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Andrei shook his head, closing the distance between them so that he was now standing between Lucas’s thighs. “You can put your hands wherever the fuck you want. I’m not leaving this room until you’re shouting my name.”

Grasping Andrei’s shoulders, Lucas could only groan, his eyes closing as Andrei quickly undid his belt and opened his pants. He shoved both his pants and his boxer briefs low on his hips, freeing Lucas’s cock. He couldn’t draw his eyes away from Lucas’s face as his wrapped his hand around his hard cock, earning another low moan, Lucas’s hips thrusting forward. He stroked his hand up and over the head, catching on this soft, damp skin. A slow smile pulled at his lips as he caressed the slick tip.

Andrei leaned in, nibbling at Lucas’s lips, then pulling away before Lucas could deepen the kiss. “Did you come a little when you sucked me off?”

“Fuck yes,” he hissed. Lucas’s eyes flicked open, drilling through Andrei with such heat. “You are so damned hot. Taste so damned good. And the noises you make.” His body tensed, his hands tightening on Andrei’s shoulders until Andrei was sure the man was going to have more bruises in the form of fingerprints. His breathing picked up.

Threading the fingers of his free hand through Lucas’s hair, he pulled his head back, trapping him for a hard, punishing kiss as he stroked him faster. Their bodies nearly pressed together so that Andrei’s knuckles swept across both their stomachs as he moved his fist. Andrei could feel himself growing hard all over again, need beating at him, but he shoved it down. He needed this more.

“Andrei….” Lucas drew out his name, gasped.

“That’s it. Come for me,” Andrei growled, picking up his pace. “I want to watch you fucking come all over me.”

Lucas’s breath hitched in the back of his throat and then he cried out, shouting Andrei’s name as his entire body jerked under the force of the orgasm that ripped through him. Andrei continued to pump his cock, spreading his come across both their stomachs. As soon as Lucas started to drift back down, he grasped Andrei, kissing him deeply.

When Andrei pulled away, he kept his forehead pressed against Lucas’s as he grinned. His hand was still wrapped around Lucas’s slowly softening cock, trapped between their bodies. Never in his life had he jerked another man off, never even considered doing it. But that realization didn’t compare to the expression of the man in his arms. Lucas looked utterly sated and relaxed. Lines of worry had disappeared and new laugh lines around his mouth had appeared that Andrei hadn’t noticed before. His eyes almost seemed to glow in the semi-darkness, still the deep green of earlier.

He was beautiful.

Andrei’s heart stuttered.

Lucas slipped his fingers through Andrei’s shoulder-length hair in a slow, gentle caress. “I’m a mess.”

“Yeah,” Andrei said with a note of pride and amusement. “But look.” He jerked his chin toward the window, getting Lucas to glance over his shoulder. “Still a stunning view to fuck to.”

Lucas’s deep laugh filled the room before he kissed Andrei. He was still laughing when he broke off the kiss and Andrei stepped away. Andrei turned and grabbed up his slacks, wiping off his hands and stomach. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Lucas kick off the last of his clothes before strolling into the bathroom to clean up. A shower would be nice. But even as the thought hit Andrei, exhaustion from the long day crept up on him. He could always shower in the morning.

“How’s your back?” Lucas called from the bathroom.

“Stings,” he admitted as he bent and picked up his clothes scattered around the room. He’d completely forgotten about his back since they’d entered the penthouse. But now that he thought about it, there was a lingering pain as if from a slowly healing sunburn. In another day or two, the pain would be completely gone.

Lucas stepped into the open doorway with a white towel in his hands. “Need more of the green goop?”

“You gonna put it on?”

“No, I thought I’d watch you struggle with it,” he replied sarcastically. As he walked to Andrei, he pulled the clothes out of his hands and thrust the towel into them. “Lay on your stomach. I’ll be right back.”

Andrei watched as Lucas unselfconsciously sauntered naked through the room on his way back to the kitchen. He seemed to be moving better than he had been just a couple days ago. Even with the faint bruises, he was a stunning man.

Shaking his head, Andrei let out a little sigh as he used the towel on himself before dropping it on the counter in the bathroom. Lucas had taken all his clothes, leaving behind only his gun and holster. Was he supposed to crash in Lucas’s bed? Let him put the goop on and then crawl back into his own bed? Hell, he had a feeling that it was the latter. Lucas didn’t seem the type to let his sexual partners linger after he was done with them. Even so, the cool aloe gel sounded nice.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance