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Snow stared at him for a moment before looking over at Rowe. The other man was stone faced, looking as if he were ready to march into whatever hell Lucas led them into. “You realize we’re not military anymore. We’re civilians. This isn’t some black op sanctioned by the government. We do this and there’s no way your high-priced lawyers save our asses if the cops catch us.”

Lucas felt the sneer twist his lips and he couldn’t hold back his words. “You say that like this is the first time we’ve broken the law.”

“I know you and Rowe have done things to cover up my mistakes, to pull me back from the edge.”

“That wasn’t the fucking edge, Snow. That was you lost in the goddamned abyss!”

“Hey!” Rowe barked. “This isn’t helping!”

Snow and Lucas ignored him as they locked eyes. “I pulled us down that road,” Snow said in a low, icy voice. “And Rowe has done his fair share as well. But you’ve always been careful to stick to the straight and narrow when it comes to your business. I just need to make sure that you’ve thought about this. You know what you’re doing.”

Lucas blinked and took a step back. He got it. There was a weight that came with this decision. It wasn’t just his life that he was threatening to fuck to kingdom come. No, Snow and Rowe could die. And if they didn’t, they could potentially lose everything if they were caught. And the consequences of that Lucas would have to live with on his conscience. Of course, Snow and Rowe weren’t walking in blind. They knew what Lucas was asking. Blood. Chaos. Destruction. Death. Both men could walk away, but they wouldn’t because of their loyalty to Lucas.

“I’ve had weeks to think about this,” Lucas admitted. It was a struggle to unclench his jaw. His entire body was one giant tensed muscle, but then it was the only way to hold all the rage inside. “I knew this could happen. I knew…” His voice drifted off and he glared at the photo on the top of his desk. “I end this tonight with or without you.”

“We go together,” Rowe said.

“Someone has got to watch your slow ass,” Snow added with a wicked grin.

Lucas nodded and he could feel some of the anger recede again, back under his control. “Get your Gidget on this building,” he said, pointing to the address on the ransom note. “Pull up blueprints and anything she can on the place—what it was used for, who owns it, how long it’s been abandoned. We’ll meet tonight at Rowe’s to gear up and lay out a plan of attack.”

“And the good detective who has been on your heels?” Snow inquired.

“He’ll be around today to tell me of the attack on Thomas Lynton’s house.” He paused, utterly disgusted by the thought but he knew it was the best option he had. “I’ll tell him to guard Ian tonight.”

Rowe leaned close, unable to hide his surprise. “Are you going to warn Ian?”

“Of course not! I’ll just get the detective to spend the evening in Rialto’s office and then get him to escort Ian home. Neither person needs to know the truth.”

“You will properly threaten Banner ahead of time,” Snow commented, but Lucas couldn’t tell if his friend was asking a question or making a statement.

“If I survive tonight, I’ll be more than happy to castrate the bastard on my way home.”

Rowe sighed loudly. “You know, the guy is allowed to date.”

“Ian? Of course he can date,” Lucas replied, sounding utterly reasonable.

“He just can’t date Hollis Banner,” Snow added.

“What the fuck ever,” Rowe said wearily, rubbing his hand over his face. Before turning toward the door, he snatched up the photo and letter from Lucas’s desk. “I’ll get started on the research and equipment. Gotta get some protection for Mel too. See you at nine.”

Both men watched Rowe stroll out of the office. Lucas had expected Snow to go with him, but the doctor stayed behind, something obviously on his mind that he preferred no one else hear. Lucas waited, watching his friend. His usual cold, emotionless demeanor was absent, pain filling his pale blue eyes as he looked at Lucas.

“I made a mistake with you,” Snow ventured after nearly a minute of silence.

Lucas flinched, surprised by Snow’s words. It wasn’t what he’d been expecting. “What do you mean?”

“You’ve pulled me out of the abyss time and again. I bounce back, in my own way,” he added a bit wryly. “I’m still alive because you keep coming in after me.”

He took a step toward Snow but the man stunned him by stepping backward, shaking his head. “Snow, you’re my brother. My friend. I love you. I will always come for you.”

“But I always thought you came back out of the abyss with me. I was wrong. You’ve been living in the abyss and I have no idea for how long.” A sharp, bitter laugh broke through the room. “I’ve been so lost in my pain and my problems that I didn’t see it. Not until I saw you with Andrei.”

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Unbreakable Bonds Romance