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“Of course. Why would I want to do anything else when sex with you is on the table?” Shane wrapped his arms around Quinn.

“That’s because sex with me is off the charts.”

“That it is, babe,” Shane whispered as their lips came together. Quinn felt so good on top of him, warm and solid. His long, lean body fit so perfectly against his. Shane opened his legs so Quinn could nestle closer, feeling the interest in the hard dick that pressed along his.

Shane hoped his hands were warm as he slid them under the back of Quinn’s sweater. Smooth flesh met his palms, and he ran them up the ripple of muscle and bone. Quinn pumped his hips, pressing harder into him.

Quinn kissed his neck, one of his hands clutched in Shane’s curls so he could pull his head where he wanted it.

Thunder rolled through the air.

Quinn went still. “Oh, shit.” With that he sprang up, throwing off the blankets just as the rain started to fall. “The system!”

Shane couldn’t help but laugh as the game system was immediately wrapped in one of the blankets. The rain was cold and he shivered as he sat up to gather the food containers.

By the time they got downstairs, they were both soaked. The blanket-wrapped system made it to the living room before Quinn hurried back into the kitchen to start stripping down. Shane slowed down his own clothing removal, too interested in watching his boyfriend. Quinn had a long, tight body that drove him crazy. He watched as Quinn turned and hopped to peel off his wet jeans, his gorgeous round ass on display.

Lust speared through his body. Shane kicked off the last of his clothes and stood naked as Quinn grabbed up all the wet things and took them into the small laundry room. He came back into the room and stopped when he saw Shane just standing there. Before Shane’s eyes, Quinn’s cock hardened. Quinn walked to him and stroked a hand down his chest.

That was when Shane had a great idea. He eyed the picnic-style block table on the black and white plaid rug and steered Quinn to it. He sat Quinn’s ass on the table and settled onto one of the benches, propping Quinn’s feet on the bench on either side of him. This gave him a fantastic view of his lover’s cock.

“We eat here, Shane,” Quinn said as he shivered.

“We do and I’m about to have a little something now.”

“Little?” One black eyebrow quirked up.

Shane gave him a slow grin. “Perfect.”

“Oh, God.” Quinn slid his ass farther toward the edge of the table and braced his hands back on it. He looked so cute with his hair all wet, but the goose bumps on his skin let Shane know it was time to warm his man up fast.

He leaned down a little, his head at the perfect height, and licked the head of Quinn’s cock. He held the base and ran his tongue along the smooth, silky skin. Quinn’s legs quivered around him. Shane probably should have taken them to bed to be warm under the covers, but the two of them tended to generate enough body heat. He planned to get Quinn so worked up, he’d be covered in sweat.

Sliding his mouth down that perfect prick slowly, Shane smiled as a groan rumbled over his head and the muscles of Quinn’s legs tightened. He ran his tongue around as he sucked Quinn in deep, then worked to swallow his head, knowing the tight clench of throat muscles felt so damn good. Quinn’s hips bucked. Shane pulled back slowly, teasing him just a bit before swallowing him down.

“So good,” Quinn gasped.

Shane plunged again, using his tongue and the suction of his cheeks to give Quinn as much pleasure as he could. His own dick ached and he reached one hand down to wrap his fingers around it.

Quinn groaned. The man loved to watch him touch himself and was always trying to entice Shane into masturbating in front of him. So he knew the blowjob and his perfect view of what Shane was doing was flat-out driving him crazy. His hips started to pump, and a couple of moans spilled from his mouth. Shane hummed around the dick deep in his throat and stroked his own. He began a faster rhythm, sucking in earnest now. Quinn’s cock was hot, the slightly salty flavor making him moan. Saliva filled his mouth and he started pumping his own dick harder.

“Yeah,” Quinn breathed. “Oh, hell yeah. So fucking hot.”

Quinn’s fingers were suddenly in his hair, his curls another of the things Quinn had an addiction to. Shane stuck two fingers into his mouth alongside Quinn’s cock and got them wet, then pushed them into his hole. Crooking them, he stroked Quinn’s prostate and that sent Quinn over. The man spilled into his mouth, crying out.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance