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Sven slung a bag of discs and two water bottles plus the big, purple reusable bottle he preferred over his shoulder and started to cross the parking lot to the first concrete pad at the beginning of the Frisbee golf course. At a nearby picnic table sat four girls in short shorts and tank tops, typing away on their phones…until Sven approached. Geoffrey watched as one spotted him and they all perked up, eyes following the mountain of a man with ill-concealed lust. On the table next to them were bags of discs and water bottles as if they were planning to play as well, but they hadn’t made a move until Sven appeared.

“Do you play the same time every week?” Geoffrey asked, picking up his pace so that he was walking next to Sven.

Sven gave a little shrug. “About the same time.”

“Same course?”

“Usually. This course is one of the few with twenty-four holes and it’s got some of my favorite set-ups.”

Geoffrey stopped hard. “Twenty-four? I thought this was like golf. Eighteen holes.”

Sven turned back and smiled. He put a hand on Geoffrey’s shoulder, pulling him along a bit. “Yeah, but I skip a few. We’re shooting eighteen at most today. Probably fewer if you get tired.”

“Oh, I can last just as long as you, big guy. Bring it on.”

Sven laughed and the sound was lighter and louder than he’d heard from him in the past. “We’ll see.”

“Hey, Sven!” called one of the girls from the picnic table.

Sven silently waved at them as he walked past, his attention on the discs in his bag as he dug for the driver. During the ride over, Sven had given Geoffrey detailed descriptions of the driver, mid-range, and putter discs—the different materials, weights, designs, and when to use one over the other—so that before they even arrived at the park, Geoffrey already knew more about disc golf than he’d ever planned to. But he couldn’t help but be drawn in by Sven’s passion for the sport.

“Can we join you today?” the same girl called. Her dark brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail and she wore a bright pink top.

“Not today. I’ve got a friend with me.”

Geoffrey could not stop the biggest grin from spreading across his face. Sven could have easily invited the girls to join them, but Sven just wanted him as company and that felt so damn good.

Holding out a driver, Sven turned back to him. “You want to go first?”

“Nope. You go first. Show me how it’s done.”

The bodyguard gave a little shake of his head before putting the bag down on the back edge of the pad. He stopped and stretched his arms high over his head, twisted at the waist, then brought up one leg and then the other before bending at the waist to touch the ground. Geoffrey stood back, watching the way the cargo shorts hugged his perfect ass, barely holding back a whimper. Sven was trying to kill him.

Glancing over, he saw his own pained expression mirrored in the girls who were closely watching Sven. Those girls had zero interest in playing Frisbee golf. He was willing to put money down on the fact that Sven had developed his own fan club that showed up every Wednesday to watch him play.

He was also willing to bet that Sven was utterly oblivious to why they were really there.

With the disc in his right hand, Sven lined up for the shot, going through the motion once…twice…muscles bunched and tensed before Sven exploded with energy. His large body was all graceful lines and power as the Frisbee shot like a red blur from his hand and cut through the air toward the distant metal basket a few hundred yards away at the bottom of the hill.

“Fuck me, you’re gorgeous!” Geoffrey said before he could stop himself. To hell with behaving. He just couldn’t do it any longer. Not when he was faced with such awesome power and finesse.

Sven rolled his eyes and motioned for Geoffrey to approach the concrete pad for his turn.

“No, I’m serious. That was amazing. I can just watch you do that for all the holes.” He glanced over at the picnic tables to find some of the girls nodding.

“You said you wanted to learn.”

Accepting the disc from Sven, Geoffrey allowed the larger man to position him on the pad and instruct him how to hold the disc. The words were largely going in one ear and out the other as Sven’s hands burned through him where they touched.

“Are you listening?” Sven asked, his beard brushing against the top of Geoffrey’s head. There was amusement dancing in his words.

“Every word.”

Sven snorted skeptically.

“I’m also thinking about all the places you could put your hands,” Geoffrey continued in a low voice.

“Throw the damn disc,” Sven commanded in a low growl while at the same time one hand drifted down from his shoulder to squeeze his waist before he stepped back.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance