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Quinn opened his mouth to reply and Shane dove in, grabbing his parted lips in a searing kiss that had Quinn melting back in his chair. A soft moan rose up his throat as he opened himself completely to Shane, letting himself be dominated. The fire was back in a scorching flash, burning away all common sense. His tongue explored every inch of Quinn’s mouth, plunging in again and again until Quinn’s tongue finally chased after him, wanting more.

Oh, yeah…sex with Quinn was going to be a whole lot better than just “good.”Chapter SevenShocked that Shane had taken his speech to mean right then, Quinn held still a moment…then, there it was again. That melting sensation he’d felt during their kiss yesterday. God, it was like his body warmed and liquefied, going pliant with pleasure. He wanted every part of it touching every part of Shane’s. Quinn didn’t hesitate as Shane pressed for entrance into his mouth. He just opened and tilted his head and their lips slid together so perfectly, wet and so fucking hot, he felt it in his toes.

He could fast become addicted to Shane’s mouth. The way he kissed, meticulous and deep as fuck, and he loved his taste. Quinn wondered if he could come just from that alone. He almost had the night before. Almost embarrassed himself badly. And then, he’d been so flustered and shocked, he did what he usually did. He ran.

Shane scraped his teeth over his bottom lip then moved to drop kisses on his jaw and down his neck. Quinn couldn’t stop the moan that left his mouth. Who knew his neck was that sensitive? He tilted his head back to give the man access and moaned again when he opened his lips over his Adam’s apple. A shudder rippled down his back. Shane pulled away and gave him a slow, sexy grin, his eyes hazy with lust.

He dropped to his knees.

“Here?” Quinn squeaked, he was so paralyzed with shock.

Shane lifted his shirt and pressed a firm, soft kiss on his belly. “Let’s test number one on your list of suggestions. Let’s see if our chemistry translates into good sex. And yeah,” he pulled Quinn’s hips to the edge of the seat and unzipped his jeans. “Right here.” He paused and lifted one eyebrow. “Am I going to have to put my hand over your mouth so you stay quiet?”

His eyes rolled back, and he didn’t even care what Shane thought about his reaction. “I’ll be quiet,” he whispered, anticipation making him chew on his lip. It was so tender from the kissing, overly sensitive. He licked it. The brown eyes watching him narrowed as they followed the movement of his tongue, then came back up to lock with his.

Damn. The heat there singed him from the inside out.

Quinn gripped the arms of the chair and watched as Shane pulled his jeans carefully down enough to free his dick. The man wanted him just as badly. Those eyes never left his, and they shone with an intoxicating mix of lust and wicked humor. Quinn’s breath picked up when Shane dropped his gaze to Quinn’s cock.

“Look at this beauty. Just gorgeous all over, aren’t you?” He ran one finger from the base to the tip and chuckled when Quinn’s dick jumped. “So, since we’ll be on to number two on your list soon, how about you come to my place tonight, so we can work on those long hours together?” He circled his hand around Quinn’s dick and slowly stroked up and down.

Up and down.

Quinn couldn’t look away, completely mesmerized by the long, elegant fingers on his skin. Shane’s hand was hot and rougher than he’d expect from someone who spent most of his time on a computer. He was just getting used to how wonderful it felt when Shane leaned down and held his dick up to his mouth. That wickedly talented tongue came out to taste and Quinn sucked in a hard, fast breath in anticipation. Shane seemed to be reading him like a book with that steady gaze. With the way he merely licked. Drawing the expectation out.

When that mouth finally wrapped his dick, Shane closed his eyes in obvious pleasure over what he was doing, and Quinn couldn’t stop the groan that rumbled from his throat. Now this, this he’d always loved. The warm, moist suction, the tight, wet heat. He gripped the chair arms as Shane increased his suction, his head bobbing in long, steady strokes.

“Fuck,” Quinn moaned before clamping down on his bottom lip to shut himself up. He bowed up off the chair, clenching his ass as pleasure washed over him again and again. Remaining silent had never been so hard—but he’d never gotten head in a public place either. He thrust up into that warm cavern, loving everything about this—down to the drip of saliva between his legs.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance