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Geoffrey wasn’t fine and Sven knew it. So, he gritted his teeth and tried to keep from turning and mauling the small man driving him nuts with those hands. Then he felt the slight shudder of that body against his and knew he was seeking comfort, too. He thought of Geoffrey waking the morning before, not knowing what had happened to him during the night. Alone. And so scared. Just the thought of what could have happened made Sven lay his hand on the arm Geoffrey had slid around his waist.

“Here, take my phone,” Geoffrey said, his mouth against Sven’s back as he handed the phone around to Sven with his free hand. “There’s more.”

Sven shoved his own into his pocket and grabbed Geoffrey’s, looking at the words in the text message.Get rid of the giant boy toy.

I have leverage. I will use it.“Boy toy,” Sven muttered, curling his lip and wrapping his fingers around the cell. “I’m the furthest thing from a boy toy I can imagine.”

Geoffrey snorted, his fingers digging into Sven’s stomach. “Do you see anyone threatening? Can we go look at what he did to my car now?”

“It’s not like danger is tattooed on someone’s forehead. How does one look threatening? Other than someone big like me?”

He felt the heat of Geoffrey’s breath from the laugh behind him. “You’re a big teddy bear, Sven. You aren’t scary at all.”

Sven rolled his eyes. “Did you think that when you first saw me or did you come to this conclusion while I was tossing people around on the mats at Ward?”

“Sorry to say, but the first time I saw you—after I got past all the acres of lovely muscle and looked at your face—I knew you wouldn’t hurt anyone. Not anyone who didn’t deserve it anyway.”

“That isn’t something a bodyguard really wants to hear, Geoffrey.”

“I say it like it is. You may look scary to all the other people out there, but not to me. Not that I don’t think you couldn’t wail on a bad guy. I’ve even heard about a few times you have. Fuck, I wish I’d seen that. Would love to see some of that tightly leashed control break.” He patted Sven’s belly.

“This is a pointless conversation,” Sven bit out, his gaze still scanning the garage. Two more people walked toward cars and only one looked their way.

“No, it’s really not. And it’s helping me to not freak out over my car. I like my car.” He groaned in frustration. “And I need my phone. Finn is supposed to call tonight.”

Sven sighed. Geoffrey obviously talked when he was nervous. Talked and felt him up. It was actually kind of cute—or it would have been if it wasn’t heating his blood so hard and fast. “I’m going to give your phone to Noah to take back to the office. It could help them track the origin of the message. But he’ll bring it back fast. The people Rowe has in his IT department are good.”

“Uh, Sven? Unless Gidget likes gay porn, you might want me to delete a few things first.”

The thought of Geoffrey watching porn and what he might do while watching it made Sven catch his breath. It took him a moment to focus his attention back on the conversation. He scanned the parking lot again, noticing they’d picked up a few more nosy people. They probably did look strange standing there against the wall with Geoffrey smashed up against his backside.

Heat hit his neck. He cleared his throat, forcing his mind back to the conversation. “Gidget can find everything you delete, so it would be pointless. Don’t worry, I’m sure it won’t be the first time for her. Not working there.” A lot of his coworkers were gay, drawn to working at Ward Security because their orientation wasn’t always welcome elsewhere. He hadn’t known himself when he’d applied for the job, but it had been obvious fast. His first assignment had been one of Rowe’s closest friends, Ian Pierce—a gay man who was also the chef and owner of one of the most popular restaurants in Cincinnati. He’d liked Ian a lot and was glad he still got to see him occasionally at work functions.

Now, with Rowe’s public relationship and his even more public billionaire gay friend about to get married, it was common knowledge bodyguards of all sexualities were welcome at Ward Security.

Geoffrey laid his cheek on his back. Something unfurled inside Sven, a warmth that had nothing to do with the sweltering heat in this garage. “It’s going to be fine. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

“I know,” Geoffrey said quietly. “I’m not worried at all.”

Sven didn’t contradict him, but he didn’t think the man would have ever revealed a hint of vulnerability otherwise. He hadn’t shown anything of the sort when he was taking down classmates a lot taller than he was onto the mats.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance