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“And then what, Mindy? What did you do?” I roar into the phone, no longer capable of keeping the lid on my control. My muscles are straining, my throat is dry, and electricity is running through my blood with the need to run, just run, and never stop.

“I planted the coke he’d given me and the joints. Messed up the room some more with a couple of bottles of beer. Tossed my bra on the bed then took some pictures with my camera.”

I close my eyes. Before I can plow my fist through the wall, I feel a calming presence near. I know it’s Sadie in all her beauty simply standing in front of me. An expression of concern mars her pretty face. She reaches out and puts her palm flat against my heart. Instantly I clamp my hand over hers and hold it there, needing her to ground me so I don’t fly off the handle.

“Then, uh, I sent the pictures to Coach as proof I’d done what he asked. He gave me the e-mail to log into that he’d created and the newspaper contacts I was supposed to forward the image to.”

I take a deep breath and it all falls into place.

“Thank you, Mindy. For finally telling the truth. I wouldn’t hold your breath for that cheerleading position, and I don’t know what this means, but I personally will not be pressing charges against you. I can’t promise that the team lawyers won’t.”

“But you said you wouldn’t tell the authorities!”

“And I won’t. But I will be clearing my name. Goodbye, Mindy.” I let go of Sadie and disconnect the call. Sadie picks up her cell and stops the recording.

“It’s almost done.” She smiles.

“Yeah. There’s only one more thing I can’t figure out?”

Her brows come together in an expression of confusion. “And that would be?”

“Why? Why would Coach Bates try to burn his best running back? It makes no sense.”* * *

SADIEThings happen fast after that. Polly, Evan’s publicist, isn’t taking any chances. She releases the recording and documentation to the press, while also sending them to the team’s owner and the police. Under normal circumstances, I guess the paparazzi would be all over us. But the best they can do in a lockdown is buy a picture of me pacing while Evan sits on the couch taken by someone in a nearby building. The quality isn’t that great, but still. My hair is a mess. Lucky I wasn’t wearing the leggings that have a big-ass hole beneath my left butt cheek. That would have been truly special.

And what a douche move, invading our privacy like that. I’m fast getting the feeling that celebrities aren’t seen as being real people. More of a commodity to keep the masses amused. An object built to entertain. Their pain and angst is used to feed the hungry. After that, we keep the curtains closed from there on out and don’t go out on the balcony.

Meanwhile, the coach is photographed racing to his car, head down, trying to cover his face with a hand. No pictures of Mindy. I guess she went underground or is currently very busy helping the police with their investigation. Suck it, girl. I don’t have an ounce of pity for her. She brought all of this on herself.

Evan is on one phone call after another. Giving statements to various people, being interviewed, and preparing what to say to the press with Polly. He also updates his brother and father, which is lovely. I’m glad he has good people at his back. It’s all one hell of an involved process, clearing his name, and it won’t happen overnight. But it is happening and I couldn’t be happier. I keep a steady supply of drinks and snacks flowing to my man. Though he mostly just eats the carrot and celery sticks and doesn’t attack the Reece’s Pieces with the gusto they deserve, so I help him out a little. That’s what partners are for.

When my cell buzzes and Mom’s name pops up on screen, I sigh and pick it up.

“Sadie,” she says in a rush. “Don’t hang up. Are you okay?”

“Yes, Mom. We’re fine. You saw the news, huh?”

She sighs in relief. Maybe I was a little harsh on her, cutting off all communication like that. Then I remember Sean with all his bullshit expectations standing outside my front door. Nope. My parents bought their spell in time out on themselves. “What’s going on? Your picture is everywhere! Some reporters even called here asking for a comment. As if I’d comment on your private life!”

“You didn’t talk to them?”

“Of course not, sweetheart.”

Phew. “Thanks, Mom. I appreciate it.”

“So he was set up by his awful coach and some dreadful woman? That’s terrible. That poor man. Thank goodness he has you to help get him through all of this,” she says. “You tell Evan we’re thinking of him during this difficult time and he has our support too.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance