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"Just keep going. Just keep going," I mumbled to myself, hoping they decided they weren't that good of people and went about their business.

I heard the door slam and the footsteps as they approached.

Damn it.

I gulped in a breath that burned like acid fog in my lungs, trying to pull it together and face whoever the hell it was who decided to stop and help the random chick on the side of the road.

"Woman," a deep, rough voice called, making my head snap up.

Oh for Christ's sake.

And there he was... all five-million feet of him. Not really, but the guy was tall, six-six if he was an inch. He also had the width to go along with the height- solid shoulders, broad chest, strong down the center, legs like freaking tree trunks. He had on black jeans that were neither tight nor loose and fit like jeans were supposed to fit which was refreshing amongst the sea of hipsters and wannabe gangsters. His black tee was slim cut and did nothing to hide the brute strength underneath the material. His leather cut was worn and soft-looking, having gotten that way from the daily wear of it since the day he turned eighteen. I didn't have to see the back to know what emblem I would find there.

The Henchmen MC.

I also didn't have to ask to know that he wasn't just any member; he was the road captain. He was the third in command behind Reign, the leader, and Cash, Reign's brother.

I knew all of this because about a year before, Hailstorm had worked a job with the three of them (plus some young kid named Repo who wasn't patched-in yet). Reign got himself wrapped up with a woman who belonged to V, the area's biggest skin trader. And when V came and took the girl, Summer, back, Reign came to Hailstorm asking for help. Lo, the hopeless romantic she is, had agreed and we had gone in all guns ablazing, action movie style.

As such, I found an unlikely accomplice to this night's activities.

Summer had followed my instructions to a T.

The mammoth in front of me was coming back from her house where I had asked her to have him, Cash, Lo, and Summer's father, Richard Lyon, to a dinner party.

In about two minutes, the giant would be getting a phone call telling him that his compound was bombed as well. I knew this because I bombed that too.

It's a long story.

"Leave me alone, Wolf," I demanded, keeping my eyes off his face. I didn't have to look to know that his freaky honey-colored eyes were fixed on me, that beneath his dark beard, his mouth was in a firm line. He was actually a really good-looking guy if you were into the mountain-man biker sort. Luckily for me, I wasn't into anyone of any sort. But that didn't mean I could meet his gaze. There was something about it that made me feel exposed, vulnerable... like he knew. Though he couldn't know, not really. No one did except Lo. And even Lo didn't know the whole story.

"No," he said after a long minute, making my head shoot up and, just as I had expected, I felt naked underneath his gaze.

"Oh, don't be trying to pull that macho bullshit with me, Wolf. I said leave me alone."

"I said no."

Christ. He was a stubborn fuck too. Wonderful. That was just what I needed.

"I don't need your..."

"I'll call Lo."

I shot to my feet on a hysterical, "No!" that made his brows draw together.

"No Lo," he said in a way that was half a declaration and half a question.

"No Lo," I confirmed, trying to slow my frantic heartbeat. If there was one person I couldn't face right then... or ever again, it was Lo.

I was so caught up in my own worries about Lo that I didn't see his eyes move from my face and settle on my arm until I felt his vice-like grip close around my wrist and pull it upward. My eyes moved up to his face, looking for some kind of reaction, but he gave me nothing.

If there was one thing that Wolf was, aside from wholly incapable of stringing together a complete sentence, it was unflappable. He was calm, steady, stalwart. He never gave anything away.

His eyes slowly moved to my face and he let out a heavy breath, his head shaking slightly and I knew he knew. He knew I set the bombs.

"Fuck, woman..."

Yeah... that about covered it.TWOWolfDinner party was weird as shit.

Wouldn't have gone at all if, when I tried to refuse Summer, her eyes didn't fill up.

Couldn't fucking make her cry over something as stupid as my presence at a dinner party.

So I went.

I ate.

I got the fuck out of there.

Why she wanted to have us all over at once: gun runners, drug dealers, and the leader of a lawless army was beyond me.


The bombs started when I was halfway home, making the ground shake, forcing me to pull over and see what the fuck was going on. Down the hill, Lex Keith's McMansion was ablaze. I'm not gonna lie- seeing that almost gave me a Cheshire cat grin. I stood there for a long minute, hands tucked in my pockets, watching the evil bastard's little minions run around like idiots without their ever-present leadership to tell them what to do.

Fucking hilarious.

If anyone deserved to have their place blown off the surface of the Earth, it was Lex Keith. I said a silent prayer that he was suffering somewhere inside that place, skin blistering and peeling off. I might have been a lot of things, but I ain't never been merciful. Besides, that mother fucker didn't deserve anyone's mercy after the shit he had done to people, most especially women. He was an evil, sadistic rapist who deserved the most painful death imaginable.

Good riddance to bad rubbish and all that.

I was another ten minutes down the street when I caught sight of something on the side of the road. Scratch that. Someone on the side of the road, down on their knees in the dirt. At first I thought it might be one of Lex's minions, but my lights caught the long dark hair and the small, almost childlike body, and I knew it wasn't one of his men. It was a woman. It could very likely be one of the women Lex kept around his estate. Prostitutes or sex slaves. Who the fuck knew.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Henchmen MC Erotic