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When he lifted his head, the haze of passion in Mairi’s eyes only brought him a small dose of satisfaction. How could he be happy when behind the passion lurked the tears that always seemed in danger of spilling?

Damen knew had a long way to go to making things right between them, and it didn’t fucking help that Mairi wanted her ex-lover tailing them every second. He thought about Whitney Houston falling for Kevin Costner in The Bodyguard. He thought about Princess Diana once being linked to her security detail. Wasn’t there a supermodel who also started dating her bodyguard, someone who had been in her employ when she was still married to someone else?

Over Mairi’s head, his gold-flecked gaze met the ex-sniper’s eyes, Damen not bothering to hide his thoughts from the other man. If Drake Morrison thought being his wife’s bodyguard would give him the chance to steal Mairi away for good, then he should know now that Damen was ready to die just to keep Mairi at his side.

The other man’s face remained expressionless, even though it was clear Drake understood Damen’s silent message.

In his arms, Mairi tried to wriggle away and Damen cupped her chin, leaving her with no choice but to look at him again.

“Why did you kiss me?” Her voice was strained as she asked the question, Mairi still shaken by the ease in which Damen was able to make her forget everything with just one kiss.

“Because I wanted you to remember that you’re mine.” His voice became hard. “It was also my way of letting you know that it’s not going to work.”

Mairi paled, but still she tried to lie, mumbling, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Of course you do, matakia mou,” he murmured. “And again I tell you, it will not work. If you want Morrison to be your bodyguard, so be it. But if you think it’s going to stop me from fucking you whenever and wherever I want—”

“Damen!” Mairi’s cheeks flushed red.

“If you think it’s going to stop me from making you fall in love with me again—” Damen shook his head and said simply, “You might as well ask me to stop breathing. That’s how much your love means to me.” Without warning, he swept her up in his arms, causing Mairi to gasp anew.

Looking at Drake, he drawled, “Now if you could excuse us? You won’t need to guard Mairi for now since it’s our wedding night and it’s my sole intention to have her come for several nights.”

Chapter Five

She said: To wed a Greek billionaire, one must expect the most romantic wedding night—

He said: It was so fucking romantic you couldn’t even make yourself say you love me.

She said: I…I did. I said I…I…I love making love to you?

Tension was palpable in Damen’s lean hard body as he carried Mairi all the way up the stairs. She had hurt him. Her heart ached at the knowledge even though deep inside her she knew her choice had been the only choice she could make. Damen cared for her. She could even go as far as say that Damen had never cared for any other woman as much as he cared for her, but…it was not enough.

Damen was everything to her.

But to him, she was…not.

Even so, Mairi tried to think of something to say that would ease the hurt, but nothing came to mind. Lifting her head and turning to look at her husband, Mairi’s throat clogged at the stoic look on his face. It was as if he was keeping himself from feeling because if he did, he wouldn’t have been able to take it.

The thought distressed Mairi, and she ended up blurting out, “D-do you realize you’re practically carrying me over the threshold?”

Damen stilled halfway to the bedroom. The question had him looking down at his wife, who looked like she wanted to take the words back. He asked gruffly, “Shouldn’t I have?”

That he had to ask made her swallow, and Mairi said tremulously, “It’s not that. I…like it.” That was the most she could allow herself to admit. “But…I never thought this whole traditional groom thing was you, you know?”

Damen only continued to gaze at her, long enough to make Mairi squirm. Had she said the wrong thing? When he finally spoke, she could have expired in relief—

“Would you rather I just fuck you here?”

—until she realized what he was suggesting and Mairi laughingly choked out, “No! Drake’s downstairs—”

His tone cooled. “You’re only giving me another reason to do it.”

“I’m serious.” Her voice and laughter were muffled as she hid her face in the crook of his neck while tightening her arms around his neck.

