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“I saw the pictures, man. We all saw them. Then we found out you had steroids in your locker. How dare you make a mockery of the sport. Making our team look bad. All those kids that look up to you. I expected more from you. So much more from the team’s—hell, the NFL’s—best running back. Now we find out your stellar record and performance were because you were juicing!”

“You’ve got it all wrong!” I attempt, but he’s undeterred.

“Fuck you, man. Fuck you. I hope you lose it all.” He blasts me before hanging up.

I let the phone drop from my hand. It hits the concrete, but thankfully doesn’t break.

Robby. One of the only guys I expected to give me the benefit of the doubt—hates my guts. Believes I took the easy way out.

“Fuck me!” I roar, spearing my fingers into my hair and tugging at the roots. The bite of pain hits and I wince. “How could this happen. I didn’t fucking do it! Jesus!”

My phone buzzes against the concrete. With hope in my heart, I grab the phone and answer it without seeing who it is.


“Nah, man, it’s Levi. How the hell are you?” His voice is a much-needed brotherly balm coating my frantic mind and heart. Levi is my best friend on the team and also a running back. Second for my position. Though probably first right now. At least it’s him and not some other schmuck that’s filling in. I trust him implicitly.

“Brother, everything is so jacked up. I didn’t juice and I know I didn’t do any of those drugs at that party. I was set up. I swear to God!”

“Shit, man. I don’t know what to say… But I believe you. You work damn hard. This is crazy. Add in the quarantine and everything is tits-up.”

I rub my forehead, slicking off the remaining drops of drying sweat, and look up to see if Sadie has made an appearance.

No dice.

Sighing, I lie back on the bench with the phone pressed to my ear. “Levi, I’m scared.”

“I can imagine, brother. This situation is no joke. Who do you think is setting you up?”

I shake my head and close my eyes against the sun’s bright rays. “I don’t know. Most of the team are like brothers to me. Maybe it’s someone on another team. Another player wanting to win against us? Or maybe another running back in the league who wants to take me out and have his record rise above mine? Fuck! You have no idea how frustrating this is. I can’t even clear my name.”

“Where are you anyway? Before the quarantine I tried to stop by your place. It was packed with paparazzi.”

“At a friend’s place. Laying low like Polly demanded.”

“Aw, Polly. Such a hellcat, that one. What I wouldn’t give to dip my wick in that piece of sweet cherry pie.”

I chuckle. Polly is beautiful. A redhead with clear blue eyes and a stellar rack. A petite spitfire who would just as soon cut off your balls and feed them to the wolves, all the while buttering you up for a press conference.

“You couldn’t handle Polly,” I say. “She’d eat you alive.”

He laughs and it lifts me up a little.

“But what a way to go.” His voice drips with innuendo.

That has me laughing. “Hey, thanks for calling. You’ve made me feel a bit better. At least not everyone hates me. I just got done chatting with Robby and he basically shoved a stake through my heart. The guy believes I did it. Which kills, man, fucking kills.”

“I know, brother. Just stay strong. I’m sure it will all come out all right. Are you being safe, staying inside with the virus?”

I inhale fully and let it out in a long slow breath. “Yeah, but it’s boring as hell being alone all day. Though I’ve got a few distractions keeping me sane.” I glance at Sadie’s apartment. The curtains haven’t moved.

Where the hell is she?

“All right. Well call me when you need a breather. Keep your chin up,” he offers.

“Thanks, Levi. Means a lot you believe in me and that you called to check in. You’re a true friend.”

“Of course. We’re brothers.”


I guess I have one on the team when I thought I had fifty.

“Catch ya on the flip, Sparks.”

“You too. Bye.”


I press the off button and look up at the sky. Out of nowhere a light sprinkling starts. Fucking San Francisco weather. It can’t ever decide what it wants to be. One minute sunny and breezy. The next wet and windy. Then back to the sun or overcast, but warm.

I head inside and make myself a sandwich, grab a bottle of water, and put on a gray hoodie, then take the entire lot back onto the balcony.

It’s drizzling, but I don’t want to miss it if Sadie eventually comes out. I flip up my hood and hunker over my sandwich, sitting in the rain for a fucking woman I’ve known for three days. This has to be the epitome of pathetic. Then again, it’s not like I have other plans. A little water never hurt anyone.

Tags: Kylie Scott Romance