Page 46 of Cocky Bastard

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As I exited the shower, the bathroom filled with steam. Wiping myself down, I looked in the mirror at my sculpted body and flexed my muscles.

Shit, I looked good.

With all of the time in the sun and my workouts, my body was truly in the best shape of my life. Sadly, I couldn’t even use it on anyone at the moment.

Rubbing the towel vigorously over my wet hair, I walked back out into Aubrey’s bedroom. A painting on the wall showing a woman with her breasts exposed caught my eye. It wasn’t there the last time I was in here. Must have been new. Holy shit. It was classy but still not something I expected her to have.

As I stared up at it, I thought about all the things I never had an opportunity to learn about her. Aubrey was definitely a sexual being, and it made me sad that I never really had a chance to tap more into that side, to push boundaries with her and take her places sexually that she’d never been. All that we could have done in those two years.

Fuck. I was getting hard again. A bead of precum formed at the tip of my dick. I was really hard up.

My body shook at the sound of her voice.

She screamed, “Oh my God!”

I turned around exposing my fully hard cock in all of its glory. “Shit!” I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist to cover my privates. Not only had she seen my ass as she walked in but also got the full frontal experience when I’d turned around.

She sounded breathless. “What are you doing?”

“I..uh…okay…so, I was really hot. I needed to cool down. I took a shower.” I laughed nervously. “I didn’t think you’d mind.”

“I guess I don’t mind, but Jesus, do you normally just stand there in the middle of the room stark naked staring at the wall?”

“I was staring at your lovely painting, actually.” My eyes trailed down the length of her body. She was wearing her workout clothes, a purple sports bra that squished her beautiful tits together and tight spandex. Dressed like that, she clearly wasn’t expecting me to be here this late in the afternoon. I normally didn’t stay here so long, but since I’d been building the shed, I lost track of time. She never came home this early.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“Shouldn’t I be asking you that? This is my house.”

“I know, but you’re normally not home until after five sometime.”

“I had a doctor’s appointment, so I didn’t go back to the office. I went to the gym instead and came home early to shower.”

“I just missed you then. We could have done that together.”

She rolled her eyes but cracked a tiny smile.

There was nothing hotter than the sight of Aubrey sweaty. My erection was impossible to control. So were my feelings. As I stood there still wrapped in the towel with my dick protruding through it, I slowly approached where she was standing. Her body stiffened and went into some sort of protective mode.

“I’ve missed you, Aubrey. You could probably tell I’ve been trying to give you space.”

Her chest was heaving. “I know you have. Just not right now, apparently.”

“That’s right. Not right now.”

Her eyes lowered to my abs and back up again. She wasn’t just sneaking a look at me. She was blatantly checking me out. Her pupils even seemed to dilate.

Inching even closer to her, I couldn’t help telling her how I felt. “You wanted to know why I was staring at the wall. You know what I was thinking about when you walked in?”


“I was thinking about how you present yourself as this prim and proper girl but that secretly you’re a little minx. That picture on the wall there proves it. You’re sexual by nature, someone who will never be fully satisfied by vanilla things. You’re someone who—whether you admit it or not—wants to try everything, push boundaries. I know if we were together, you’d let me do all the things I want to your body. And you’d fucking love it.”

“What kind of things?” she whispered. Her question surprised me.

Good girl. Play along, baby.

“Let’s talk about what I’d want to do right now if I could. I want to slowly lick every ounce of salty sweat off your body, starting with those beautiful tits. I’d clean you off with my tongue and fuck you hard until you come even harder with every drop of my cum inside of you where it belongs.”

She looked like she was squirming. “What else?” she asked as she backed away from me, which only made me walk toward her until my face was only inches from hers.

“Then, I’d fuck you all over again with my mouth. I’d love to try eating you out while you take my cock down your throat. I think you’d like that. I want to have you in every way; on top of me, under me and over my knee with my hand marks in pink on your beautiful pale ass. I can’t wait to fuck you again. When I say fuck, I really mean make love hard, because that’s all it could ever be with us, loving hard and fucking hard.”

“Oh God,” she muttered, closing her eyes.

Capitalizing on her weakness, I pressed my hungry mouth into hers and shamelessly took what I’d been starving to taste for two years. She opened for me as my tongue invaded her mouth, searching for hers. The moan she let out seemed to travel down my throat in a straight shot to my dick. She ran her fingers through my wet hair as I backed her into the wall, nearly knocking her lamp off of the bedside table. Still in nothing but a towel, I knew I needed to pull back but didn’t know how.

Finally, Aubrey pried herself away from me. “Please. Stop.”

In between panting breaths, I shouted, “Can’t you see how you react to me? Isn’t it obvious that we belong together?”

She walked to the opposite side of the room and started to pace. “Relationships aren’t all about sexual chemistry, Chance.”

“Bullshit. It’s extremely important. I don’t care how nice of a Dick he is, if he doesn’t know how to use his dick to please you, he won’t keep you happy forever. That’s beside the point anyway. You know damn well we have chemistry in every way. It’s far more than physical. In fact, the emotional connection between us is what scares you the most. So, what’s missing here? Trust? Because I’d give my left arm at this point to prove that you can trust me.”

She held her hands up and shook her head. “This is too much right now. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”

“When won’t it be too much? Will it ever be the right time?” I yelled and immediately regretted having raised my voice.

Pixy let out a noise. Bugger was sitting in the corner watching this go down like a movie.

“You’re scaring him,” she said.

“If he hasn’t fainted, he’s fine.”

She headed for the bathroom, and I trailed behind her.

“Stop running from me as soon as you start to feel something.” I put my hands on her shoulders to stop her. “Look at me, Princess.”

She turned around, appearing as if she was about to cry. “What?”

Here it was. I knew it was now or never. I shut my eyes then opened them before taking a deep breath. “I love you, Aubrey. Can’t you see that? I am head over heels in fucking love with you. I love you more than anything in this entire world. When I look into your eyes, I don’t just see you, I see my children. Hell, I see an entire farm of children and deaf, dumb and blind goats. I see my entire future. Without you, I see nothing. Nothing. Even those two years locked up, memories of you were what gave me the strength to go on every day. I know you have to resolve things with him, and I don’t expect a confirmation right now with me standing here in this towel. I’ll wait. In the meantime, I’m here. You have me. The question is, do you want to keep me, or will you throw me away?”

Tags: Vi Keeland Erotic