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My mouth dropped open, and I wondered if he was playing with me.

But when I kicked him in the head in my haste to get out, he didn’t move, not even to let out a groan.

He just laid there, and I wasn’t sure if he was even breathing.

I stopped, just like any stupid movie girl would, and looked at him in dismay.

He hadn’t actually been threatening me. He’d only asked me not to run.

I hadn’t given him the chance to explain, and now he was dying because of something that I’d done to him, not that I could tell anyone what I’d done since I had no idea what it even was.

I couldn’t figure it out myself.

I crept forward and started to press my hand against his head, but I froze.

Instead I picked up the old windshield wiper that was in the floorboard of my truck and poked him with it.




The next time I poked him slightly harder and still there was no response from him.

“Sweet baby Jesus,” I whispered, reaching over him into his pocket.

I found first a set of keys, and then a phone, and smiled.

Opening the phone, surprised that there wasn’t some sort of lock on it, I flipped through the recent calls on his phone, choosing to go to the first person on his call list, someone who he has called more than once, a man named ‘Keifer.’

The call took no time at all to connect, and five seconds after the first ring, a man answered with a terse, “You’re fucking late.”

“I am?” I asked.

There was silence on the other end of the line and I almost kicked myself for saying that.

“Who is this?” the man asked.

“Listen,” I said, backing away from Ian. “I accidentally hurt,” I choked on that word, “Ian. He’s gonna need a ride.”

“Where are you?” the man asked, much more tense this time. “What’d you do to him? If you hurt him in any way, I will find you, and I will make sure you suffer a fate worse than death.”

“Where have I heard that before?” I muttered stubbornly. “Your threats are weak.”

I got combative when I was nervous. Did I mention that before?

The man growled and I decided that was enough teasing.

“We’re at a studio parking lot in the business district downtown. Corner of Lexington and Kentucky,” I finally said after my senses came back to me. “I’m going to leave him propped up against the side of the building, okay?”

I hung up before he could reply, and I looked at the man slumped in my seat.

There was no way I could move him by myself, so I looked at the corner where the old man who tried to feed me every night usually stood smoking and smiled.

“Mr. Chang!” I said loudly. “Can you help me for a minute?”

Five minutes later, Ian was propped up as best as he could get against the building, and I was starting my truck and backing out of the parking lot.

After a quick wave to Mr. Chang, I peeled out of the parking lot and drove straight for the last place Ian would ever think to look for me.

His place.

It was big. He’d never find me.

I’d use the time while he was looking for me to come up with a better plan. Maybe once I could think straight, I could come up with something more plausible.

Until then, I was too fucking scared.

Plus, I had a key.

Something told me that anywhere else I decided to go, he’d find me.

If I used my credit cards or bank card somewhere, it was likely he could trace me through them.

I had to go somewhere that was free.

It was a good idea…right?Chapter 3People…not a fan.

-Ian’s secret thoughts


“Get the fuck off me,” I said through clenched teeth.

Keifer stepped back and glared.

“You got yourself knocked out by a girl?” Keifer asked. “What were you doing to her? Trying to force yourself on her?”

My fists clenched in indignation.

I just stared at my king and thought about never telling him anything ever again.

So I had fucking kinky desires. So fucking what! I never did a goddamned thing without the explicit consent of the other party involved.

And just because he’d walked in one fucking time when he heard my sex partner screaming ‘no’ wasn’t my fault. The girl had laughed when I’d been pulled off her, and she’d laughed even more when she’d explained to Keifer that it was all consensual.

That was really why I didn’t live at the sanctuary with them.

Once was enough to be interrupted during sex.

“Why aren’t you looking at me?” Keifer growled.

He grabbed the scarf that was miraculously still around my neck and, on instinct, I jerked away.

His hand held onto the scarf, though, exposing my neck to his gaze.

“Motherfucker,” Keifer growled.

I sighed and stood up, my feet feeling like limp noodles as I backed away from him.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic