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Hollis flopped back on the couch, his long limbs going loose as he stared incredulously at Lucas. “And you didn’t think this threat was important enough to report to the police?”

“Mr. Vallois does not have to answer that question,” Sarah interjected sharply. Lucas held up his hand, keeping her from continuing. She was practically growling from where she sat next to Hollis, ready to pounce on the unsuspecting detective.

“It was a brief, random encounter. I didn’t think anything of it.”

The detective didn’t look convinced. His glare was impressive, or at least it would have been if he wasn’t sniffling and looking utterly miserable. “Anything else?” he bit out after several seconds of silence.

Lucas paused. Something had struck him about the fight…beyond the bastards’ fists and knees. Detective Banner caught the hesitation and slid forward to the edge of the sofa, leaning in closer. “What? You hear a name? See a tattoo?”

“They weren’t your typical thugs.”

“And how would you know that?”

“Lucas doesn’t have to answer that,” Sarah inserted and Lucas smiled at the detective. He was definitely going to let her have that one.

“Fine. Not your typical thugs. Could you explain?”

“One used Muay Thai.”

“Muay what?”

“Muay Thai. It’s an eastern fighting style.”

“You mean that MMA shit?”


“How can you be sure that you recognize Muay Thai? There are lots of fighting styles out there.”


He held up his hand, halting Sarah’s words. “I know Muay Thai and would be happy to give you a demonstration.”

Hollis grinned. “I’m sure you would. How common is Muay Thai?”

“More than it used to be, but it’s not what I’d call common. Takes years of training and dedication. The guy was good, experienced. Not great, but good.”

“What about the other two?”

“One was a boxer, or at least had a more traditional, all-fists approach. Nothing unique. The other was a wrestler or maybe someone who specialized in small circle jujitsu. I didn’t let him kick my ass long enough to verify his style of fighting.”

“So you got rolled by three pros over some property in Price Hill?”

Lucas shrugged and winced at the pain that shot through his shoulder. “I don’t know if they were pros. They just weren’t your average street thugs.”

“Something about all of this sounds familiar and if I wasn’t fighting a little man with a sledgehammer in my skull, I could remember from where.” He covered his mouth when a loud cough sent him bending in half. When he straightened, he apologized again. Lucas got the feeling that wasn’t normal for him. Neither the coughing nor the apologizing.

“Do you remember anything else?” Banner asked, his voice closer to normal.

Lucas shook his head, his eye snagging on Andrei as he quickly crossed to the front door. Banner’s coughing had covered up the sound of a key unlocking the door. His heart thudded as the bodyguard put his hand on the butt of his gun hidden under his jacket, ready to place himself between Lucas and danger.

The door opened and Andrei instantly relaxed, his hand falling limp at his side. Banner and his annoying questions were instantly forgotten at the sight of Ian carrying bags that had actual steam coming out of them. The room filled with the scents of chicken, shrimp, sausage and more. Lucas knew that smell. Lucas loved that smell. “Paella? You brought paella? I love you so hard right now.”

“You always love me hard because you know that’s how I like my loving.” Ian’s cheeks turned bright red as he noticed the others in the room. His brown eyes moved over Sarah and locked onto the detective. “I meant…I mean…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.”

“You totally did, and you know it,” replied a teasing female voice.

Lucas smiled at the cheerful woman who followed Ian inside, a black garment bag slung over her shoulder. It faded fast when he saw the expression on the cop’s face. Looked like someone had hit the big guy in the solar plexus and put him on stun mode. The hair on the back of Lucas’s neck stood up. Oh no. Fuck no. Not only had Lucas’s gaydar completely missed the cop—which was unusual and had to be due to painkillers or concussion—but from the look on his face, Ian was just his type.

His gaze swept to Andrei, who leaned down to allow Melissa to place a sweet kiss on his cheek before he accepted the bag from her. A small twinge of something…uncomfortable ran through Lucas at the gesture. It was not surprising that Melissa knew one of her husband’s employees, but he wasn’t overly thrilled that she’d apparently gone to the man’s place and packed a bag for him. Touched his personal belongings. That kiss was a too-painful reminder that Melissa was more his type than Lucas.

He pressed the heel of his hand into his forehead and rubbed hard. What the fuck? This was Melissa. She adored Rowe. And Andrei… Andrei wasn’t his. Never would be his. These damned painkillers and this stupid concussion were making him crazy.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance