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“It’s okay. I understand, but give me your number, so next time I won’t worry.” I hold out my cell and wait.

She purses her lips as if she’s weighing her options before blurting out her number. I enter it in and then send her a quick text. Her phone buzzes from inside a brown suede slouchy purse that matches her boots. I can’t help but stare at her. She’s wearing a bit of makeup for the first time and it enhances her already gorgeous face. Pink glossy lips and rosy cheeks. Her eyeliner is done in that pointed cat-like style. Basically, she’s just topped off an already perfect masterpiece.

“You look beautiful.”

Her cheeks turn a brighter pink as a flush covers the exposed skin of her neck.

She sucks in both her lips and takes in my appearance rather shyly. It’s the closest we’ve been. What I wouldn’t give to take her hand and walk proudly down the street with this angel at my side.

“Thank you.” She blinks and looks away rather shyly which is surprising. This girl has been anything but demure, though I find it suits her. This shy nature. As if removing her from the safety of her home and balcony has brought out another side. A side I’m eager to learn more about.

“Shall we?” I motion toward the vacant street ahead.

She laughs and shakes her head. “The market is that way.” She points behind us.

“Shit. And I was trying to be all gallant. I should have checked Google maps for directions.”

Waving her hand, she spins around and starts walking. “I live here. I know where to go to shop. Follow me.”

“You got it, gorgeous.” I fall into step about four feet away, needing to be closer. A hint of lavender and fresh-cut mint swirls in the air around us. “You smell that?”

She frowns. “Smell what?”

“It’s like flowers. Lavender and maybe mint?”

“You’ve got a good sniffer.” She points to her nose. “My body wash and lotion.”

“It smells fuckin’ amazing.” I lean closer and inhale her scent deep into my lungs. Fuck. I can’t get enough.

Quickly she sidesteps off the curb and into the street. Shit, she shouldn’t be on that side anyway.

“Six feet, buster!” She reminds me while pointing a finger. “I don’t want your corona-cooties.”

Letting her get back on the sidewalk ahead of me, I switch our positions making sure I’m on the side of the sidewalk that’s nearest the street.

“Are we dancing now?” She eases closer to the buildings but once again, we’re only four feet apart.

Being two feet closer is a true win but I keep that tidbit to myself, so I don’t scare the woman away.

“Nah, I’m just making sure you’re on the safe side. My late mother would kill me if I didn’t treat a woman like you right.”

“A woman like me?” Her blue eyes are dazzling with mirth and her cheeks are still pink, but I gather it’s the nip in the air that’s giving her the rosy hue.

“Yeah, a good girl. A woman you woo and bring home to the family.”

“As opposed to a woman you just hit-it and quit-it with?” She cocks an eyebrow.

I suck in a sharp breath and hiss. “You caught me.”

She shrugs. “I get it. There are a lot of women in the sisterhood who do not do themselves any favors. Though I’m not opposed to a woman getting herself some if she desires it. Each to their own. I think it’s just there’s a different societal expectation for women than men. If a woman has a healthy sexual appetite and takes advantage of a consensual night of fun with a man she’s just met, she’s a slut or a whore. It’s bullshit.”

“And if a man does the same?” I prod, interested in her take. Especially since up until this past year I’d been a serious man whore myself.

“It’s just different. They’re slapped on the back by their buddies. And if a woman doesn’t put out within a certain number of dates, she’s a prude or a cold fish.”

“I can see that.”

Her eyes blaze a white-hot fire as she looks at me. I’m actually a little afraid for my life.

“I swear I don’t prescribe to that philosophy myself! Please don’t incinerate me with your laser eyes, princess.”

“Mmm hmm. Most people do. It’s unfair when you think about it. Women have the same sexual desires and needs as a man does, but we’re expected to hide that side of ourselves or push it out the door and try to find a happy medium between a slut and a prude. And then there’s the man’s take on sex. They want a lady to bring home to Mama, but they want a pornstar to fuck.”

“Jesus, how did we get here?” I laugh while once again discreetly trying to adjust my cock. The damn thing is all too happy to discuss ladies and pornstars, but preferably naked while in bed with Sadie.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance