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“I’d like that.”

“You forgive me?”

She smiles wide. “I’ll forgive, but there’s one more thing.”

I sigh and take a deep breath. “Hit me.”

“Where’s my present?”

I grin and lift up a paper towel ball wrapped in cellophane. “Here, catch!” I toss the few-inches-wide ball I crafted the eight feet to her balcony.

She catches it easily. “I can’t believe you just threw something over the balcony! You’re such a rebel.”

“Just open it.”

She eases the plastic wrap open and unfolds the towel. “Oh my God. Is this what I think it is?”

“Chocolate chip cookies. Made by yours truly with all the butter, sugar, and extra chocolate chips to boot! I was busy yesterday.”

Without saying a word, she takes a ginormous bite, eating half in one go. Her eyes light up and she moans. “So good!” She finishes her bite and I watch as she stares at the small stack lovingly. “These are amazing. You never mentioned you could bake.” She plops the other half of the first cookie in her mouth.

“I didn’t know I could. It’s actually something Jake is good at, but I found the chocolate chips stash along with a cookbook. Since I had time yesterday, I made three dozen.”

Her mouth opens and her eyes go wide. “And where are the other cookies?”

That has me laughing. “Greedy girl. I put them in front of your door.”

Without responding she dashes inside. I roll my eyes. That girl loves her sweets. Major win. I’ll have to remember this moment when I’m in the doghouse again. Because it’s inevitable that I’ll be there again one day.

She comes out with the Tupperware and her stash in the paper towels. “This is the best present I’ve gotten in a really long time. So personal and appropriate for me.”

“Glad you like them, baby. I wanted you to know I was thinking about you yesterday even when you were ignoring me.”

She frowns. “Sorry about that. I was embarrassed for being so mouthy and drunk. It’s just my mother and father found out we’re dating and they’re really unhappy about it and I just lost my mind a little.”

“You told your parents about me and they’re unhappy?”

“Um, it doesn’t really matter. They’re still stuck on Sean and…”

“Sean! Douchebag who doesn’t give a shit about you, your work, or the things that matter in your life outside of your financial portfolio? I probably make a hundred times the amount of money that guy makes! More even!” Anger, white and hot, fires through my system and makes my blood boil. “And isn’t he a pipsqueak? I could totally take him!” I growl through my teeth, putting my hands to the railing and squeezing as hard as I can to let off some steam.

“Baby, no. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say anything. It’s dumb. They don’t understand. Sean was what they wanted for me: white picket fence and two point five kids. Perfect marriage material.”

“And I’m not! What the hell is wrong with me? They don’t even know me! I want kids and my house rocks. You’ll love it. We could even turn the room over the garage into a private office for you to write in.” I grind down on my teeth and breathe fire through my nose.

“Evan, it’s stupid, but Dad follows sports and they know about the scandal and they think I’m making a bad decision dating a baller who’s been pictured with a lot of different women. And then the picture of you passed out with drugs in the room. It doesn’t look good and they don’t know you like I do.”

I hang my head.

“I’m not good enough for you,” I say to the side of the balcony. “They’re right. You don’t deserve any of this. What I’m dealing with right now. Scandals. Drugs. A player. You’re better than that. Sean is an asshole and I’m a fuck up. A woman like you, Sadie. Beautiful. Smart. Writes amazing books. Yeah, I’ve read one already and am on my second. You’re so talented. You do not need the bad press or the shit that my life will bring to your doorstep. Dating a celebrity is not fun.”

“I don’t care about any of that. I only care about you. The man I’ve chosen. The man I want to be with. You. Just as you are.”

I firm my jaw and shake my head. “No, you don’t know what it’s like. Being in the spotlight all the time. Bullshit is said about me and who I have on my arm the second I show up anywhere. I wouldn’t want that for you. It’s good that they don’t approve. Now that I think about it, I don’t approve either. You’re better than all of this.” I run my hands through my hair and turn around.

“Evan, no! That’s not true. Please, don’t leave me like this. Talk to me!”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance