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My eyes widened in shock as they walked over to Merrick and picked him up by the arms, half dragging, half carrying him to the kitchen table that was only a few feet from my face.***“Robert,” I said. “His name is Robert?”

“Who’s Merrick?” Wink asked.

Brooklyn stiffened and Nikolai patted her cheek.

“Merrick is the man who tried to kidnap me,” Brooklyn swallowed. “That little snippet that you just saw was actually Robert—the man you saw in the park—taking the geis off of Merrick. The problem with that is that the geis was tied to his life force.”

“And he died?” Wink asked in confusion.

Brooklyn’s eyes flicked to mine once before returning to Wink’s.

“No, Ian was able to save him.”

“Then where’s he at?” Wink asked.

“That…is a very good fucking question,” Keifer joined the party. “One that I’d love to know the answer to.”

I picked up a paperweight off of Keifer’s desk, tossing it into my other hand as I watched Keifer.

Then froze as my world, for the second time in five minutes, warped.

And when I finally came to, nothing was the same.Chapter 17A wise man once said, ‘Fuck this shit’ and lived happily ever after.

-Ian’s secret thoughts


“This is the last time you go anywhere without a trio of guards on your ass,” I informed her bluntly. “I almost made a fatal mistake today, and I knew beforehand that I should be careful. I don’t know what made me say yes, but it definitely has something to do with the way you shoved your vagina in my face when you asked me if you could do the session.”

She giggled, rolling over until her face was buried in my arm.

“I don’t remember that being a problem at the time,” she murmured.

I could tell she was now looking at me, her eyes studying my face.

“You picked something up today while you were at Keifer’s.”

I nodded my head. “I did.”

“What was it?” she whispered.


“What about Farrow?” she persisted.

I swallowed.

“Farrow’s not so good anymore,” I said through parched lips. “What I saw today, if it’s true…it could be bad.”

She sat up and I could feel her breathing on my face.

“What did you see,” she asked again, poking me in the chest and booking no room for argument.

I sighed and pulled her completely on top of me, wrapping my arms around her back and timing my breaths to hers.

She felt so good against my chest.

So good.

Nothing would make what I was about to say any easier, but I had to say it.

Had to get it off my chest.

“I only saw enough to really suspect,” I cleared my throat. “But if what I suspect is true, then Keifer’s going to flip his lid.”

She poked me in the ribs, and I chuckled.

My erection, never one to go down when she was near me, jerked against her.

She wiggled, but said or did nothing more as she waited for me to finish.

I squeezed her hips.

“Farrow is selling secrets.”

“Selling what kind of secrets?” she growled. “If you don’t give me the whole damn story, I’m going over to Keifer’s house, walking inside, and heading straight for that paperweight.”

I chuckled against her.

“You don’t have to walk over there. I took it,” I told her. “It’s in my pants pocket.”

She was gone so quick I didn’t even have time to hold on.

I heard her shuffling around the darkened room, and I took pity on her and rolled, switching on the lamp beside the bed.

I nearly laughed as I saw her on her hands and knees as she searched blindly for my pants.

The moment the light lit the room, she darted for my pants and yanked the paperweight out, gasping the moment it touched her skin.

I knew what she was seeing.

Farrow, walking into the room. Picking up paperweights as he tried to find the key to Keifer’s desk. He picked up the last paperweight, then set it down with a loud thump.

When he set it down, though, he accidentally knocked over the cup of water that was sitting on the side of the desk.

Instead of the water flowing off the side, it flowed to the middle.

Farrow, in his haste to stop the water from getting the paper wet, hastily tore his shirt off and sopped up the water, dislodging the jar of pens that was at the corner of the desk.

And spilling out not just the pens, but the key that he’d been searching for.

Once he had the key, he opened the desk and started to sift through files.

The thing about that, though, was that he knew what he was looking for. Knew what was in there. What was good, and what wasn’t.

After taking five files, he locked the desk back up.

Just before he was able to clean the desk, he heard him. Keifer. Walking swiftly to the entrance of the office.

He hastily grabbed his shirt, then ran as quietly as he could to the corner of the room and waited.

Tags: Lani Lynn Vale I Like Big Dragons Erotic