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But the best part had been Sven’s reaction when he stepped out. The bodyguard had opted for a black T-shirt that was stretched across his shoulders and somewhat snug dark blue jeans that perfectly hugged his thick thighs. The man had stopped mid-stride and his mouth had fallen open. His green eyes slowly swept over Geoffrey from his feet to his face. And when their eyes met, Geoffrey just saw raw hunger.

Fuck the stalker.

Fuck their plans.

Fuck the rest of the world.

Geoffrey had been ready to shove Quinn right out the front door and jump on Sven so that they could tear each other’s clothes off. He was dying to get on his knees and suck Sven’s dick down the back of his throat, feel his large hands on the top of his head, guiding him. He wanted to lick every part of his massive body, leave him quivering and needy.

But all of that was on hold. For now. There was no way he was giving up on Sven, not when he looked at him like that.

Now they were in the packed club. It was dark as hell, forcing Geoffrey to linger near the bar area, which had the most steady light source. Quinn had positioned himself at the bar with a drink and his phone. Dominic hovered at Quinn’s elbow. The tall, built redhead had a lean body and sweet face, but with just a turn of his head, he’d unveil the wickedest grin Geoffrey had ever seen. As if the man had countless dirty ideas categorized and alphabetized in his brain for every scenario in life. If Geoffrey hadn’t been completely focused on Sven, he’d be more than happy to work through Dominic’s top ten list of dirty deeds.

Royce had met them at Aura. He had a darkness to him that made Geoffrey shiver. He moved slowly but surely, his mysterious eyes missing nothing as he swept the area. He wasn’t as big as the other bodyguards on Rowe’s payroll, yet his slim, wiry body screamed danger. If Geoffrey had met him on the street, he would have never expected him to be a bodyguard. He looked like a man that you seriously didn’t want to fuck with. He moved steadily around the club, keeping his eye on Geoffrey and anyone around him, but staying out of sight.

Of course, Sven hovered close enough to grab him if something went wrong but he never touched him, which was amazing considering the crowd crammed into the large club. People came and went. Drinks flowed. Several friends from the lunch catastrophe arrived. He was a little surprised to see Will without his part-time boyfriend Todd, and he mentioned it to Sven when they had a moment so that he could be sure that Quinn got a picture of him. Patrick was also there without Sean, but that was normal since Sean never went out on a Tuesday night. Both Christian and Kody showed up at Aura with wide grins and hugs.

Sven leaned down, a faint hint of his cologne reaching Geoffrey’s nose. The man smelled like heaven. “I’m going to get some fresh drinks,” he murmured, his lips brushing against the shell of his ear. That little touch made Geoffrey instantly hard. Not great when his pants were practically molded to his body.

Before he could reply, Sven was already cutting through the crowd, his huge body moving like a snowplow through a blizzard. As the crowd shifted, he noticed that Dominic was closer, watching him. He couldn’t see Royce, but he knew the man was probably just behind his shoulder. They’d played this game a few times. Sven would get drinks and the other two would move to cover Geoffrey, then shift away when Sven returned. Geoffrey still hadn’t caught how they were signaling each other.

“You can’t tell me you’re not fucking him.”

Geoffrey groaned and closed his eyes. He thought he’d seen Brendon through the crowd, but he hadn’t been sure. His ex was now standing beside him, a beer in one hand as he glared down at Geoffrey. Of course, he looked good in his stylish white shirt. He’d opted for a pair of dark-rimmed glasses for the studious look when Geoffrey knew he had perfect vision.

“I’m not fucking him,” he simply replied.


“I know it’s hard to believe, but I don’t fuck every man I meet.”

He turned and looked up at ex. After nearly four days of constant companionship with Sven, Geoffrey couldn’t figure out what he ever saw in Brendon. Yeah, he had a model-kind of beauty with sharply defined features and thick hair, but there was something very cruel about his eyes. He was petty and mean and controlling. He liked things to go his way, regardless of what anyone else could possibly want or need. Brendon was a mistake.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance