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“That’s why you’re all dressed up in that sexy getup?” he asks.

I nod. And pout. It’s been that kind of night.

“While I fucking love how into my dick you are, darling, you previously said doing anything revealing out here on the balcony was a bad idea. And you were right. We do not want anyone accidentally getting a look at your gorgeous body. Let alone possible taking a picture of it, hmm? Besides, I have enough bad press.”

“Oh, man. You make sense. I hate it when you make more sense than I do.”

“That’s okay,” he says with an amused grin. “I’m sure you’ll be back to making all the sense in the morning. And I’m definitely saving your idea of a peep show for another time. That is a most excellent idea. Now how about you tell me what got you in this bad mood?”

“My mom. We may have butted heads over certain matters.” I shrug. “It’s honestly not that unusual when it comes to us. Margaret hasn’t been wrong a day in her life.”

“So that’s where you get your strong will from, huh?”

“You should see us fight over games of Scrabble. Dad calls it Word War whenever Mom and I sit down to play.”

Evan laughs.

I take a sip of wine. “Ah, aged grape juice. So much Vitamin C. I’m almost as healthy as you are!”

“A little Cheez Whiz on a cracker and you’re all set.” He smiles and it’s beautiful. And exactly what I need.

“You’re mocking me. But I like you and I’m happy to see your gorgeous face, so I don’t care.”

“Nuh uh. I’m not mocking you. I’m admiring you and all of your idiosyncrasies. Keeps me on my toes, having a woman like you in my life.” He looks out over San Francisco, I assume taking in the night sky and the tall buildings. “Figure I’m about the luckiest son of a bitch in this city right now, getting to sit here with you.”

“Don’t be sweet. I can’t handle sweet right now. You’ll make me cry.” I sniffle not so delicately.

“Whatever she said, your mom sure upset you,” he says in a low growl.

“It’s not just her. I was looking at the headlines and some asshole sent me hate mail and all of the signings got cancelled and my muse was being a bitch and honestly everything just kind of hit the wall necessitating copious consumption of alcohol.” I sigh. Woe is me. “Wine, meaning booze. And whine, meaning to moan and carry on. Wine, whine. Whine, wine. Hey, do you think there’s a link?”

“Undoubtedly.” He chuckles. “You’re kind of hilarious when you’re hammered. And I’m sorry your night took a turn for the worse. We should have just stayed sitting in front of the TV talking to each other on the phone. Much safer.”

“True,” I say glumly.

“What does signings getting cancelled mean to you?”

“Means my bank account will take a hit.” I punch the air but instantly realize my mistake when the wine sloshes onto the concrete. Good thing it’s white.

He raises his chin. “You need money?”

“Huh? No. Thank you. I’m fine.”

“Sadie, are you sure? Because there’s enough in life to be worrying about right now without you counting your pennies when I can afford to help you out.”

“Absolutely not. My earnings will be down a little this year, but I’ll work it out. I’ll find a way, I always do. And I do not want your money.” That’s the last thing I want from him. I can only imagine how many women before me wanted him for that very thing.

“Yeah. But do you need it? That’s the question.”

“No, Evan. Just no. This conversation is over now. I mean this topic. It’s done. Gone. Kaput. Goodbye.”

He’s doing the jaw tensing thing. I can almost see the little muscle jumping on one side. “We’ll talk about this later when you’re in a better and more sober mood.”

“No, we won’t.” I take another sip of wine. “I appreciate you, but I am not going to mooch off you. Get that idea out of your head right now. Besides, there’s no cause for alarm. I am writing—some of the time—which means things are moving forward. There’s no reason to freak out just yet.”

Nothing from the grim-faced man with the determined expression sitting across from me.

“My indomitable hero. You’re awful cute when you’re all put out like that.” And he is. I wish I could climb into his lap, press my face to his neck and just breathe. I’ll bet he smells amazing. He’d wrap his arms around me and just make it all better.

“Am I now?” Something glitters in his eyes.

I grin. “I could just sit and watch you for hours. You’re fast becoming my happy place, Evan Sparks.”

His shoulders sink a little as he relaxes. “You’re mine too.”

“Aw. Aren’t we a pair?”

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance