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I lie on my side, my hard-on hovering a few inches off the bed, suspended in mid-air. “I’ll be right here, in this exact position, when you get back.”

She bites her lip and looks me over, then turns and runs down the hall, her pert ass jiggling. As I lie on her bed, waiting for her to return, I wonder how she knows about her brother’s stash of condoms. Maybe she snooped in his room. I can’t imagine Waters offering up that information willingly. He’s far too protective of Sunny to help her out in the prophylactic department. If he knew she was about to use them with me, he’d probably make a noose with the leftovers and hang me by my dick from the rafters in the attic.

Sunny returns a minute later wearing only a huge smile. She jumps on the bed, her perky boobs bouncing, pink nipples standing at attention thanks to the air conditioning. “Jackpot!” she shouts and drops a pile of condoms on the comforter.

At first I think it’s awesome, because clearly this means Sunny wants to get her serious fuck on with me. Maybe we can have multiple rounds tonight. Morning sex could be an option—along with afternoon, mid-afternoon, early evening, and late-night sex. I can make up for months of no pussy all in one weekend. Then I pick up one of the gold squares and flip it over. It’s not a regular, run-of-the-mill Magnum. It’s a Magnum XL.

“These came from your brother’s room?”


“Did you bring his entire stash?”

“Nope. There’s loads more if we need them!” She’s bouncing, and her boobs shake with the movement. It’s distracting. “He used to have a couple of boxes in there, back before he moved to Chicago. I figured I’d take a chance and see if there were any left, and this is what I found. I guess he probably doesn’t need them anymore, so they’re all ours.”

I ignore the last part. I don’t want to think about what he and my sister get up to since I’ve already witnessed the tail end of fuckery—literally—in the team locker room after he got ejected from a game for fighting. No amount of brain scouring will get rid of walking in on that. The only good part about that night was meeting Sunny.

I sift through the pile, flipping them over as I go, looking for something more my size. So far all I’m finding are the XLs. “You think he used these?”

Sunny nods.

“You’re sure he didn’t get them for promo or something?” I’ve never checked out Waters’ junk on purpose, but we all walk around the locker room and air our shit out after it’s been cramped in a cup. Except Randy. He’s weird about shit like that. Waters doesn’t look like he should need these. I’m way bigger than he is when I’m hanging low. But then I’m a shower, not a grower.

“I have no idea. All I know is he keeps them in his closet.”

“You said he wasn’t a dickwhore. Why would he need all of these if he wasn’t planning on using them?”

She waves off the comment. “I don’t think he usually has this many. His friend Reid gave these to him as a joke for his twenty-fifth birthday.”

“Huh. Well, I guess we lucked out. It looks like you found the mother lode.” Now I know way too much about Waters’ dick and the reason for Violet’s awkward gait when they were first dating. I guess she must have gotten used to him by now.

I sift through the pile and finally find a green foil square, thank Christ. Here’s the thing about condoms: it definitely sucks if they’re too small. No one wants to feel like the circulation is being cut off in his dick. But I’d sure as hell rather wear a condom that’s a little on the snug side than go with one that’s gonna make my lightning rod look like it’s wearing a baggy sock.

I’ve used the green ones before. They’re extra snug, and it makes my junk look more impressive when I have to fight to roll it on. The shaving routine helps make everything look bigger, too. Not that I need any help there.

“So . . . um . . . do you think one of those will work? I checked the expiration date. They’re all good for, like, two more years.”

She’s doing that thing with her hair again. I hold up the green foil square. “This is perfect. I’ll thank your brother the next time I see him.”

Sunny’s eyes go wide. “You better not! He’ll castrate you.”

I slip an arm around her waist, and condoms crinkle under us as I roll over on top of her. “You don’t think he’d be cool with us being safe?”

“Alex would like to think he’s done a great job acting as my guard dog since high school.”

Tags: Helena Hunting Pucked Erotic