Page 14 of Killer (Savages 2)

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"You're not wrong," she admitted after the longest possible pause, a pause that was long enough for the waitress to come back and drop off our drinks, giving me a smile that suggested if I wanted to meet her after her shift, she would be all too willing. She was cute and she was into me in a very superficial 'we don't have the likes of you around these parts' kinda way. But she was way too young and altogether too eager. No, apparently I preferred getting caught up in Amelia's brambles.

Christ, when did I turn into a masochist?

"So we can let all the I want him, but don't want him to know I want him shit drop now?"

She rolled her eyes, letting out a long breath that sounded suspiciously similar to a sigh. "I think you're charming, Johnnie. I'll admit that. But that's all it is. Nothing is going to come of this."

"Why not?"

"One, because I barely know you. Two, because even if I did want to get to know you, you're out of here in a few days. And three, I'm just not interested."

"Well two of those are true," I said, giving her a small smile.

"All three are true," she insisted, but it lacked the conviction she wanted it to have.

"What would you do if I kissed you right now?"

Her head jerked back almost violently, her eyes going wide as she looked around us. "You wouldn't do that."

"Wouldn't I?" I asked moving to stand slightly and lean across the table. Her eyes stayed on mine and her breathing went shallow as her lips fell slightly open. I felt the side of my lips quirk up. "You're right," I said, booping her on the nose before settling back into my seat. "When I kiss you, angel, I want it to be in private. I want you to be completely comfortable so I can kiss you slow and deep and thorough and hear the little murmurs you make at the back of your throat."

She swallowed hard once, twice, three times before she shook her head. "I don't do that," she said in an airy tone and I knew she had been fantasizing about my arms around her, holding her tight to me as I kissed her to shivers. "And you meant if not when."

"Did I?" I asked with a wink before turning my attention to Jennie who was back to take our order. I didn't need to look at the menu. One quick glance and I realized it was exactly the same as it had been when I left town. So I ordered the BLT with a side of onion rings.

Amelia ordered a grilled cheese and was holding back a smile when Jennie walked away. "Well," she said at my questioning look, "that settles it."

"Settles what?"

"You're definitely not going to kiss me after eating onion rings," she said, letting the smile slip out and the effect was so breathtaking that my chest felt tight. She didn't seem to be the kind of person who found cause to smile often, but fuck if the result of one wasn't like a kick to the balls.

"Honey, I could go full-on Shrek on a raw onion and you'd still let me kiss you."

"You're ridiculous," she objected and suddenly, there was none of the coolness in her tone anymore.

Our food came a few minutes later and we ate in companionable silence. I very slowly brought an onion ring up to my mouth and made a show of eating it, making a surprising little laugh drift from between her lips.

"I have to get back to work," she said as I dropped money on the table. "I've already been gone too long."

"Father Sanders seems to already have a grudge against you so fuck him."

She let out a humorless laugh. "It's not just me. He doesn't like any of the women around here."

"Yeah well, it's hard to be nice to women you want to, but can't, stick your dick inside."

"Oh for heaven's sake, Johnnie. He's a priest!" she objected, sounding only half as outraged as she wanted to.

"Did I miss it? Did they start castrating the clergy now?" I asked as I led her out the front door. "'Cause if not, he's still got a dick and the urge to use it, no matter how close he is to God."

She gave me a small shrug and I could tell she wanted to find a reason to fight me on my point, but she had none. Maybe it was because she knew she had no good reason to pretend to hate me anymore; or maybe it was because she didn't feel the urge to protect a man who obviously didn't like her. "Come on, I'll walk you back," I said, running a finger underneath the strap of her sundress before letting it drift down her bare arm. Her entire body tightened and, despite the hot-as-balls air outside, goosebumps rose on her skin.

"No, really. It's fine. I got it," she said, jerking away from my touch. "Thank you for lunch. And, um... thanks for putting those jerks into their place too. I hate that small-minded macho stuff."

"I could tell," I said with a small smile.

She moved to walk away but spun back around. "Did you really mean it?"

"Mean what, darlin'?"

"The stuff you said to them. Like... about the friend zone being nonsense and women meaning more than spread legs and an open mouth."

"Of-fucking-course I meant it," I said immediately, meaning it. "Baby, I like women. I don't just like the way they can suck my cock or ride me. I like the whole package. Not all men are assholes like that. Not even horndog, player, ladies' man, womanizing, Lothario, sluts like me."

Her face fell slightly. "About that," she started, not quite able to meet my eye. "I didn't mean to..."

"I was teasing you, honey. I like a woman who is confident enough to put me in my place now and then. Now get back to work. I'll see you around."

She nodded and turned, her movements almost awkward and I couldn't help but laugh as I watched her go.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Savages Erotic