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“Damn it, woman.” My balls draw up feeling like five-pound weights between my straining thighs as I try not to fuck her face. “Need to come,” I grit out.

She smiles around my dick and looks up at me with the prettiest blue eyes, her red mouth looking obscene around my girth. I trace my thumb around her lips stretched over around my cock. I tease her mouth while stroking my skin, drenched from her licking and sucking.

One of her hands cups my sac and caresses the tender jewels between her fingers. My eyes roll back in my head and I can’t help but thrust in and out of her mouth. She takes every plunge willingly, excitedly, going deeper with every movement.

She eases back down my length, prodding the little slit at the top with just the tip of her heavenly tongue. It’s filthy and exactly what I need.

“Your mouth… Jesus… I’m gonna blow, Sadie.” I grunt and breathe through the spears of bliss bursting throughout my body. My cock aches, my balls throb, and my heart pounds as Sadie takes me deep, running her hands around my hips to dig her fingers nails right into the meat of my ass cheeks.

I roar and fuck her face, losing control. I grip the back of her head and fist her silky hair at the roots, my hand flexing against her scalp as she takes every thrust, bouncing eagerly with the effort until the pleasure rises up inside me to the pinnacle of euphoria. The rapture of her warm hot mouth, the endless suction, the tease of her tongue has me expending jolt after jolt of my essence into her waiting throat. She mewls and moans, swallowing me down until I’m a shivering mess of raw emotions and liquid bones and muscle.

Sadie pulls me onto the love seat. The second I’m sitting, she straddles my lap and removes her T-shirt. I can’t even think straight enough to comment on seeing her spectacular tits because she reaches behind me for the afghan and wraps it around her naked back. Then she leans forward against my chest.

Skin to skin.

She presses her forehead to my neck and kisses my chest. I wrap my arms around her, allowing her warmth to sooth my ravaged body and soul.

“I love you, Sadie. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to express how much, but this feels close,” I murmur, kissing the top of her hair and resting my lips there, inhaling her lavender scent along with the combined smell of us.

She sighs against my chest and snuggles deeper.

“Now I know what real love and happiness feels like. And it’s scary, Evan.”

“Why?” I hold her tight.

“Because now that I know how good it is, I never want to lose it.”* * *

SADIEGloria gives herself a long and luxurious bath on Jake’s living room rug while Evan and I sit side by side on the couch with our laptops. She is a glorious creature, but I’ve restrained myself from smooching on her so far. Turning all swollen red and itchy is less fun than you’d think. So far, the allergy medications are working, thank God. And Evan ran around the apartment with the vacuum cleaner earlier to try and keep fur to a minimum. The floofy baby was horrified at the noise and bravely hid in a cupboard the entire time.

All in all, the three of us are a picture of domestic bliss. Chicken breasts are marinating for dinner, and I’ve also been threatened with a salad. I honestly don’t mind Evan trying to improve my general health through better food choices. Especially with the threat of illness hanging over all of our heads. So long as he doesn’t mess with my snacks, we’re fine.

I’m working on my social media presence, posting in my fan group, asking how everyone is doing. A couple of nurses and other people who have family working in health care are having a hard time. They’re scared and frustrated, and I don’t blame them one bit. My group instantly rallies around the women, posting messages of love and support. The romance community really is a beautiful thing.

On my author page I ask what everyone is reading, a question that always gets good interaction. Some people are too worried and distracted to be able to concentrate on anything. Others are escaping into books to ease the anxiety. And there’s no right answer. No one best strategy for dealing with these horrible and scary times. Some people are stress-baking or getting into crafts while others are binging Netflix.

Parents mention the many challenges of homeschooling. Lord knows, I doubt I could explain anything above fifth grade math. Then there was how best to keep some sort of routine for kids while managing their stress levels. Other people are in quarantine alone, starved for fresh air and human touch but too afraid to go out. We’re all worried about the elderly in the community and furious at those who aren’t taking social distancing seriously. One COVID denier pipes up to tell us we’re all fools who are overreacting. I shut that down fast. Moron.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance