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“Thank you,” Andrei said, returning to his seat when Ian released his hand.

Lucas watched as some of the amusement drained from Andrei’s eyes and the smile lingering on his lips grew more forced. It bothered Lucas and he wished Ian would leave so that he could ask him about it. But it could wait.

Ian turned and pulled over a chair so that he was between Andrei and Lucas. “So? What do you think?”

“It’s perfect,” Lucas said with a broad smile, swept up in Ian’s enthusiasm. The restaurant was amazing, a cut above everything else in the city. And Lucas had had very little hand in it all. Ian had hired the decorator, designed the menu, hired every member of the staff, and more. “Are you happy?”

Ian gave a little laugh and slumped in his seat. “It’s exhausting. There’s always so much happening and so many things that could go wrong. I’m always worrying about something, but then I walk in here and…and I’m just astounded every time.” He laughed again, sounding surprised. “Yeah, I’m happy.”

Leaning forward, Lucas cupped the side of Ian’s face with his right hand so that the young man was forced to meet his gaze. “I am proud of you. No matter what happens from here, succeed or fail, I am proud of you. You have created something brilliant and people love it.”

A crooked smile twisted Ian’s mouth and he blinked rapidly. “Yeah, I created it with your money.”

Lucas made a scoffing noise in the back of his throat. “No! You would have done this one day. I have no doubt. I just sped it along because I’m an impatient bastard and I couldn’t wait to share your genius with the world.”

“Thank you,” Ian whispered in a rough voice.

“One more thing. If you decide you’re done, say the word. You walk away. No questions asked.”

“Lucas!” Ian gasped, jerked backward out of the other man’s grasp. “I couldn’t. I mean, the money—”

“It’s just money. I can make more. Your happiness,” Lucas paused, fighting the need to clear his throat. “I pushed you into this, Ian. I know that. I need you to be happy.”

Ian leaned forward again and embraced Lucas tightly. “I am happy.”

Ignoring the protests of his shoulder and ribs, Lucas returned the hug as relief coursed through him. Lucas hadn’t realized how much he’d been worrying about the younger man until he’d walked into the restaurant. It was a lot to put on the shoulders of a twenty-five-year-old. Even if Lucas was offering a safety net, he knew Ian was worried about pleasing him.

When Ian released Lucas, he sat back and gave another nervous laugh. “Dinner?”

“Sounds excellent,” Lucas said with a nod.

Jumping to his feet, Ian put the chair back away and snatched up their menus when he returned. “In the mood for anything in particular?”

Lucas motioned for Andrei to proceed and the other man just looked up at Ian a little surprised. It wasn’t every day that the chef of a four-star restaurant waited on your every desire.

“No, not in particular. I’ve enjoyed what you sent to Lucas already.” Andrei’s smile looked a little more genuine now.

“Oh, you did?” Ian said, glowing with the praise as if he were somehow surprised that anyone liked his cooking. Then his brow immediately furrowed. “If you’ve been stuck with him,” Ian began, pointing his thumb over his shoulder at Lucas, “Then all you’ve had is Italian. And paella. Lucas doesn’t even know how to turn on his oven.”

“Hey!” Lucas snapped.

Andrei shrugged, his grin growing. “I’m not much better. I don’t venture far beyond steaks and grilled cheese.”

“Barbarians,” Ian muttered under his breath, glancing over at Lucas. Ian quickly peppered Andrei with questions, uncovering any hidden allergies and preferences before giving a final nod. “I’ve got something.” Ian started to leave when Lucas reached forward and grabbed his elbow.

“What about me?”

Ian smiled and patted Lucas on the cheek. “You’ll eat what I make you.”

Lucas flashed him a dazzling smile and released the young man. “Yes. Yes I will.”

When Lucas sat back in his chair again, relaxing, he found Andrei watching him with a somewhat mysterious smile. He couldn’t begin to guess what the man was thinking, but he was eager to find out.

“He’s very nice,” Andrei ventured after a lengthy stretch of silence. “And an excellent chef.”

“He’s brilliant.”

“You’re close.”

“We’re not lovers,” Lucas said, still smiling at Andrei, who blushed. “Never have been. Never will be.”

Andrei shifted in his chair, sitting up a little straighter. “I-I didn’t mean to imply.”

“I know, but you were wondering. Particularly since you know about my preferences.”

Their conversation paused when their server quietly swept in and poured red wine into both of their glasses. He didn’t offer the bottle or say a word, and Lucas wasn’t surprised. Ian loved surprises. He knew Lucas’s taste and the young man would have undoubtedly picked something that perfectly matched whatever he was cooking up for him and Andrei.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance