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“God, you smellsogood. Don’t wanna go home. Seen you before here a lot. AnatShiver. Been hopin’ to find you.”

The slurred words came with the flirtiest smile Lucas had ever seen. The kid really was a beauty—if you went for young, adorable, and pretty. Nearly platinum curls framed a pixie-like face with big blue eyes. And holy shit, the kid’s plump, pouty lips were made for blowjobs. For someone his own age. Lucas had to hold his breath to keep from laughing when the boy started rolling his hips in a sinuous move that sent his ass right over the doctor’s crotch.

Snow winced, cursed, and picked him up, this time setting him on his feet. “No.” He used the kind of voice one would with a toddler.

The muffled chuckle behind him let him know Andrei was having just as hard a time not cracking up.

“Come on,” the kid whined. “I promise we’ll have a good time. I’m Goh...Geoffrey.”

“Of course you are.” Snow’s mutter came with a frantic look at Lucas, followed by a grunt when Geoffrey jumped back into his lap.

“Okay, come on now.” Andrei moved around Lucas and helped pull Geoffrey off Snow. “Let’s see an ID.”

“Why does everyone askforit? Showed it to three bartenders here already.” He frowned, stared down at Snow as he dug his license out of pants that had been painted on.

Andrei took the card, lifted a dark eyebrow. “He’s twenty-six. It’s real.” Shock widened his dark eyes as he looked back at the kid.

Lucas didn’t blame him. The kid, no, man stood all of five foot five and with those delicate young features wasn’t going to look like an adult until his late thirties probably. That could either hinder him horribly or work in his favor with the right boyfriend.

“See?” Geoffrey waggled his white brows at Snow. “Wanna come play now?”

Snow’s grin surprised the hell out of Lucas because instead of cutting the kid down like he usually would, this smile was actually friendly. “It’s still no. Maybe you can find me again when you’re sober.”

Geoffrey’s hands tightened into fists and his cheeks turned pink. The humiliation that swamped him hit Lucas like a wave and he felt bad for the young man as he turned and lurched away. Lucas waved one of the bouncers over to make sure the guy was safely seen into a cab. In both his state of mind and inebriation, someone with way less scruples would take advantage. He watched the bouncer follow Geoffrey before settling onto the couch across from Snow. “Would you really get with him? Never seen you go for anyone like that.”

Snow’s look of incredulous disdain should have burned a hole through Lucas. But all he did was laugh and give the doctor’s crotch a pointed look. There was definitely wood pushing against his jeans. Lucas felt the rush of surprise again. Wasn’t like Snow to hit a nightclub like this in jeans. But he looked good in them and the blue of his shirt made his eyes even sharper than usual.

That disdain turned into a scowl. “You have a tight, little bottom like that one rub all over you and see if you don’t react.” His ice-blue gaze flicked up to Andrei who stood behind the couch. “Are you going to hover like that all night?”

Lucas looked over his shoulder to see the bodyguard’s attention wasn’t even on Snow. He had his gaze zoomed onto something across the room if the narrowed eyes were an indication. Turning his head, Lucas scanned the crowd, but he didn’t see anything other than people dancing and a very decent amount of people crammed around the bar.

This club had been open the longest and had stayed surprisingly steady. People seemed to like the mix of cozy and sleek. Snow sure as hell did.

Andrei must have decided whatever threat he’d seen wasn’t one after all because he came around and sat on the couch with his back to the wall. He could see everything from that spot and because the rounded couches were set back from the table in the center, he wouldn’t be pinned in there. Andrei’s dark red tie with the fine black striping was drawing Lucas’s attention, causing him all kinds of internal problems. He changed the earlier fantasy image to Andrei with his back to that mirrored wall, his shirt still open, that tie bouncing on his abs as Lucas pushed one of his legs high—

Low chuckles pulled him from the image and that was a good thing. He’d been about to embarrass the hell out of himself. He glared at Snow, who only stared back, still laughing. His friend knew him well, probably had a pretty good idea what he’d been thinking about. He looked at Andrei only to find those black eyes locked on him.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance