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The previous day after the shower and sex, they’d foraged for food and talked before Sven spread Geoffrey out on the dining room table and made a meal out of him then buried himself deep in Geoffrey’s tight body again. They’d started a movie but Sven couldn’t remember past the opening credits. Geoffrey had been curled up against him on the couch and his wonderfully long fingers had started wandering along Sven’s body, leaving them instantly engrossed in each other rather than what was flickering on the massive TV. Dinner ended up being them seated on the floor in the kitchen in front of the open fridge, picking through leftovers and talking about their favorite meals as children. Then Geoffrey had drawn him back to the master bedroom where they took their time, worshiping each other’s bodies, drawing out the moment for as long as possible.

Sven loved every second of it. It wasn’t just the sex. It was listening to Geoffrey talk. No matter what the topic, he put so much enthusiasm and passion into it. His hands danced through the air like agile birds as he spoke and his wide eyes shone with his own inner light. Sven was happy to just let him talk, getting swept up in his excitement and energy. But Geoffrey was an equally attentive listener. The way he watched Sven, it was as if he focused all that massive energy just on Sven—like Sven was the center of the entire universe.

He wasn’t sure where this was going. Geoffrey had flirted with him for months and Sven had been sure that he was simply an itch Geoffrey needed to scratch. It was just fucking. And normally, that wasn’t a problem. Sven had enjoyed his share of random hookups and they were fine for when he needed to get off. But with Geoffrey, it wasn’t about sex. There were so many other little things that kept drawing him back in. He wanted Geoffrey safe, but he’d begun to fear that when Geoffrey was finally safe, he’d have to walk away. The job would be over and Geoffrey would be done with him.

Stretching his legs, Sven started to roll out of the bed when Geoffrey rolled right into him, pressing his face into Sven’s chest while wrapping his arm around his waist. He’d woken several times through the night—the job made him a notoriously light sleeper—and each time he found Geoffrey plastered up against his body.

“Where are you going?” Geoffrey mumbled against him. His hand tightened in the waistband of the briefs he’d pulled on the last time he’d gone to the bathroom.

“To make coffee.”

“Oh God,” Geoffrey groaned. His leg slid over Sven’s, rubbing his foot along his hairy calf. “Coffee sounds so good. I’ll be your sex slave forever if you make me some coffee.”

“I think yesterday proved your willingness even without the coffee.”

Geoffrey tilted his head up to look at Sven. His platinum blond hair was wild, sticking up in every direction and there was still a hint of red beard-burn on his cheeks from the amount of kissing they’d done, but the wicked, beautiful grin that was spreading across his full lips was absolutely stunning.

“Yeah, but I mean the really kinky kind of sex slave. Tie me up, tie me down, toys, and role-playing—”

“Enough,” Sven growled. He rolled Geoffrey onto his back and kissed him to silence the words that were sending blood back down to his cock after he swore that he’d leave Geoffrey alone. The man had to be sore. Beneath him, Geoffrey relaxed completely, his slender body loose and open as if he were happy to just let Sven has his way with him.

“How can I still want more sex after all of yesterday and last night and early this morning?” Sven murmured between kisses.

“Because it will never be enough,” Geoffrey replied. Sven pulled back so that he could look at the man beneath him. His lips were swollen and cheeks flushed, but his sapphire eyes were serious. “I don’t want this to be a fling. I want…maybe…just something…you know where we go out and do things like Frisbee golf and dinner. Or movies at home. And I get to call you mine.”

“And you’re mine,” Sven replied, his heart pounding so hard he was sure that Geoffrey could feel it. He kissed him slow and deep, wanting to devour Geoffrey completely but also savor him. Stretch the moment so that every sense was filled with just Geoffrey.

But a moment later, Geoffrey wiggled beneath him, breaking off the kiss.

“I would love to do this all day,” Geoffrey said, brushing his lips across Sven’s as he spoke. “But I’ve got to fucking pee and you promised me coffee.”

Sven pressed one last kiss to Geoffrey’s lips, ending it with a loud smack before rolling back to his side of the bed.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance