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We started fucking about a week after we officially met. The sex? Yeah, it was all kinds of dirty and amazing. Then, to not only my, but all the club members’ shock, he wanted exclusivity. Given that I was never the kind to fuck two men at the same time anyway, I already was. I knew enough about bikers to know they fucked around as much as they pleased, so I was distrustful. In the end though, Ross’ vow to be exclusive was the one promise he stuck to.

On that thought, I figured that was enough for one night and I forced the memories away.

Eventually, I fell asleep.FOURTEENLeaThe door closing startled me awake several hours later. I shot up in bed, the memories of the emails way too fresh in my mind making me paranoid. My hand had reached toward the nightstand for my phone before my eyes fell on the hulking presence of Shane right inside the doorway. His hands, shirt, pants, and shoes had dried blood on them, a sight that I was too familiar with to blanch over. But there was something else that had me stiffening.

Everything I had accepted about Shane- his calmness, his joking nature, his impenetrability seemed gone. His gorgeous blue eyes seemed dead, flat, so unlike themselves. He was looking at me, but not seeming to see me.

Whatever job he was on must have shaken him a bit.

“The washer is empty,” I said, going for practicality. He was covered in DNA evidence and, even if they were careful about not getting caught in the past, preserving a life outside of bars was likely high on their priority list.

“Right,” he said with a tight nod and moved off in that direction. I heard the water filling and the lid slamming before I saw him walking toward the bathroom in, well, nothing.

I sat there for a long time, listening to the water run, giving him space. But then I remembered that he had wanted me there. He must have known that the job would be shitty and that he would be in a bad mood after it. Because of that, he wanted me in his place when he got in. He didn’t want me there to sit on his bed and watch him like a ticking time bomb. That wasn’t my style.

On that thought, I jumped off the bed and made my way to the bathroom, finding him standing under the spray, one forearm planted on the wall, half leaned forward, just letting the water cascade down him. All the blood was gone; he was physically clean. But the dirt under the surface was still trapped.

I had no idea what any normal girlfriend would do. But Shane didn’t want normal. If he wanted normal, he wouldn’t have chosen me. On that note, I lifted my chin, deciding to use a remedy that seemed to work for just about all ails from headache to heartache.


I reached down and snagged the hem of my shirt, dragging it up over my body and discarding it to the floor. The motion caught Shane’s eye and, while his body stayed in the same position, his eyes were on me. My hands went behind my back, unclasping my bra, then sliding the straps down my arms. My nipples tweaked in anticipation, hardening, as my hands moved up my belly to cup my breasts for a moment, rolling my nipples, until I could hear Shane’s breathing get a little heavier. My hands moved back down my belly, snagging my panties, and pushing them down my legs. I stepped out of them, whispering my fingertips up my thighs then, eyes on Shane’s, slipped my hand between, running up my slick cleft and finding my clit.

I let out a small gasp that had a growl escaping Shane’s chest. When my eyes dipped, I found his cock getting hard and a thrill of anticipation filled me, urged me on.

“Get over here,” Shane’s rough voice demanded suddenly.

When I didn’t immediately move to do so, running my fingertip over my clit and drawing a small moan from me, Shane stormed out of the shower and over toward me. One hand rose up, grabbing the back of my skull like he always did. The other hand dipped, slipping under mine and taking over. His lips slammed down on mine, hard, bruising. Like I liked. Like he needed. His fingers were equally rough, dragging over my clit for a long minute before two slid downward and slipped inside me, leaving his thumb to work my clit as his fingers curled and started raking over my G-spot.

I moaned against his lips. He bit into my lower one hard.

Just when I could feel myself tightening, getting ready for release, his fingers slipped out of me. I didn’t even get a chance to grumble as he grabbed me and turned me, slamming my hips against the sink cabinet. His hand went up, grabbing a handful of my hair and yanking it back, making my back arch, as his lips went to my neck.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Mallick Brothers Erotic