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Swallowing a sigh, Geoffrey leaned back in his chair and stared at Sven. His life might be a mess, but at least he had some attractive company for a short period. He had no doubt that Sven was looking forward to the day that he could finally get away from Geoffrey, but he was at least trying not to show his discomfort too much.

“I sent Gidget a copy of that picture and she called to say she’s started working through the people in the photograph and the names that you gave her. It’ll probably take a few days to sort through everything, but she says that those people in the picture are a good start. She sounded hopeful.”

“Do you guys ever sleep?”

Sven cocked his head to the side as if he were confused by his statement and Geoffrey just wanted to climb up him so he could kiss his wrinkled brow, the man was just so damn cute. “Noah and Quinn are still working out there and it’s nearly nine. They started on this security system on Sunday. Royce and Dominic have been in and out the past couple of days delivering stuff. Gidget is working on the people in the picture.”

“I think Gidget has several programs that are pulling together and sorting through data at night. She’s home with her son now. Noah is packing up and leaving for the night.”

“He’s gotta get to his sexy redhead,” Geoffrey said, wagging his eyebrows. Sven cleared his throat and tightly pressed his lips together as if he were fighting back a laugh, but he knew better. “What about Quinn?”

“Finishing up some of the programming of the system, but he should be done within the next few minutes.”

Geoffrey reached over and picked up one of the drumsticks sitting next to his keyboard. He balanced it between his thumb and index finger, steadily spinning it as an idea started to churn in his brain. An idea that Sven most definitely wasn’t going to like…and they were going to need at least another person. But if Gidget thought the picture of his lunch friends was a good start, then he had an even better option for her.

“What about after? Quinn heading home to a boyfriend…girlfriend?”

“No, probably not. He hangs out at the office late at night, playing video games. Why?”

Geoffrey dropped his drumstick back on his desk and leaped to his feet with a grin. As he swept around Sven and out the door, he called, “Let’s see if he wants to go out with us.”

“What?” Sven said and Geoffrey cackled at the slightly panicked edge in that single word. Sven was definitely going to hate this idea, but Quinn struck him as the somewhat adventurous type from what little he gathered from the guy over pizza. He could see it as a bit of fun.

“Hey, Q-Man!” Geoffrey said as he crossed the living room toward the dining room table where Quinn was packing up a black tool bag. It held an assortment of wires, tools, and three thick rolls of duct tape. A quick glance around showed that Noah was already gone for the night. That was probably a good thing. He was doubtful that Rowe would be so keen on his plan and he wasn’t sure the boyfriend of the boss wouldn’t shut him down.

The young man’s head instantly popped up and he blinked wide dark eyes behind a set of black-rimmed glasses. Pale with dark pink lips and slightly mussed hair, he didn’t look a day over twenty-four. He had a somewhat sweet, innocent look to him. Definitely not Geoffrey’s type, but they shared the young face problem in common. Quinn was a nice guy. Damn smart too.

“What are your plans tonight?” Geoffrey continued when Quinn just continued to stare dumbfounded at him.

“Oh, I was just finishing up. I’ll be back tomorrow to finish the last test on the outdoor sections of the system, but the house is completely secure now.”

Geoffrey waved off the comment before gripping the back of one of the dining room chairs with both hands. “No, I mean after work. What are you up to?”

“Oh…I…I don’t know. Junk food and some gaming, I guess.”

“How about you go with Sven and me to a club? Drinks. Dancing. Sexy men in tight shirts.”

“What are you doing?” Sven demanded. Geoffrey could feel him standing directly behind him, heat radiating off his body. He wanted to just lean backward into him, but he was afraid of Sven stepping away and then he’d just fall on his ass. Real freaking sexy.

“I like sexy men,” Quinn piped up with a grin that had Geoffrey laughing. Oh yeah, he liked Quinn.

“We’re not going to a club so you and Quinn can troll for sex,” Sven said, his voice a low grumble that rolled through Geoffrey in the most delicious fashion. He wanted to say that he didn’t need to troll for sex when what he wanted was standing right behind him, but he stayed on topic.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance