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Before he could come up with a way to deflect Ian’s question, Lucas’s heavy footsteps echoed across the first floor. Both men looked up to find a barefoot and bare-chested Lucas crossing to the kitchen, one hand rubbing his eye as if he were still trying to wake up.

As soon as he reached Andrei, Lucas grabbed a handful of his long hair and twisted, holding him captive as he roughly kissed him. His tongue plunged into his mouth in the most possessive, draining kiss Andrei had ever received. A low moan rose up his throat and he lost himself in the heat and passion. He had just enough time to clasp Lucas’s hips before the man broke off the kiss.

Lucas pressed his forehead to Andrei’s, loosening his grip on his hair. “Next time, wake me,” he said, his voice hoarse from both sleep and the low-burning hunger that was still eating at them both.

When they parted, Andrei looked up to find Ian staring at them with his mouth hanging open. Well, there went that secret.

“Ha! I knew it!” Ian exclaimed, pointing at both of them.

“Let it go, E,” Lucas grumbled, stepping around the island to pour himself a cup of the coffee that Ian had already started. “It’s not what you think.”

“You know, that’s exactly what Andrei said.”

“That’s because he’s not an idiot.” Lucas picked up the folded newspaper that Ian had brought in with him and moved to the small dining room table, while Ian continued cooking breakfast, occasionally throwing Lucas a dirty look.

Out of place and off-kilter, Andrei struggled to find his footing as if he were trapped between two worlds. After a couple seconds of indecision, he retreated to the one he knew. Grabbing the gun off the counter, Andrei turned to head back upstairs. He could shower and get dressed while Lucas spent some time with his friend. Maybe he could read a chapter of the book he’d been working on the other day.

“Where are you going?” Ian demanded when Andrei hadn’t taken more than two steps. Andrei turned back to find Ian looking utterly confused and maybe even a little hurt that Andrei was leaving.

“Shower and get dressed.” Andrei turned a little to look at Lucas. “I’ll be ready when you want to leave for the office, Mr. Vallois.”

“Sit,” Lucas growled, not even looking up from the paper.

Ian smiled at him. “I’d do it. He’s a bear until he’s had a couple cups of coffee. I’m making crêpes today.”

“With bacon,” Lucas added.



“No. Fruit.”

That brought the newspaper down so that Lucas could glare at Ian. “Damn it! You’ve got to stop this healthy shit, E. I need meat in the morning. Sausage, bacon, steak, ham. Something with substance.”

Andrei bit back a smile as he fixed himself a cup of coffee and took the seat next to Lucas, content to watch the byplay between the two friends. They really were like brothers. Ian was incredibly easy-going and quick to smile, while Lucas was definitely bear-like regardless of whether he had his coffee. He was prone to giving orders and simply expecting everyone to fall into line.

“That healthy shit is going to keep you from having a heart attack in a year. Besides, last week was the omelet with the four different meats. You can’t have that every time.”

“Watch me. Crêpes with fruit? Come on, E—”

Ian slammed a knife down on the counter and glared at Lucas. “Are you seriously criticizing my cooking?” he demanded in a soft voice that sent a chill down Andrei’s spine. The guy wasn’t very big, but damn.

“Fuck,” Lucas grumbled under his breath. To Andrei’s amazement, Lucas’s shoulders slumped and it looked as if he were slightly cringing. “Of course not. I’m just saying—”

“If I were you, I’d stop now or I might choose to stop pretending that I didn’t get a fucking call from Rowe two nights this week and that I don’t know you spent last night being shot at.”

Andrei jerked, frowning. He’d hoped that their recent escapades had escaped Ian’s knowledge. They’d had an enjoyable time at Rialto just two nights ago and he’d wanted the man to think the night had ended with that. Lucas’s hand dropped to his wrist, his thumb lightly rubbing against the top of his hand. He looked at the other man to find him trying to reassure him. Andrei blamed himself for that mess in Price Hill and that wasn’t going to change. They’d both made mistakes in judgment and other people had gotten hurt because of it.

Pushing to his feet, Andrei walked over to the island to stand next to Ian, wary of the knife still clenched in his fist. “Is there something I can do to help?”

Ian froze at his words, his head lifting so he could look at Andrei in shock.

“I’m a horrible cook, but I can chop and wash.”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance