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“Yes,” Marc hissed. He leaned back against Royce, briefly letting the shorter man support his weight. He slowly blinked at József to see him watching them with lust filling his dark eyes. “Another time, then.”Royce nearly slammed Marc against the hotel door as soon as it was closed. They’d calmly but quickly made their way back through the party and to the rental car after Marc’s sizzling flirtation with József. They didn’t speak during the car ride back to the hotel. The snowfall had gotten heavy, and Marc needed all his concentration on the disappearing roads. But that just gave Royce time to replay Marc’s every word, every touch while in the private gallery.

He did not share Marc. Oh, he knew what Marc had been doing, and it had been absolutely brilliant, but that didn’t mean some primal part of his brain wasn’t going insane over the way Marc had touched József or the way József’s eyes had widened with every filthy image Marc had crafted. He needed to pin Marc down and stake his claim. Remind them both that Marc’s heart, mind, and body belonged to one person. Royce.

A low, desperate moan leaked out from their joined mouths and Marc clung to Royce, his long fingers biting into his arms like he was afraid Royce would suddenly disappear. Plunging his tongue inside, he tasted the wine Marc drank earlier in the night. He shifted his hips and he could feel Marc’s hard cock pressing against the front of his slacks, begging to be released. Royce rubbed his own against it and Marc broke off the kiss, throwing his head back against the door.

“Please, Royce. Need you!”

Royce couldn’t argue with that. Stepping backward, he grabbed Marc’s belt. He quickly unbuckled it and then unbuttoned the pants. Just as they were coming loose, he shoved Marc toward one of the chairs facing the windows.

“Hold the back,” he said between clenched teeth.

Marc gave a jerky nod as he quickly moved to the chair and grabbed the back as instructed. Royce paused only long enough to kick off his shoes and grab the bottle of lube from the nightstand. When he reached Marc, he shoved down Marc’s pants and briefs with one hand so they pooled around his feet. He’d prefer Marc naked and stretched out beneath him, but he didn’t want to wait. Just wanted inside of him.

“Is this what you had in mind when you were talking to József?” Royce taunted. The plastic snap of the lube cap could barely be heard above Marc’s ragged breathing. He quickly slathered some lube on his straining cock and then reached for Marc’s ass, pulling the cheeks apart so he could clearly see his pucker.

“Yes! Yes! Please, Royce!” Marc shouted as Royce brushed the head of his dick across his hole. “But I swear, I was thinking only about you.” Marc tried to push back and impale himself on Royce’s dick, but Royce’s hands tightened on his ass, holding him still.

“Who’s fucking you, Marc?”

Marc’s head popped up from where it had been hanging down, his hair dangling in front of his eyes but he looked at Royce, reflected in the windows. “You are. Only you.”

Royce pressed forward, the head of his cock pushing past the tight ring of muscles. A soft hiss slipped from between his teeth, and bone-melting heat wrapped around his cock. They’d been going bare for a few months since they’d gotten tested, and Royce couldn’t get over the way Marc felt so damn perfect. He waited for Marc’s body to adjust, holding his lover still. Marc loved the sharp bite of pain. They’d fucked so much during the past few days that he knew he really didn’t need to prep Marc, but he would not hurt him by rushing this.

“Oh God, Royce…please don’t punish me.”

“Shhh, baby.” Royce leaned down and wrapped his arms around Marc’s chest while slowly sliding the rest of his length into Marc’s body. “Not punishing. Never punishing.” He kissed his neck up to his ear where he slid his tongue along the shell. Marc still struggled with his darker past when it came to sex, but Royce was happy to patiently guide him away from those destructive thoughts back to something safer and positive. “Never gonna hurt you.”

“Fuck, Royce.” Marc moaned as Royce slowly withdrew until the head stretched those outer muscles, and then he pushed in again, letting Marc feel every damn inch of his dick. “Love you. Love you so much.” Marc’s voice wobbled and cracked. They were both balancing on the edge, and Royce had no interest in dragging things out. They’d go slowly later.

“Love you too, baby.”

Royce pulled back, sucking in a ragged breath, before slamming home hard and fast. He set them on a bruising pace so that the room was filled with the slap of sweaty skin and Marc’s desperate cries for more. Freeing one hand, Royce reached down and stroked Marc’s leaking cock. The muscles in his ass convulsed and tightened as Marc’s shouts grew more desperate, massaging and holding Royce even firmer. A couple of strokes more and Marc was shouting his release loud enough that their immediate neighbors could easily hear them. Royce snarled and followed him over a moment later, his orgasm slamming through him so hard his knees threatened to buckle.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance