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Geoffrey hated that.

He was stronger than he looked and tough enough to deal with anything the man could dish out. Everyone always underestimated him because of his size and his looks. An ex-boyfriend had once said he had the face of a fallen angel. Geoffrey snorted. But then he’d also said Geoffrey had the energy of someone on speed—that he was too damn exhausting to be worth it.

His heart twisted just like it had then. That particular ex wasn’t the only one to say that.

Everyone seemed to love his vivacity as long as they could walk away from it at the end of the night.

He glanced at Sven who was still talking quietly on his phone as he opened the door to the master hall. As much as Geoffrey wanted him, he couldn’t imagine Sven feeling any differently. He was just so…calm. Like the others, he’d eventually run away as fast as he could.

Before he could depress himself to death, he ran his gaze over that body. The broad back, narrow waist, and Geoffrey was pretty sure he did a thousand squats a day to get a round ass like that—that would be worth any time the man wanted to give him. He wanted to be the recipient of all that strength, wanted to see how far he could push Sven into letting loose. He wanted to be overpowered and he’d revel in it.

A shudder wracked his frame and his dick twitched and started filling with blood.

He began slicing bell peppers and forced his mind back to the look on Sven’s face when Geoffrey had made the crack about the bodyguard wanting to eat him.

It wasn’t like Sven really looked at him that way. Maybe a glimpse of possible interest every now and then, but not anything like the kind of attention he’d love to get from the big guy. And big was putting it mildly. At five foot five, Geoffrey was used to looking up at most men, but he’d never stood next to someone who came in over a foot taller before. He was over six foot five, easy.

He could only imagine what they’d look like as a couple because his head didn’t even reach Sven’s shoulders. Not that Geoffrey cared what anyone thought. He’d proudly show off the beautiful Viking everywhere if he were his. And he got the feeling he’d be lucky to have him. Sven was pretty damn special. Inside. Where it counted.

Nah, he would never be interested in something permanent with Geoffrey, but he’d seen enough in those green eyes to know the man did want him physically. And just what would it be like to have that heavy body stretched out on top of him?

He nearly cut his finger instead of the chicken and had to take a minute, the flush covering him from head to foot hotter than the skillet on the stove.

“So many damn windows,” Sven muttered as he strode back into the living room.

Geoffrey put all the vegetables into bowls, working to get his body under control before he looked back toward Sven. He stood in front of the wall of sliding glass doors. Three of the four in the house were all on one wall leading to the outdoor dining area and pool. And there were windows over those doors. He bit his lip to keep from smiling. He liked his world to be bright.

It wasn’t his fucking fault someone had decided to mess with his life.

Sven turned to find Geoffrey watching him and his expression went flat. He’d pulled his long, blond hair into a messy man bun when he’d changed at Ward Security and now a few strands had come loose. Probably from the agitated way he’d swept his hand over it a couple of times. He was the only man in real life Geoffrey had ever seen who could pull off that look.

“There’s another kitchen out there,” Sven said, pointing toward the back. “Why would anyone need two?”

“It’s just a grill and a mini fridge for drinks.” Geoffrey carried the bowls of sliced meat and veggies around the island and turned up the heat before tossing the chicken into the pan.

“And a long counter, a table, and furniture. Do you entertain a lot?”

“Hardly ever. I used to throw parties but I got tired of people not giving a shit about my things. Now, I only go out.” He added the onions and took a deep sniff as he stirred. Nothing smelled as good as sizzling onions. His stomach rumbled.

At least the headache had eased. It had started to when they ran by his doctor’s office for blood work. He’d nixed the hospital idea. He paid a monthly fee for a concierge doctor, so he might as well be able to get in on a moment’s notice. Sven’s amazement at the fast and personal service had been comical. All his money came with nice perks.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott Ward Security Romance