Page 119 of Pucked Up (Pucked 2)

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Waters looks shocked, whether because of the outburst, Sunny swearing, or her standing up to him I can’t be sure, but I want to snap a picture of the look on his face and frame it.

“I’m not trying to mess up your life; I’m trying to keep you from getting hurt.”

“How are you keeping me from getting hurt?”


She cuts him off. It’s epic. “By trying to run my life? By overreacting every time you see a picture of Miller with anyone but me? By breaking my boyfriend’s nose? You’re not protecting me, Alex, you’re being an a-hole. Have you even apologized to Miller for what you did?”

His lips mash into a thin line, his eyes darting to me and back to Sunny.

She throws her hands in the air, and we narrowly miss another beaver shot. “Honestly! You promised you’d apologize!”

Waters shoves his hands in his pockets. “I haven’t had a chance.”

“Well, here he is.” She gestures to me. “The opportunity is yours.”

Waters stares at a spot above my head. “I’m sorry I broke your face.” He doesn’t sound like he means it. Not even a little.

Sunny calls him on it. “That’s the worst apology ever. Try again.”

He heaves a sigh and runs a hand through his hair. This time he looks me in the eye. “I’m sorry for being an asshole.”

Sunny motions for him to keep going.

“And for breaking your nose.”

When it’s clear she expects more, he rolls his head on his shoulders. “And for interfering. I just want what’s best for Sunny. She’s my only sister. Up until I met Violet, I wasn’t a very good role model. I guess maybe I was trying to make up for it, and I took it too far. I know you care about her, Miller. I can see that. I haven’t been very fair. So, yeah. I’m sorry. Can we call a truce?”

He steps forward and holds out his hand. I meet him halfway, then think about where my fingers have been. “Uh, maybe props would be better.” I make a fist and hold it up.

His brow furrows, and then he makes this face. He gets what I mean. “I had that coming, didn’t I?”

“After the locker room? You sure fucking do.”

We bump fists.

“See? That wasn’t so bad was it? I mean, you’re gonna be brothers anyway, so you might as well start getting along, right?” Sunny gives Waters a quick hug and then throws her arms around my neck.

“Sunny, I’d appreciate it if you put some clothes on now.” Waters is staring at the ceiling.

I look over Sunny’s shoulder to find her ass hanging out the bottom of the shirt.

“Oops!” She drops her arms and covers her ass with her palms, not that it’s necessary anymore.

“That elevator takes forever!” Violet comes through the door carrying a bag of takeout. “Oh, hey, guys . . .” She surveys the scene: Alex is checking the ceiling for spider webs. Sunny’s in nothing but my shirt and holding her ass, and I’m in a pair of pants with the rest of our clothes strewn all over the floor.

She shoves the takeout at Alex and rushes Sunny. “Oh my God! Are you two back together?”


“Oh, thank fuck! You guys are so stubborn I was worried it was never going to happen.” They jump around and hug each other like they scored backstage passes at a boy-band concert. Then Waters and I stand awkwardly while they whisper back and forth. I can’t hear what they’re saying, but Sunny’s blushing, so I’m sure it’s an overshare.

My phone rings from somewhere under the pile of clothes. “Oh shit. What time is it?”

“Seven-thirtyish? You guys want to have dinner with us? Or have you already eaten?” Violet snickers.

Waters rolls his eyes.

“Uh. Thanks for the invite, but I’m supposed to be at the airport, like, now.” I was cutting it close already; I’ll be lucky to make it at all.

“What time’s your flight?” Violet asks.


“Yeah, you’re not going to make that.” Waters drops the takeout on the side table and kicks off his shoes. “You might as well reschedule and stay the night. There’s a spare room down the hall.” He crosses over to the cupboard to grab some plates.

So I reschedule my flight, again, and talk my dad into attending my meetings in the morning. Sunny and I spend the night in her brother’s spare room having quiet make-up sex.

The next morning she drives me to the airport. We kiss for way longer than we should in a highly public place. I take off my baseball cap and hold it up so we don’t offend anyone or attract too much attention. Pictures still end up on the Internet, but I don’t mind. Neither does Sunny, apparently. She uses one of them as her avi on social media. It’s not in-your-face at all.

Tags: Helena Hunting Pucked Erotic