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Not until the problem was solved.

"This will likely come as no fucking shock to anyone who has heard about V. Janie and Alex didn't get shit on the plates. They were jacked from somewhere in PA. The videos they could get were all from around town - Sawyer's, Chaz's, Quin's. But they drove out of range and disappeared. Lo has done us a solid and did a sweep of all the abandoned places in town. She's not squatting. But if you knew V, you would know she isn't exactly the squatting sort."

"She had a giant mansion the last time she operated," Repo supplied. "We figure that is likely the route she will go again. But, as far as we know, there are no such places within city limits - aside from Marco's place - that stand far enough away from their neighbors to allow her to do proper surveillance."

"Great. So the crazy bitch could be anywhere," Pagan concluded.

"Essentially," Reign agreed, running a hand down his face. "Abruzzo says she has some harebrained scheme to see Summer and the kids. Which won't fucking happen. She'd have to go through this entire club first."

"So, what? We're on lockdown?" Sugar asked, looking none too pleased with the prospect.

Reign sighed, shrugging. "Don't know what to tell you guys. Most of you weren't around to know V. She's twisted and just smart enough to be able to catch us off-guard if she saw an opportunity. We can't slip up. And since our numbers are still shit, we don't stand a chance against whatever army she is no doubt already building to get her organization back on its feet. I'm not going to demand no one steps out of the compound. Gotta say, we've been there, and it's not the kind of life anyone wants to live long-term. What I am saying is our women and kids are staying where they are safest. Which, right now, is Hailstorm. Guess your chick is the exception," he said, gesturing toward me.

"She doesn't know any of the girls," I said, needing to defend her right to stay here, not ready to let her go. Not now that everything had changed.

"She can stay. That room has been empty anyway. V saw her. She'll use her against you. She needs to stay safe too."

"So, what? Half-lockdown?" Sugar asked, smiling a little.

"Make like it is fucking kindergarten all over again," Reign suggested. "Bring a buddy everywhere. Going alone is just asking to be picked off the street. We're putting feelers out among all our contacts." Which were extensive between fellow organizations and clients. "She will pop up. She is too fucking cocky to lay low. She's going to come out with fanfare. And once she does, we can start making a plan to take her down. Be smart. Hang here as much as possible. But life doesn't end because someone is threatening the organization. If that were the case, we'd never have fucking lives."

"What about Abruzzo?" Renny asked, having been uncharacteristically silent during the briefing.

"We got a plan for Abruzzo," Reign said cryptically. "We're still working out the logistics. Soon as we do, we will bring everyone into the fold. And that's about all right now. Know most of you have been holding down the fort since we've been away. I'm asking you to pull it on your own for one more day. Those of us who have families need to go soothe shit over. We'll be back tomorrow to delegate shit, figure out a schedule that works for everyone."

"I'll pull a shift," Virgin supplied, looking at the rest of us. "Roderick too. Let everyone have a break."

"Thanks," Reign said, clamping him on the shoulder on his way to the door to the side of the bar that led into the garage where the best SUV was parked, equipped with bullet-resistant side panels and glass.

A bunch of the other guys filed out too, some of them were going to have to brave it in the normal SUVs.

"So," Cy said, moving in next to me, brow lifted.

"So?" I asked, brows drawing together.

"You told her," he said, sure, making it clear he had asked her, and she had answered honestly.

I won't lie; I liked how she was getting on with the guys. For someone who led such a solitary life, she managed to engage them all with relative ease. Even Roan. When I was looking for her once, Sugar had told me that she had gone to bring Roan lunch. She stayed up there for over an hour. When she came down, she had a bemused smile on her face and declared, words tripping over one another as she tried to get them out, "Do you guys know he used to be a spy? Like a real life, actual spy?"

It meant a lot that she gave them a shot. I knew they weren't exactly the kind of men she would choose to have in her life, but she was giving them a chance. And, in doing so, was learning to like all of them individually. Which would make accepting the club as a whole easier in the long run.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Henchmen MC Erotic