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“Tyler’s super secret, super gorgeous girlfriend,” Mrs. Wagner answered.

She and Morgan giggled as Mr. Wagner chimed in with something, but I couldn’t recall a word of it.

Because my eyes were locked on Tyler’s, and his were watching mine, and there wasn’t a single breath of oxygen to be had in that wide backyard.

“Oh,” I breathed.

Morgan went on about how lovely Azra was, about how she was a model and a huge Instagram influencer, how she was from Turkey, how she was “an absolute blast,” but I barely heard a word. My chest was so tight now I thought my lungs would evacuate my body for fear of being completely crushed by my rib cage.

He has a girlfriend?

Why didn’t I know that?

Why do I care?

Tyler just watched me, like he was waiting for me to react as my mind raced and whirled, my palms dampening, heart beating loud in my ears.

And with every ounce of willpower I had, I held my expression completely neutral.

“I can’t wait to meet her,” I finally managed, my gaze still holding his.

He blinked, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge that he’d even heard me.

And just like that, Morgan moved on.

I ripped my eyes from Tyler’s, but I felt him watch me for the longest time as Morgan continued going through the schedule. I managed to stay quiet and calm until she’d made it through, and then I stood, making an excuse about being jet-lagged to excuse myself for the night.

“You’re three hours behind us,” Morgan pointed out with a pout. “I thought you’d have loads of energy. I want to stay up all night and gab!”

I squeezed her arm. “I know, I think I’m just tired from the long flight. But we have tomorrow. And I promise, I won’t go to bed before midnight.”

“Pshhh, two in the morning if you’re lucky,” she said, giving me a big hug. “And, you’ll get to meet Oliver!”

I squeezed her back. “I can’t wait,” I said, genuinely.

Amanda and Robert gave me a hug, too, and Tyler stood, staring at me from across the fire.

“Goodnight, Jasmine,” he said simply, his hands in his pockets, the light from the flames dancing with the shadows on his face.

“Goodnight,” I croaked.

And then I made my way upstairs for my first sleepless night back in New Hampshire.

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Tags: Kandi Steiner Romance