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But it just might end with Cassie.

She decided again not to take a Little this semester, and as much as that pissed me off when she didn’t as a sophomore, I accept it now. So what if our line ends with her? If it did, I’d say we’ve had a pretty badass family line, and every single one of us has left a mark on this sorority.

Besides, I’m done trying to tell others what they should do or judge them based on their decisions.

God knows I wouldn’t want anyone judging me based on mine.

After the Zetas leave, I announce that the brothers of Omega Chi are next, and I take a seat off to the right of the podium still in a slight daze.

Until Bear walks in first, leading a group of ten of his brothers to the front of the room.

I stiffen immediately at the sight of him, sitting up straighter in my chair. He winks at Skyler and smiles at various sisters around the room, but then his eyes find mine, and he keeps them on me until the moment he reaches the front of the room and turns to address the chapter.

“Ladies,” he says, his booming voice commanding attention as always. “Thank you for having us.”

And as he stands there, demanding that power, I can’t help but appreciate the way he looks when he’s cleaned up for Sunday Chapter. I love Bear in his basketball shorts and muscle tanks, but there’s just something about seeing him in dress slacks and a button-up that makes it hard to swallow.

“We know you’re busy, and that all of you probably want to get home to enjoy what’s left of your Sunday before classes tomorrow, so we won’t stay long. We just wanted to wish you good luck on mid-terms, and bring you a little something…”

At that, he looks to the back of the room where one of his brothers is still standing, and he nods, opening the doors. As soon as he does, more and more Omega Chi brothers pile in, each of them holding a dozen roses in one hand and a reusable bag in the other.

The girls all gasp and smile in delight as each Omega Chi brother finds a sister and gives her the roses and bag. A few of the guys are carrying two of each, and they bring the extras to the front of the room to the brothers who were already standing there. When Bear has his in hand, he turns to me, and the smile slips off my face.

The room is abuzz with girls laughing and squealing and kissing cheeks and pulling all the goodies out of their bags — chocolate, salty snacks, a couple of shot-sized alcohol bottles — but I’m so focused on Bear walking toward me that I barely register any of it.

I stand when he’s a few feet away, and he pauses, extending the bundle of roses and goody bag. He doesn’t say a word as I take them from his hands, but our fingers brush, and I inhale a deep breath at the contact.

“Thank you,” I manage.

He nods, and there’s something there in his eyes — something I can’t quite put my finger on. He looks so sad, so tired, and… maybe a little sorry.

Our dinner flashes in my mind, and my cheeks heat as I tear my gaze from his.

It’s all I can do to hold it together through the rest of Chapter once he and his brothers are gone, and as soon as I call it, I gather my belongings and force a smile through small talk with sisters until the room is clear.

I lock up behind me with one thought on my mind — I need wine. But when I turn and spot a familiar shadow leaning against the brick building, a completely different thought comes to mind.

“Gavin?” I ask, shaking my head. “What are you doing here?”

He kicks off the wall with a grin. “Picking you up.”

“Picking me up?” I cross my arms and arch a brow. “It’s a Sunday night. I’ve got class early in the morning.”

“I won’t keep you out too late.” His eyes flick to the flowers in my hand, but he doesn’t address them.

“I take it that means you’re not taking no for an answer.”

The crook of his lips is all I get as a response, and he holds out his arm, waiting for me to slip mine through it.“I’m sorry,” the girl on stage at The Black Lily says, looking around the dimly lit room at all of the patrons. Gavin and I are in the back corner, at a table for two, each of us sipping on warm Earl Grey tea.

I can’t take my eyes off the poet on stage, and it seems Gavin can’t take his eyes off me.

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance