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The weight of the world is back on my man’s shoulders and I hate every godforsaken second of it.

“Baby, this is good news. One more step forward. Let’s consider this a win.” I run my hand up and down his back in soothing sweeps, hoping to ease the tension.

He nods. “I’m worried about his mom and the fact that the four of them are in the same house together. Since one of them has the virus, it’s most certainly going to get them all.”

Aw. My guy is worried about his friend, not his career. I curve my arm around his strong back. “Honey, you don’t know that. You have to think positive.”

“Yeah, but it’s hard with everything going to shit across the world. My career is at risk. Fuck, none of it matters more than everyone’s safety.”

I place my forehead against his back. “You’re right. None of the rest of it matters right now. In the grand scheme of things. Doesn’t mean it’s not important. We’ll deal with it all.”

“Together?” He almost sounds wistful.

I smile. “Absolutely.”

He turns and places a soft kiss to my lips. “Thank you, baby.”

“For what?”

“For being you. For being here. For loving me, warts and all.”

I grin wide. “Evan, I’ve seen every inch of you completely naked. You have no warts. Just smooth, sexy skin.”

He reaches for me and pulls me into his lap. I wrap my arms around him and hold on. He dips his head to my neck and just breathes. Holding me close.

Right then I decide no matter what happens, I’m going to be there for him. Protect him from whatever I can. And hold him when I can’t.* * *

EVAN“Sweetheart, you look at the phone one more time and I’m turning you over my knee,” I warn in a light tone while rolling the lean ground beef into perfect two-inch meatballs.

Sadie scrunches up her nose. “She should have called by now.” She’s frustrated and antsy. Every few minutes she checks my phone and then glares at it as though she were willing it to ring, then getting pissed when it doesn’t. “And we’ve already discussed that threat. Non-consensual spanking is a no go.”

“Understood. But it’s only been a few hours since I left a message and texted. Relax. Besides, she may not reach out. I know she was involved in something nefarious against me. Helped to set me up. I honestly don’t think she’ll call. It’s more likely she’ll avoid me and block me from calling.”

Sadie huffs while filling a pot with water for the spaghetti noodles. “It’s rude not to return someone’s call.”

“It’s far ruder to drag an unsuspected man into a viper’s den, feed him to the media, and try to ruin his career. This woman obviously has no qualms about hurting someone. I’m just trying to understand why me? I mean, she could have given me the picture and tried to get millions for it.”

She gasps. “You have millions?”

I grin and chuckle. “Baby, how much do you think pro ballers make?”

She shrugs. “Guess I never thought about it. Is it a lot?”

“Depends on how good you are, your past record, how long you’ve been in the business and such. My last contract was a cool fourteen million.”

“For how many years?”

“Honey, that’s for one year.”

Her eyes practically bug out of her head. “Wow. My boyfriend is super rich! That insane. I’m gonna use that information in my next call with Mom and Dad. Money talks and bullshit walks, as they say. I’m going to woo them to your favor with the mighty buck!”

I shake my head. “Whatever it takes. Though I’m sure when they meet me, I can do all the wooing myself.”

“Once Mom sees how good looking you are, she’s immediately going to start dreaming of little towheaded grandbabies. Tell her how much you like children and that will do it.” She winks.

I’m just about to respond with how I’d like to show her exactly how I plan to give her my babies when my phone rings again.

Sadie reacts as though a bomb went off, flinging the wooden sauce spoon in the air, sauce flying across the cupboard on the opposite wall.

“Jesus, woman! Calm down!” I laugh.

“Who is it?” she gasps, holding the dripping spoon over the small sauce puddle pooling on the floor.

I point to the mess on the wall and cupboards. “Baby, could ya maybe deal with that while I get the phone?”

She frowns and then reacts to what she’s done. “Crap!” She tosses the spoon onto the holder and then dashes to grab a towel.

I pick up the phone. “It’s Trina, baby, not Mindy. Chill.”

Her entire body seems to slump. My girl, so ready to take care of her man.

“Hey, Trina. How’s it goin’, lady?” I answer.

“Evan. Hello, sweetie.” Her voice sounds trashed.

“Trina, what the heck? Your voice is shit. What’s going on?” I ask.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance