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Some of the tension eased from Rowe’s spine and he turned to stare at Andrei while leaning against the refrigerator. “No, it’s not. What the hell were you thinking?” He held up a hand. “Wait. I bet I can guess. Lucas just barreled all over anything you said, didn’t he?”

“Pretty much, but I still shouldn’t have given in. I knew it was a risk—though, not the kind of risk it turned out to be.”

Rowe pointed at him. “I thought you, more than any of the others in my employ, would have the backbone to stand up to Lucas.”

“I do.”

With a small shake of his head, Rowe finally broke eye contact and sipped his coffee, his mind seeming to turn away from Andrei’s failure to other problems. “Can you remember anything more than you told me last night about the men who set the fire?”

“Other than the fact they were completely clueless, no. I got the distinct feeling they were only there on orders. Someone a lot higher up has designs on Price Hill. If you want to watch Lucas an hour or so, I’ll run home and get my laptop—do some research on people who bid on the property.”

Rowe rolled his eyes. “You really think I don’t already have Gidget on it?”

Andrei grinned. “I figured you did.”

“You need to run home for any other reasons?”

Andrei thought about his small, one room apartment. He had no pets, no plants, nothing that required his attention. And nothing really worth stealing, so he didn’t need to check on things. He shook his head. “Melissa brought more than I needed.”

Rowe continued to stare at him until Andrei had to fight the urge to fidget. Or touch his mouth. Were his lips still swollen from the kissing? It was better to change the subject, not that he wanted to talk about what was on his mind.

“There another reason you put me on this job?” Andrei asked in a low voice, struggling to hold Rowe’s gaze.

Rowe’s eyes narrowed. “What are you talking about?”

“I heard Lucas’s description of his attackers yesterday when he talked to the detective. Thugs with some fight training.”

A little smirk tugged at the corner of Rowe’s mouth and he relaxed. “Well, it doesn’t hurt that you’ve got some experience in that field. You can handle a more skilled physical attack.” His smile disappeared before it fully formed and he folded his arms over his chest. “Any insight?”

Andrei stared down at the book laying on the countertop, wishing there was something he could offer while at the same time wishing he didn’t have to think about his former life. “No. I’m three years out of that world and the kind of people who would do this…not the type I talked to if you get me.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

“You want me to let Lucas know you’re here?” he asked, feeling a little better that Rowe had had some kind of confidence in his skills. Maybe not so much now, but he could work hard, earn his trust again.

“I can let him know myself if that’s what I wanted.” Rowe shook his head again and turned to dig containers out of the refrigerator. He peeked in a few, then pulled down a plate and filled it with a little from each.

Andrei couldn’t help but laugh.

“I love the kid’s food.” Rowe stuck the overflowing plate into the microwave. “I danced for joy when he finally caved in to Lucas and set up Rialto.”

“Lucas took me there last night. It’s great.” Andrei inwardly winced at his word choice, instantly wishing he could pull them back but it was way too late for that.

Green eyes narrowed on him. “Is there another reason I should be pulling you off this job, Hadeon?”

Again, Andrei fought the urge to squirm. It wasn’t usual for him—he’d faced down bigger men than Rowe. But he wasn’t stupid. The man might not be that tall, but he was strong and mean and wouldn’t hesitate to work Andrei over if he felt the need. Even if they were friends to a certain degree. Not the kind of friends he was with Lucas. No, what the four men had was something a lot deeper.

He honestly felt envious of the bond they shared. Andrei had nothing like that in his life.

“Andrei, are you fucking my friend?”

“No.” He didn’t elaborate, didn’t share anything more. He wasn’t fucking Lucas. But he probably would be sooner or later. At least once when this job was over.

He had to know what it felt like to be with him. Had to.

The microwave dinged and Rowe opened a drawer and pulled out a potholder so he could get his plate. He set it on the bar a couple of seats down from Andrei and began shoveling food into his mouth. He groaned as he chewed, then swallowed.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance