Page 37 of Left Behind

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I wake to Aunt Claire knocking gently on my door. When I don’t answer, she opens the door ever so slightly to check if I’m inside. As I hear the door open I notice Zack’s note half on my pillow and half stuck to my cheek by sleep drool. How attractive.

I quickly fold the note and stuff it under my pillow as I see Aunt Claire’s eyes peer in through the cracked door. “Wanted to check on you. I just got home.” Obviously she’s worried about how far my date went last night.

“How was your date with Zack?” she asks as she slides her head in just a little bit farther. I feel bad about making her beg for information, so I sit up and welcome her into my space. She truly has been great about giving me privacy and a beautiful bedroom. She hasn’t even complained about my boxes. I never had anything as special and private in my life and I worry that I haven’t thanked her enough.

“Come in. You don’t have to stand in the hall,” I say with a smile.

Still in her hospital whites, Aunt Claire sits on my bed. She never had children of her own and she’s still trying to figure out her role in our newfound relationship.

“So, did you have a nice not-go-to-the-dance date?”

I know I’m beaming, the flush of my cheeks telling more than my words. “It was really great.” I stop short without saying anything else, suddenly remembering sitting on Zack’s lap in the Charger long beyond midnight. She’s a really cool Aunt, but I’m not too sure that would be cool with her.

“Great? Well, that’s great, I guess.”

I sense the disappointment my limited response evokes, but I also think I spot some concern in her voice. I want to assure her everything is fine. More than fine actually.

“It was a great date, Aunt Claire.” I tell her how Zack surprised me by taking me to a lighthouse because I’d mentioned I had never seen one up close before. Sounds harmless enough, right? Thank goodness she doesn’t know that, minutes ago, I was dreaming about the feeling of Zack’s hard body against mine as we shared our first kiss at the lighthouse.

Feeling like I should give her a little more, but not yet ready to reveal the change in my and Zack’s relationship, I let her in on my idea.

“Zack runs too,” I say. “He’s actually really fast. I was thinking about running by his house to pick him up for a run this morning.” I don’t tell her it was actually Ash’s idea during our 1 a.m. phone call where she pried for details of how far I went with Zack in the Charger.

Concern wrinkles her face. Does she think it’s a bad idea? Is she just worried I’m moving too fast? “It’s a hot day, Nikki. I’m not sure a run in this kind of heat is safe.”

“The heat here is so much more bearable than in Texas!” I’m out of bed and grabbing clean running shorts from one of my boxes. “You can’t even imagine the difference. I’ve run miles in way hotter weather than this. My body is used to it.” I pause, and then add, “I think nursing makes you a perpetual worrier, Aunt Claire. I guess it’s a hazard of the job,” I smile attempting to lighten the suddenly serious mood. “

Aunt Claire, still holding onto a look of fear and concern, only says, “Go slow, Nikki.”

Chapter 26


“Zack? Zack, honey, you have company. Can you come down, please?” Mom sounds nervous.

I have company? The only person who ever comes by anymore is Keller and Keller hasn’t seen ten on a Sunday once in the twelve years I’ve known him.

I throw on a t-shirt and grab my Dodgers hat. A few steps down the stairs, I hear Mom mid conversation with another woman. I thought she said the company was for me?

From the top of the stairs, I catch a glimpse of a ponytail. Her back is to the steps, but I’d know that laugh anywhere…and the image of that ass is permanently scorched into my brain. Nikki is in my house, talking to Mom.

The creak of my footsteps on the wooden stairs alerts Nikki to my presence and she turns before I hit the landing. “Hi Zack,” she says, with energy that usually only comes from a bag of Swedish fish chased by a Red Bull. I spot her nervous smile as she speaks.

“I was out for a run and thought you might want to join me. It’s beautiful out,” she talks fast.

Mom is smiling even broader than Nikki. She looks like the sun just came out after a thunderstorm. I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I saw Mom light up with real happiness. I savor the moment.

“You want to race me again? I let you win last time. Don’t think I’m doing it twice,” I say with a grin.

She turns to my mom, her face full of innocence. “Zack didn’t let me win, Mrs. Martin. He’s trying to rewrite history to cope with the fact that he was beaten by a girl.” She turns to me. “Did you get a good night’s sleep?” Nikki arches an eyebrow and attempts to conceal her smirk. “You sure you’re up for a rematch? I don’t want you to have any excuses when I beat you again.”

After the hours in the car last night, she knows I didn’t get a good night sleep. I look to see if Mom picks up on her flirting. It’s a side of Nikki I’ve only seen just a glimpse of before, but I like it. A lot. It does something to me when she’s bold, pushing past her limit even though it scares her.

Mom doesn’t catch the meaning of our exchange since she doesn’t know about our date last night. I’m sure she assumed I was out with Keller— he’s the only person I’ve been out with anywhere since Emily. But Mom is obviously pleased with Nikki’s light-hearted and happy way because she beams from ear to ear.

Tags: Vi Keeland Romance