Her laughter was a sweet sound, and he treasured it because for a very long time, Damen had thought he would never have the ability to make Mairi laugh again. Having reached their room, he balanced his wife in his arms so he could open the door. After kicking it shut, he slowly lowered Mairi to her feet. When she looked up at him, a smile was still playing on her lips.

At that moment, never had a woman looked so beautiful in Damen’s eyes.

It wasn’t because of what she wore or how she looked tonight.

It was that smile.

That smile alone could bring him to life. Mairi was his life, what could be more beautiful than life itself?

Bemused at the way Damen was gazing at her, Mairi asked, “What is it?”

Damen said simply, “I love you.”

Mairi froze.

“I know you don’t believe me now, but I’ll find a way to earn back your love and trust. I did it before, and you know – Mairi, deep inside you know – that the reason you love me so much is because you know I’m the only man for you.”

His hand shaking a little at the effort he was exerting to keep his emotions in check, Damen reached out to caress one pale soft cheek with his knuckles. “I will always be sorry for hurting you – for being so fucking cruel.”

“You’re making me cry,” Mairi whispered almost resentfully. But it wasn’t really the tears she didn’t like. It was how Damen’s words made her forget her promise to herself.

Her words made him smile, but he continued in the same sober tone, “I vow to make it up to you every damn day of my life. Nothing will give me greater joy than to spend the rest of my life lov—”

Unable to take it anymore, Mairi threw herself at Damen, cutting off the rest of his words by plastering her mouth to his. She didn’t think she could avoid breaking down if he told her he loved her one more time.

For a moment, Damen was stiff and unresponsive. Mairi feared he would resist, but then just as sudden his arms locked around her, his mouth taking control of the kiss, and she could have sobbed as she surrendered complete control to his command. Their kiss was hot, wet, and passionate. It had the most bittersweet taste of desperation, like they only had finite time with each other even if they had just been married.

Damen felt the same thing, and fear and resolve made him break the kiss. Breathing hard, he looked down at Mairi and even though it was clear she wanted him as much as he wanted her, Damen knew it was not enough.

“One day,” he said fiercely, “I will make you believe.” He didn’t give her time to answer. She didn’t need to anyway. Both of them knew where they each stood. She didn’t believe he could ever love her, and he knew she was only with him out of pity.

But for now, none of it mattered.

For now, they were simply Damen and Mairi, and tonight was their wedding night.

Damen kissed Mairi again, this time holding nothing back. He poured all his love and longing for Mairi in his kiss, and he was rewarded not a second later by her whimper. He did his best to be gentle, not wanting to accidentally hurt her as he took off her clothes as fast as he could. She did the same for him, and his need for her only became greater when he realized that her fingers were shaking as much as his was.

Soon, all their clothes were gone, and as if their minds were one, both of them slowly ended the kiss and pulled away to gaze at each other.

Mairi’s throat dried at the sight of Damen’s splendid nakedness. It had been so long since she had seen his body and a delicious shiver of awareness went through her, something she wouldn’t have been able to stop even if her life had depended on it.

He had become noticeably thinner in the months they had been apart, but he remained as beautiful as ever in her eyes, every glorious inch of his long, hard body perfectly sculpted. His broad shoulders, his beautifully muscled chest, six-pack abs, his well-toned legs, and his thick and blatantly aroused cock –

Oh God.

Mairi’s eyes squeezed shut as her mind was suddenly filled with visions of a naked Damen on top of her, his smooth muscled back arching just before pushing his cock inside her, his buttocks flexing as her hands dug into his behind—


The word played over and over in his mind, for it was truly the only thing Damen could think about as he slowly and thoroughly took in the sight of his resplendently naked bride. She had her arms crossed over her breasts, but they were ample enough for a hint of pinkness to show up on top. That tiny glimpse of her nipples was more than enough to have Damen’s cock jutting up even more insistently, and his desire became more and more uncontrollable as he took in her long bare legs and that sweet little pussy.

Tags: Marian Tee Billionaire Romance