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Andrei lifted his eyebrows at the man’s back, surprised he’d admit to such a sneaky tactic. “Is that legal?”

“Yes,” Lucas hissed, sounding more than a little irritated.

“So what are the other buildings for?” Andrei asked, fighting a smile that he hoped Lucas wouldn’t notice in the darkness.

“Shops. I’m opening a green grocer and funding a bakery. I’m going to have one refurbished for a bookstore. After that, I’m starting on some of the homes in the area, rebuilding them. The nightclub and the restaurant that’s going next door will be my cash cows. They’ll bring people in with their money, but the stores and the homes, that’s to rebuild the area.”

“That sounds…amazing.” Andrei was surprised by the feeling of awe that swept through him when he looked at the other man. “But what about the people that live here already?”

Lucas waved one finger at him, a broad grin on his face. “See, I thought about that too. Cincinnati already pulled this trick with Over the Rhine. The police came in, swept out the gangs and the violence, and poured money into cleaning everything up. All that was great. But as soon as all the shops opened up and OTR became the cool place in the city, none of the people already in OTR could fucking afford to live there. The goddamned hipsters priced them out!”

“And you’re not going to let it happen?”

“Fuck no!” He threw his arms wide, as he turned back to look at Andrei, his light eyes narrowed in his vehemence. “I was strategic in my purchases so that no one can come in and buy huge swaths of land because I won’t sell. I’m not building high-priced condos or freaking coffee shops that charge $20 for a latté. I’m bringing money to an underserved neighborhood and letting it remain working class, but with a better standard of living.”

Andrei couldn’t look away from him. Lucas had stepped forward in a beam of light shining down from the ceiling and his expression was filled with a sort of fierce pride and hope. He gazed around the crumbling building, apparently seeing opportunity, beginnings, and new life.

“Why?” Andrei couldn’t stop the near whisper.

Lucas’s gaze snapped back to Andrei and he frowned. “What?”

Andrei pressed on. “Why? Why do it? I mean, it sounds like you’re going to be lucky to break even on this deal.”

One corner of Lucas’s mouth lifted in a mocking smile. “I like a challenge.”

“Ehhh,” Andrei said, making a buzzer sound. “I’m sorry, that was the wrong answer. Please try again.”

The mocking smile morphed into a wide grin. Amusement made his eyes glitter. “I want to give back to a community that has given me so much.”

“Ehhh,” Andrei said again with a snicker. “Strike two. Do you think you can recognize the truth under all that manure?”

Lucas spread his legs and tucked his hands into the pockets of his slacks, staring at Andrei through narrowed eyes. “I know what it’s like to grow up in a neighborhood where you feel like you have no hope of ever getting out alive and no hope of things getting better. I want to create better now.”

Andrei smiled. “Good answer.” Fuck, he wanted to kiss Lucas all over again, but for an entirely different reason.

Lucas’s grin turned decidedly wicked and he lifted one eyebrow. “And what have I won?”

“My grudging respect and admiration.”

Lucas shook his head. “We need to discuss these prizes. Not at all what I was hoping for.”

“Yeah, well, what you’re hoping for probably wouldn’t get past the censors,” Andrei muttered under his breath.

“God, I hope not.” Lucas turned his back on Andrei to wander around the warehouse.

“So what is this place going to be like? Another Shiver?”

Lucas stopped and looked over his shoulder at Andrei, his gaze suddenly assessing, as if he were weighing some secret information. “You’ve been to Shiver?”

“Everyone’s been to Shiver,” Andrei replied with a shrug.


He laughed deeply, tipping his head back. “Great place for a one-night stand.”

“Isn’t that every nightclub?” Lucas drawled.

“Nah, some places I have to work at it. Not Shiver. I’m big and warm and chilly women like to snuggle.” Lucas looked like he was going to say something, but Andrei interrupted, trying to direct them away from the more sexual banter. “What are your plans for this place?”

“I’m going retro. Industrial goth.” Walking over to Andrei, Lucas started pointing out his plans for where the bar was going to be and the stage for performances or a DJ. The lighting would be low and subtle while the tables and art would be modern. Waving for Andrei to follow, Lucas led him up the wide staircase to the second floor that overlooked the first floor.

“Look here,” Lucas said excitedly, snatching up a rag draped over the railing. He wiped some of the dirt caked on the window and pointed out. “That’s the biggest reason I bought this place.”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance