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“If this is a black tie event, I might have a problem,” Andrei finally said. “As I don’t have a black tie.”

Lucas grinned and pushed away from the window as another knock echoed from the door. At his call, a pair of men in suits carrying a variety of garment bags bustled into the office.

“Fuck, Lucas. We’ve got to talk about this,” Andrei growled, his good humor dissolving.

“Oh, I’m charging Rowe for this,” Lucas quickly countered, his grin turning evil. “He really should supply his people with the proper attire to keep up with their client’s schedule.”

Scrubbing his hand over his face, Andrei tried to settle the unease building in his stomach. Lucas spending money on him constantly didn’t sit well with him. Maybe the idea of trying to develop something more with Lucas beside a few hot fucks was stupid. How much did they actually have in common? They traveled in different circles and likely enjoyed completely different things.

A hand clamped down on his shoulder and Andrei looked up to stare directly into Lucas’s worried gaze. “This is bothering you.”

“Yes, it’s fucking bothering me,” Andrei snapped. “You can’t keep making decisions that impact me without telling me. I’m not some brainless Ken doll that you can dress up and move around. I’m an adult and can take care of myself.”

“I know. I thought it would be easier if I handled it.”

“It’s not.” Andrei struggled to keep his voice low.

Lucas’s brow furrowed and he looked out the window. “I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to piss you off.”

“You can’t keep spending money on me. It’s wrong.”

Lucas’s gaze returned to his face. It was obvious by the furrow in his brow that he still didn’t understand, but he finally shrugged, releasing Andrei’s shoulder. “Fine. You’ve got dinner after the gala. Pizza. Pepperoni, Italian sausage, and black olives. I trust you know a place.”

Andrei could only shake his head as he walked over to the newcomers. He gave himself over to a series of measurements and fittings as the two tailors made adjustments to an existing tuxedo so that he could wear it that evening. After making a few initial comments, Lucas slipped over to his desk to resume his work. Again, people came and went, but no one seemed to react to the odd things going on in the office.

At lunch, Lucas and Andrei attempted to brainstorm why Lucas’s investment in Price Hill had made him a target, but neither of the two men felt as if any progress was made or even could be made until more information was gathered from Thomas Lynton.

Andrei fell into a book after lunch while Lucas worked for the rest of the day. Time slipped away and it was after six when Lucas announced that they needed to return to the penthouse so that they could dress for the evening. The tailors had said Andrei’s tux would be delivered to The Ascent by four p.m.

As they rode the elevator down to the parking garage, Andrei looked at Lucas’s reflection in the silver doors. “Is this a normal day for you?”

“You mean the fittings, haircuts, and meetings?”

Andrei nodded.

“No. It’s usually just meetings.”

“Thank you. You didn’t have to. We could have worked something out. Rowe could have gone in my place,” Andrei offered up a little haltingly.

Lucas turned his head so he could meet Andrei’s gaze. “I trust you with my back. I want you there.” Lucas sighed as he tacked on, “But I also want you comfortable. It’s…it’s a different world. They’re…”

“Judgmental. Critical. Elitist,” Andrei supplied with a smile when Lucas’s voice trailed off.


“Do you like it? That world.”

Lucas frowned and looked up at the digital readout of the floors as they steadily ticked lower. “No,” he whispered. “I have little time that’s my own and I can think of several other things and other people I’d rather be with than these people. But…”

Andrei grunted in understanding. This was the life that Lucas was fighting so hard to build for himself. He wanted so badly to be considered a part of this rich elite that he was willing to suck up a crappy evening with a bunch of people he didn’t like and probably didn’t respect.

The elevator pinged and the doors slid open with a soft rumble. Andrei moved first, stopping in the doorway. He held both doors open, blocking the way so Lucas couldn’t pass. “Do we have time for a little fun when we get to the penthouse before we put on your fancy duds?”

Lucas laughed, deep and loud, and Andrei relaxed. It was the first true laugh he’d heard out of the man all day.

“I wish.”


Lucas shook his head. “The gala starts at 7:30 and I want to get there as close to the start as possible.”

Andrei’s shoulder slumped and he groaned. That didn’t sound enticing at all. Not when he had other things in mind to pass the evening.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance