we’d last spoken.

“It should be Kalen doing this,” I said in closing.

“He wants to spite me.”

“Do you blame him?” I asked in a moment of complete honesty.

“You know, I was grateful the day you were born. I thought, here’s my second chance,” he said, not answering my question. “I didn’t know where Kalen was at first. When I found out, I had you. I let your mother talk me into leaving things as they were. I only have one regret.”

“What’s that?” I asked, knowing he wanted me to.

“Leaving you at that school.”

I looked away not wanting to discuss the topic.

“I went there,” he said. “I didn’t—”

I waved him off. “What’s done is done. What you can do is make peace with Kalen.”

“You could run this company,” he said. “You’re doing it now. Everyone is so impressed.”

“You know that’s not going to happen.”

His face hardened. Any empathy he’d shown disappeared. “How long are you going to make me pay?”

I wasn’t making him pay—or was I? There were those who deserved cruel punishments for the sins of the past, but was Dad included on that list?

“This is about what I want, and it isn’t being CEO,” I said instead.

Tags: Terri E. Laine Erotic