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“Shit,” he said, his eyes getting worried.

“What?” I asked, eyes going wide.

His hand went upward, stroking my hair back behind my ear before trailing a finger down the side of my face. Which suddenly hurt. His finger came away with a slight hint of red. “You alright?” he asked.

My hand went up automatically, touching the small cut on my temple from being pressed against the wall. I looked up at his worried eyes. And I couldn't help it.

I laughed.

His brow raised, watching me. “Summer...”

“Oh, don't 'Summer' me in that tone,” I smiled. “I'm fine. This is my first sex-related injury,” I declared, finding myself laughing again.

Reign's eyes lightened and his lip started twitching. “You've been missing out,” he declared.

I found myself nodding, my head slipping to the side slightly, my lashes fluttering. Flirting. I was fucking flirting with the man. What was going on with me? “You gonna help me make up for lost time?”

The twitching turned to a smirk. His hand reached out, pressing between my legs. “Sore yet?”

“Yeah,” I admitted.

“Mission accomplished,” he said in all his satisfied male pride. “Tell you what. Tomorrow morning, I wake up to you sucking me off... I'll happily see how many different ways we can mark you up. Sound good?”

It did. It sounded good.

And I was pretty sure that was not normal.

But I didn't care.

“Sounds good,” I agreed, smiling.

“Good. But now... I have some business to take care of,” he said carefully, as if cautious to bring up the topic of the man cuffed to a chair a few yards away.

“Okay,” I said, my voice a little orgasm-cheery.

“You want me to walk you back...” he started.

“I think I can find my way,” I said, pushing off the wall, grabbing the back of his neck and hauling toward me for a kiss. Which he gave me. Happily.

I stepped into the doorway of the compound. “See you in the morning,” I said, my voice full of innuendo.

“Yeah babe,” he said, giving me an odd look.

“Have fun,” I added.

And then he gave me a really odd look. Followed by a small smirk. “Okay.”NineteenReignHave fun? Have fun?

That was all I could think of as I made my way back to the shed.

She told me to have fun while I... killed a man? Granted, he was a low life piece of shit, but still.


Apparently I really underestimated her.

I really had expected her to break when she walked into that shed. To look at me with tears on her lashes. To turn and run. Anything. Literally anything but watch the rage overtake her perfect features for a long minute before she just fucking... flew at him.

My eyes went straight to Cash who was grinning his fucking ass off, shaking his head. Then to Wolf who had a brow raised, his lips pursed slightly, nodding his head at her.

They liked her.

That meant something to me.

Why that meant something to me was completely fucking beyond me. But it did.

I was going to let her go apeshit on the man until she ran through her shit. She earned that right. She wasn't given a reprieve. Why should he get one? But Cash had cleared his throat and shrugged his shoulders. “She's gonna hurt herself,” he said quietly.

And he was right. The way she was going at it, throwing her whole weight into every punch, she was going to end up breaking her hands. So I had to pull her off. Regrettably. But I planned to make up for it later.

I was absolutely going to have some fucking fun with the shithead.

I was just completely floored that she told me to.

I was so damn wrong about her.

I walked back into the shed to find Wolf already getting started without me. Cash had some blood on his hands as well.

“Get anything?” I asked, leaning back, watching the show. It had too long since I let any of them shed some blood. They were due.

“Just that they want her back.”

“Too fucking bad,” Wolf growled, slamming his huge fist into the man's stomach.

“I get to end it,” I warned Wolf, knowing his reputation for letting his anger, his ghosts from the past, get the best of him and send him into some damn trance only to snap out of it later to find someone dead, their features bashed unrecognizable.

He sighed, the wind being taken out of his sails and stepped back. He huffed out his breath. “A word,” he said, taking off toward the door.

I nodded at Cash. “See what you can get.”

Outside, Wolf was pacing.

Wolf pacing was never a good sign.

“Wolf?” I asked, hearing the metal chair inside scream across the floor. Cash, for all his jocular ways, was a violent son of a bitch himself.

“V?” he exploded, rounding on me. His control was slipping. And if he lost it, there was really no telling what he was capable of. “She's V's?”

Yeah. It was time to fill in Wolf.

Or I was going to be the one he went into a trance around and later realized he accidentally killed.

“Alright. I know. Looks bad.”

“Bad? Bad!” He was sucking in giant gulps of air, his hands clenching and unclenching.

“She's not one of his whores,” I went on, ignoring his ticking jaw, but keeping a close eye on him. “V wants her Dad to give him shipping containers. Took Summer to coerce him into it. She got away during the hurricane. I found her. That's all there is to this.”

“The... club...”

“Doesn't need to know this,” I clarified, my tone firm.

His eyes flamed. “His. Men. Here.”

“Yeah. I know. That's why as soon as I am done with the run, she's moving somewhere else. I just need three weeks, Wolf. That's all I'm asking of you. Help me keep her safe. Keep the rest of the men out of this.”

“Repo,” he reminded me.

“Yeah, Repo is going to have to earn my trust by keepin' his fuckin' mouth shut,” I said.

“Why?” he asked, his breathing slowing, his pacing stopping suddenly.

“It's personal. Not going to war over a private vendetta, man. Not worth the risk.”

Tags: Jessica Gadziala Henchmen MC Erotic