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"Who said my daughter is ever going to date?" He scowled at the very idea.

Vicki laughed softly as they walked to where Hope was standing. When they got to within a few feet of her, she spied them. Giving a shriek, she ran straight into Vicki's arms. "Mommy!"

Caleb knew he shouldn't stand there looking so sappy. It was hardly the image he wanted to present as the senior partner of one of the most successful law firms in town. But there was something magical about seeing his wife's golden head bent over his daughter's dark brown curls.

"What do you want to do tomorrow, muffin?" Vicki asked Hope.

"Sand!" That was Hope's enthusiastic way of saying she'd like to go to the beach.

"Sounds good to me. What about you, honey?" She looked up at him, beautiful, smart and so openly in love with him that he occasionally had to pinch himself to ensure he wasn't dreaming.

"The beach it is." Tomorrow was Saturday. And Saturday and Sunday were for family.

After a few hiccups, they'd eventually managed to find the right work-life balance. When Vicki's position with Heart had started to demand too much, she'd asked Helen for an assistant, something the charities could afford after Vicki's efforts on their behalf.

It had allowed her to be a stay-at-home Mom for Hope without giving up the intellectual stimulation she thrived on. Rather than losing part of Vicki, Caleb had gained more than he could've imagined. As she grew more self-confident, she seemed to love him more, unafraid to wear her heart on her sleeve.

As for himself, he'd had little trouble delegating most things after Hope's birth. Quite simply, he was fascinated by the tiny creature he'd helped create. He had no intention of missing out on her life. Instead of an absentee father, their Hope was growing up with an overprotective one who loved her to pieces.

But it was Victoria who was the center of his world. Her smile meant more to him than he could ever tell her. It was lucky for him that she could read his love in his every touch. "Hey, beautiful," he said. "You done here?"

"Yes. All I had to do was deliver the speech." She passed Hope to him when their daughter reached for her father, used to having her daddy carry her around. "Spoiled little princess." Vicki laughed as she tickled their child.

Caleb leaned down and kissed his wife's smiling mouth. "I could carry you, too."

Slender fingers tangled into his. "Maybe I'll let you … tonight."

His whole body awakened in anticipation. "I've been thinking. Actually, me and Hope have been having some serious discussions." They usually took place when he drove her to the kindergarten she attended a few mornings a week.

"Uh-huh." It was a suspicious sound as they walked out the exit that led to the parking lot. "What are you two up to?"

Hope snuggled against his shoulder and giggled. Caleb grinned and raised Vicki's hand to his mouth to run his lips along her knuckles.

"Now I'm really suspicious," Vicki said.

"We already have Hope." He caught her gaze. "What do you think about Charity and Mercy?"

Her lips twitched. "Not a chance of our future children having those names. Do you want them teased to death?"

"But yes to the future children?" he murmured.

Standing up on tiptoe, she kissed him. "Definitely. You want a brother or sister, Hope?"

"Yes!" Her cheeks dimpled.

Caleb listened to the sound of his two women talking and felt peace whisper through him. Then Vicki looked at him with those blue eyes and a different, wilder emotion rocked his body and soul. "Everything," he whispered.

You are my everything.

Her smile was jagged with emotion. "Caleb Callaghan, don't you make me cry."

Chuckling, he hugged her to him with one arm, holding his daughter in the other. "Let's go home." So he could love her, adore her, show her exactly what she meant to him.


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Tags: Nalini Singh Billionaire Romance