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Seth’s mouth fell open, his head going back, neck flexing.

Seeing the pleasure stamped on his features filled Liam’s body with scorching heat. He deliberately rotated his hips, gasping when Seth’s cock rubbed against his prostate. Seth’s head rose and he stared hard at Liam, fingers digging into his skin. He ran his palm over Liam’s belly and up his chest, curling his fingers in the hair there.

Liam leaned to kiss him, slanting his lips over Seth’s. Seth’s tongue came out to caress his. Liam stopped moving, holding Seth inside him as they kissed. He bit at Seth’s lips, sucking the bottom one into his mouth.

Seth let out the sexiest moan, the sound traveling through Liam. He couldn’t believe the way they connected in bed, so in sync, it awed him. They were connecting out of bed as well, and the thought stalled him for a moment. He pulled away far enough to look at Seth and saw the man watching him closely, his eyes slitted at half-mast.

“Come back,” he whispered, pulling Liam’s head toward him. This soft, deep kiss made his belly flutter, his heart pounding through his chest. He lifted his ass slowly before pushing down and this time, he felt his orgasm drawing his balls taut. Every muscle in his body tightened.

“Gonna come,” Liam panted, breath picking up. He sat up and began moving quickly, his hand rubbing his cock fast. “Gonna come all over you.”

“All over me. Do it.” Seth grabbed his hips again, pumping hard up into him. “Coat my body with your cum.”

Liam shouted and shot, watching the streams hitting Seth’s chest and stomach. Watching him must have been what Seth needed to go over, and he grasped on to Liam hard and thrust up, his whole body tensing. The cords in his neck flexed as he cried out and came into the condom.

Hands braced by Seth’s sides, Liam worked to catch his breath. He couldn’t take his gaze off Seth as the man writhed beneath him in pleasure. When Seth finally went still, he grinned up at Liam.

“Fuck, that was good.”

“Yeah,” Liam agreed. He pulled off Seth, who grasped the condom and tugged it off. Liam grabbed it and tied it before dropping it into the wastebasket by the bed. He reached down and picked up his shirt, using it to wipe his semen off Seth, then stretched out next to Seth on his side, unable to stop looking at him.

Seth surprised him, cupping his cheek and leaning in for a kiss. It was tender and sweet and again, his belly fluttered. When Seth scooted closer and rested his head on Liam’s arm, he pulled the man closer as he rolled to his back. Seth cuddled him, his arm heavy over Liam’s chest.

Neither said a word.

They didn’t have to.Chapter ElevenSeth stood outside the empty nightclub with Liam, tension humming through his frame, but there was something familiar about it all. He’d been on more missions than he could easily count with Rowe, his friends, and his coworkers at Ward Security. Considering the lack of legality, it really shouldn’t feel so familiar, but Seth was surprised that he didn’t mind. Helping good people get out of bad situations sometimes called for coloring outside the lines.

And Liam Larsen was a good man.

He didn’t deserve the shit he’d been dragged into.

But if he did have to go through this, Seth was glad to be the one standing right next to him through all of it.

“This is just another normal day at work for you, isn’t it?” Liam asked, breaking the silence that had stretched as they stood in the parking lot.

“Pretty much.” Liam looked over at Seth, his eyes narrowing, and Seth grinned.

“Would that mean this is a normal day for Sven as well since he moved to Cincinnati?” Liam’s voice had become that overbearing, overprotective older brother tone and Seth nearly laughed out loud.

“I’m gonna plead the fifth on that one,” Seth muttered. Liam rolled his eyes, but it was the low huff of laughter in the earpiece he was wearing that caught Seth’s attention.

“Good call,” Sven said, reminding Seth that little brother was listening in to the operation.

As it was, Seth was stunned that they’d been able to talk Sven into hanging back, allowing Seth to go in with his older brother. Of course, that didn’t mean Sven wasn’t incredibly close, ready to jump in should things go to hell.

It had taken two days to get Weiland to agree to a meeting and a final dollar amount to pay off Gerald’s debt. Then it had taken several hours of arguing at Sven and Geoffrey’s house along with a couple of orders of takeout to figure out how they were going to proceed.

In the end, Seth got the nod to stick to Liam’s side during the meeting. The general consensus was that Seth could most easily handle a situation without weapons since anyone entering the meeting place was going to be stripped of guns. That didn’t mean Sven wasn’t stewing in the shadows, dying to jump in to help his brother. Seth couldn’t blame him. If roles were reversed, Seth wasn’t sure he would have been able to bow out with Sven’s grace and even temper.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance