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I think I already have, Gavin Lindberg.

I think I already have.THE BEST PART ABOUT fall in South Florida is that while the rest of the country is already getting snow and temperatures well under fifty degrees, Florida is cooling down just enough to land us in that perfect beach weather zone. Almost every day is sunny, hovering between seventy-five and eight-five, with a cool breeze coming in off the coast.

I smile and soak it all in as the girls and I work on our tan in the back yard of the sorority house. We’ve all been so busy with classes and work and relationship shit that it’s the first time the five of us have really been able to spend quality time together, and while the weather might be cooling down a smidge, it’s apparent to me that the drama in our lives never will.

This crew couldn’t escape trouble even if we tried.

So far, Cassie has filled us in on her and Adam’s fight regarding Grayson, and to be fair, we’ve all told her that while we understood that she wanted to be friends with Grayson, we understood why Adam flew off the handle. Was he a little overdramatic? Maybe. But when I think back on how I reacted to Jarrett spending time with his female co-workers, I can’t blame him.

Hell, Jarrett didn’t even fuck those girls, and I was jealous and pissed off. I can’t imagine how I would have reacted if I knew they had a past.

Still, Cassie is adamant that she’s had to cut friends out of her life before and it’s nearly killed her. She almost cried when she told us she couldn’t do it again.

And I also understood that.

So, while we tried to help her through that whole ordeal, we also caught up with Ashlei and the weird intern drama going on at Okay, Cool and — though she’s been mostly coy about it — Erin briefly told us about a new “friend” she’s made at group therapy.

I have a feeling that friend is going to come with some benefits.

But we can all tell Erin’s not ready to talk about it, because she brushes off the topic as soon as it’s brought up and shifts the attention to Skyler.

“When do you see Kip next?” Erin asks, reaching for the sunscreen to reapply on her face. Erin has always been the one to take the best care of her skin — not just in the sun, but with her entire regimen that she’s had since she was eighteen. If I had to make a bet on which one of us would age the most gracefully, all my money would be on her.

“I’m flying in to see him for Thanksgiving, actually,” Skyler says on a longing sigh, fanning herself with her magazine. “And honestly, I’m a little nervous.”

“Why?” Cassie asks.

Skyler shrugs. “It’s hard to explain. I miss him so much, but I haven’t seen him since he started school out there. I don’t know… I guess I’m just worried that maybe I won’t fit into this new part of his life.”

Ashlei scoffs. “Are you kidding? I bet he can’t wait for you to be there so he can show you around and show you off to all his film buddies.”

“And I’m sure he can’t wait to bang your brains out,” I chime in. Then, I snap my fingers, leaning up in my chair so I can see her better. “Oh! Maybe you could make a movie of your own.”

I waggle my brows, and Skyler rips out a page of her magazine, balls it up, and pegs me in the forehead with it. “Perv.”

I stick my tongue out before reaching for my tumbler, which I told our sorority house mom had iced coffee in it but is actually filled with vodka and tonic and a splash of lime juice. “You love me.”

“We all bear that curse,” Erin agrees, and I reach over to smack her ass where she’s tanning it to the tune of giggles.

“Speaking of the spell you’ve put on us,” Cassie says. “Looks like Kade has fallen under the same one, huh?”

I try to bite back a smile, but fail miserable, and then I blush and I want to punch myself in the face.

“He’s definitely hooked,” I say, shaking off the butterflies in my stomach.

“And are you?” Skyler asks.

I sigh, flopping back in my chair dramatically. “God, I don’t even know anymore.” I shake my head, trying to find the right words. “He annoys the absolute fuck out of me. But… he also fascinates me, too. And God, the sex…” I pull down my sunglasses so the girls can see how serious I am. “The sex is out of this world.”

“Better than with Jarrett?” Ashlei asks, and I know she means it as nothing more than a simple comparison, but my heart pounds once, twice, three times hard in my chest.

Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance