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“Why did your ex call?” I pinpoint that bit of information immediately. My hackles rise. I wonder if she’d willingly give me his number.

“It doesn’t even matter. He doesn’t matter. The man is so self-centered. He was more worried about my retirement status during these trying times than he was about me. Eventually I told him to piss off.”

I smile wide and cross my knee over the other. “Atta girl! Good. You don’t need him bringing you down.”

“No, I have enough of that without him.” Her tone goes back to sounding hurt and worried.

“Tell me what’s going on with your folks.”

“Mom called yesterday. Told me Dad had been feeling under the weather for a couple days. It got worse. He was throwing up, couldn’t keep food down, has the shakes, and was running a high fever.”

“Oh, Sadie.”

“Mom took him to the hospital, and she said it was insane. They waited hours and hours to eventually get a space in a room filled with ten or more other people. The staff are overrun, everyone is wearing masks, gloves, and smocks. Said it felt like she was inside that movie Contagion.”

“Jesus. I’ll bet she was really scared.”

“Yeah.” Her voice is small, but she continues. “They tested him for influenza A and B, not COVID-19 though.”

“Why the hell not!” I stand up and pace the room feeling like an animal stuck in a cage. He’s in his early sixties. Seems like they should be testing anyone and everyone that’s sick just to rule it out. I keep those thoughts to myself.

“Apparently he wasn’t having chest pain or shortness of breath with the other symptoms.”

“You’re kidding me.”

“I wish I were. He tested positive for influenza, but he still could have the virus. I’m so scared. They sent him home after pumping him full of fluids and acetaminophen. I’m worried he could end up dying because they wouldn’t test him and treat him for the virus.” She breaks out into bone-wracking sobs that have my knees weak.

“I’m coming over!” I head to the door.

“No! I won’t open the door. We haven’t been in quarantine for fourteen days. They say symptoms arise within a two-week timeframe.”

“I don’t care, Sadie. You need me right now.”

She lets out a shaky breath. “No, no. We can’t risk it. I’d feel horrible if I ended up being sick and then gave it to you. It would destroy me. We can’t be selfish right now.”

I press my head to the wall that connects with her apartment.

“You know he’s going to be okay, right?”

She inhales long and slow before letting it out. “I want to believe that, Evan. From your mouth to God’s ears.”

“Just think positive thoughts, yeah? Would your Dad want you worrying like this?”

“N-no. He’d be pretty upset. He doesn’t ever like to be seen as weak. And he’s normally in such good health.”

“Let’s focus on that. Besides, people get the regular old flu all the time. Right?”

“Yes, they do.”

“And usually lots of fluids and being on your ass while getting pampered does the job. I’m sure your mother is tending to him like a badass nurse.”

“How did you know?” She chuckles.

“I love hearing you laugh. Brightens up my entire day.”

“Even with it raining outside?” She sounds a little more upbeat.

“This is so fucked up. You know what I want more than anything?”

“What? Tell me?”

“I want to hold you, tell you everything will be okay. Kiss your forehead…and your lips. Christ, what I wouldn’t give to taste your mouth. Make you feel what I’m feeling deep inside.”

She gasps but then whispers, “I wish that too.”

I press my palm flat to the wall trying to feel her energy, her presence, just beyond the barrier. “Sadie, this thing between us. It’s growing every day. Do you feel it? Tell me you feel it too and I’m not alone?”

“I…I feel it too. I don’t understand it, but I can’t deny it’s there. The attraction…”

“Is off the fucking charts.” I shake my head and press harder into the wall.

“We’ve only known each other a week and we haven’t so much as touched. How can this be real?”

“I don’t know, sweetheart, but it’s more real than anything I’ve felt before. I crave you. I lie awake at night and imagine what you taste like. How your skin would feel against mine. What your hair smells like. How you’d sound when I kiss your mouth, your neck, shoulders, and lower. I’m obsessed with thoughts of being with you intimately.”

“My word, Evan. The pictures you paint.” Her voice is lower, more seductive.

“Do you want that, Sadie? My mouth on yours. My fingers teasing your skin?” The vision of touching her flashes across my mind and my dick aches.

“Are you trying to turn me on?” Her question is breathy and filled with what I hope is desire.

“Is it working?” I run my hand down and cup my hardening shaft.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance