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“Ridiculous. How’s my pretty princess?”

I turn my head and see her fluffy ginger ass lying on the pillow next to the one I slept on. Feeling generous, I move the camera so he can see her sleeping.

“Aw, my girl. I miss her.” He frowns. “Are you being nice to her?”

“Dude, she’s sleeping in the bed on the pillow next to my head. And that’s only when she’s not stealing the covers.”

He laughs and wipes at his tanned, sweaty brow. His dark hair is a riot of espresso-colored curls all over his head. By the time we hit college together, he was the dark to my light. The ladies loved it. Like a physical yin and yang. Which is also how our lifestyles have always been. I entertain people, he heals them. Though we share a love of sports, beer, outdoor activity, good food, and family. We appreciate one another’s differences and at the heart of us both, we have the same moral compass.

“Yeah, she’s greedy. And she looks a little fatter. Have you been giving her too many treats?” He frowns and squints. I turn the camera off his beloved pet and back to me so he can’t figure out the cat has definitely gained a pound or two.

I pretend to act innocent. “How many is too many? Five?” I lower the number I normally give her. I’ve won the little shit over with a treat every couple hours. She doesn’t claw me, she gets a treat. No pain, she gains. It’s working brilliantly and I’m glad that cat treats were the one thing they had at the store that wasn’t running out.

“Five! You’re giving her five a day! Jesus. She’s going to be diabetic when I make it home.”

“Speaking of making it home, when do you think that will be?”

He sighs heavily. “We’re actually being sent to Europe tomorrow. Italy and Spain are being ravaged by this virus and they need all hands on deck.”

“Are you fucking kidding me! No. Hell no. Do not go there, brother. You need to get your ass home where it’s safer.”

Jake’s expression morphs to one of extreme sadness. “I can’t. It’s not in my nature. They need doctors. Medical professionals to help stay the spread. I took an oath, man…”

“Fuck that. Fuck that in the face! You are my family. My best friend. Do not put yourself in the way of further harm. Shit.” I jump up and start pacing his bedroom. “I was already freaked out by you doing the humanitarian mission and that was supposed to be for two months. It’s been six. Now you’re going to further risk your health by going to the countries that are torn to shreds by a virus that is killing people left and right.”


“No. Don’t Evan me. Jake, this is dangerous.”

“Brother, it was already dangerous for me to come to Africa, but you know I needed to. I was aimless. Lost. Not sure what to do with myself. I hated the politics at the surgery center where I worked.”

“So, get a different fucking job! You don’t get on a plane and disappear for six months to Africa. Christ!” I grind my teeth and look at my best friend’s face. I know it almost as well as my own, or my brother’s, my dad’s.

Jake shakes his head. “I have to do what I have to do. This is important. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m needed. Truly needed.”

I point to my chest. “I need you. Your family needs you. Jake, come on, buddy. Come home. Don’t go to Europe.”

He shakes his head and a sorrowful expression mars his normally handsome face. “Sorry brother, I’m not going to do that. I was calling to tell you I need you to take care of Gloria. While I’m gone and if you know, anything happens.”

“Fuck! I hate you so much right now. If you were in front of me, I’d punch you so goddamn hard in the face your teeth would rattle.”

Jake laughs for the first time and the sound lifts my soul. “We haven’t fought since we both accidentally dated the same chick at the same time without knowing it.”

I grin. “Chelsea. She was a pistol. Seeing us both on the sly.”

“Yeah and we both fucked her.” He winces.

I suck a breath through my teeth. “Yeah, then she messed up and planned the same date with us both and we brawled on the sidewalk.” I laugh.

“Yeah and when she came running out all hot and bothered by the show of our manly affections, she suggested the three of us hook up.” He reminds me of what I already know.

“And we dropped her ass like a hot rock, went to a sports bar, drank our weight in whiskey, and crashed fully clothed in the same bed.” I waggle my brows at him for shits and giggles.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance