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“What's up?” I asked, looking away from the movie.

“Want some fresh air? It's nice out.” I felt my lips twitch, watching him shuffle his feet. Like he was nervous. Like maybe... he had a little crush on me.

I gave Vin a smile and he patted my knee in a fatherly way and I got up to follow Flee outside.

“Where are we going?” I asked, falling into step beside him.

“Over by the picnic tables,” he said, shrugging.I didn't even get a chance to scream.Twenty-oneSummerOne minute I was walking, hearing the sounds of crickets, feeling the rustle of the wind moving my hair around.

The next minute, I was flying onto the ground face forward, knocking the wind out of me for a chockingly long moment. Then there was a weight on my back, a hand over my face.

My heart was slamming alarmingly hard in my chest as I flashed back to memories of my apartment. As my mind flew through each and every terrifying moment in V's clutches in the matter of five seconds.

Before I finally remembered to fight.

I bucked hard, twisting and flinging an arm behind me, wiggling forward.

“You're making this harder on yourself. Stop fighting,” someone growled in my ear, then there was duct tape over my mouth to replace his hands. His hands that he needed because they pulled my struggling ones and cuffed them at the small of my back.

The weight lifted and I was hauled back onto my feet.

I watched as Flee eyed me, then ran out through a hole in the bottom of the fence.

Fucking traitor.

“Walk,” my captor commanded from behind my shoulder.

“Summer?” a voice reached me. My head snapped around to find another of the probates standing there, hands clenched at his sides for a second. He was the one with the scar down his face. Reign liked him.


His name was Repo.

My captor followed my line of vision.

One second he was behind me, the next he was pummeling into Repo. And while Repo was young and strong and wiry, the man was huge and hulking, reminding me of Wolf in terms of size.

I should have run.

I should have run into the compound and found Cash or Vin or... anyone.

That would have been the smart move.

But all I could focus on was the blood starting to pool out of Repo's face. His body struggling to help me. Trying to save me. Then a fist landed hard in the side of his face and his body went limp.

And I fucking flew at the other guy.

I threw my whole body weight into him from the side. Caught off guard, his body flew off of Repo. I scrambled onto my side, pushing myself up as fast as possible, and took my boots to the man's side hard. Unrelenting.

I felt my blood in my ears.

I felt rage that put my outburst with Deke in the shed to shame.

I felt a surge of pleasure when I felt a crack and heard a muffled curse.

It was short lived as he grabbed my legs and I flew onto my back hard. Hard enough that I couldn't draw a breath.

Then he was standing, hauling me up, tucking me under his arm and running.

It was a short lived victory, but I made the fucker hurt.

I twisted my neck as we reached the fence, looking at Repo's prone body. Watching as hard as I could. Waiting. Praying for a sign of life. Then, just a second before I was thrown through the fence and into Flee's traitorous arms, I saw his chest rise and fall.

I felt a wave of relief even as I was hauled through a field and shuffled into the backseat of a SUV, thrown down on the floor. Flee was in the passenger seat. The other guy in the driver's. And then we were moving.

I fought through the hysteria.

I needed to get out. I needed to get free.

I couldn't fucking go back.

I twisted, looking down at my boots, feeling the gun pressed comfortingly against my sock. If I could just get to it...

But that was useless with my hands cuffed behind my back. Even if I got to the gun, I would never be able to shoot anyone.

I had to wait. Oh, god. I had to wait.

I breathed hard out of my nose, trying to calm myself down. I would get a chance. To get to my gun. To get away again. I would get a chance. They never patted me down. They would never think I had a weapon on me. Least of all a gun. Hidden in my boot.

I would take whatever I had to take. Whatever beating. Whatever torture. I would endure. I would wait for my opening. And then I would get the gun and I would get myself free.

I wasn't a god damn victim anymore.

And, in Reign's words, they were gonna' fucking pay.–The drive felt endless with nothing but Flee's and the other guy's sporadic comments about what direction to turn in to keep me from going crazy.

Then the car pulled over and the driver turned to Flee. “Get out.”

“What? No man. I need to see him. He needs to know I did my part.”

“You need to get your fucking ass back to the compound and take care of business. Make sure no one knows shit.”

“Repo didn't see me, man.”

“Did anyone see you with her?”

Vin. Vin saw me with him.

At Flee's silence, the man cursed. “Shit. Fuck. Can you not handle the simplest fucking instructions? Get out. Now I have to make it look good.”

I got a pit in my stomach at those words.

The doors slammed and not ten seconds later, I heard Flee grunting, yelling, groaning.

Apparently, 'making it look good' meant making it seem like Flee wasn't involved.



He would go back to the compound. He would continue spying on them. Who the hell even knew what the plan was. To kill them all? For getting involved?

Thank god Reign wasn't there.

But, fuck, Cash was still there.

Cash was there and he was clueless.

And so was Vin.

I needed to get away.

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Henchmen MC Erotic