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If they were going to attack, they were going to do it with endless gunfire in the broad light of day.

Except, they didn't.

I knew this because I had been in the study, looking over books Lyon had left about contacts, trying to break his code seeing as he didn't have it written down anywhere, and without even a gust of a wind to announce the presence of another person, I felt the cold, unyielding muzzle of a gun jam into the side of my face. Hard enough that I tasted blood and felt a shooting in my gum that said I was going to have a trip to the dentist to schedule tomorrow.

If I lived through tonight.

"You fucking idiot," a voice hissed as I turned my head as much as I could to spot a Henchmen attached to the gun.

It wasn't one of the big guys.

Reign, Cash, Wolf, or Repo.

The in-charge guys.

This one was relatively new. Since the war. When Reign started picking his new blood.

Tall. Lithe, but strong. Blond. Bearded.

Cyrus, I was pretty sure he was called.

"Where is my brother?" he demanded, jamming the gun in further, taking the tooth from loose to fully knocked out, making me need to open my mouth to spit it out, watching the red splatter over the books on the desk.

"How should I know?" I asked, inclining my head in the other direction to ease the pressure of the muzzle on my mouth. In doing so, I got to see that he wasn't alone. I guess a biker never really is.

"You let that crazy fucking bitch out of her cell and didn't think you'd start a war with the fucking Henchmen?" another voice asked, one I recognized not because of being a biker, but because he had been hauled in a few times for fighting outside of bars. Pagan, he was called.

That crazy fucking bitch.

That motherfucking woman.

I should have known.

Got so goddamn blinded by the money - and not having to cater to her demanding ass - that I never really did do the research I should have before letting her out.

And now I had Henchmen in my face.

And they were pissed.

"That fucking woman," I grumbled out loud, not able to keep it in.

"General rule is - if a dog is chained up, it's for a fucking reason," another voice said, low, lethal, coming from the corner where one of The Henchmen's most interesting new members - a former spy - was standing.

"Had no idea she was coming for you," I said, it mostly being true. She did drop that line about visiting her daughter. Knowing what a twisted piece of work this woman was, I guess maybe I should have known better.

"And we're supposed to believe that?"

"Why are you all here? Where is Reign? If I am having this conversation, I am having it with him."

That was, apparently, the wrong thing to say at the moment. I knew this because a second later, the muzzle left my cheek. Only for a second. Before Cyrus pulled back, then slammed it forward across my cheekbone, making me see stars - and hear a crunch that said X-rays were going to be added to my list of things to do if I lived.

"You're talking to fucking me now," he told me, jaw clenched so tight that the words barely got out at all. "Where is she holed up?"

"The fuck would I know? I opened the cell; she walked out. We don't meet for fucking martinis at night to discuss her evil villain plans."

"Don't have time for bullshit. Take him with us," the ex-spy growled, making Pagan move forward at my other side, grabbing me, and pulling me with them as they exploited weaknesses in my compound I didn't know existed. Lyon had seemed like a meticulous person; I never thought to second-guess his security.

Fucking rookie mistake.

I had no doubt I would be paying for it.

Dearly, if something had happened to one of their men because I let that bitch out of her cell.

If there was any doubt about what their plan was for me, it was dashed as they walked and Cyrus - the brother - growled in my ear.

"Every single fucking thing they did to him, I am personally doing to you."

Fucking hell.

Why did I set up shop in Navesink Bank again?NINEReeveRoan was right.

That was the first thought I had once I knew Rey was on her way to safety with neither of V's men following her.

He was right.

Shit just hit the fan.

And, for whatever reason, I was the one dealing with it.

Maybe it was simply because everyone worth grabbing was out of town, and I was just an easy target.

That fucking asshole let out V.

And she was back to make us pay.

I wasn't around - or even aware of the underbelly - during V's evil reign. But once we got patched in, we got sat down and everything that had gone down over the years was told to us in detail. Because we needed to know what enemies were around. We needed to know what to look out for.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Henchmen MC Erotic